How to Get Rid of Tonsil Stones Naturally? (Tonsillitis)

Do you feel severe pain while swallowing, often has bad or a metallic taste accompanied by a sore throat and strep throat? If yes, you are suffering from tonsil stones also known as tonsillitis. This is quite a serious and embarrassing problem. Tonsil stones are white formations or hard yellow that reside on or within the tonsils. Tonsils are formed with crevices, tonsil crypts, and tunnels. Different types of debris like mucus, saliva, dead cells and food may get trapped and build up in these pockets. Fungi and bacteria feed on the buildup and contribute a bad odor. Tonsil stones are very irritating and it should be treated on time. Here, in this article, you will get some amazing tips to get rid of tonsil stones.

Symptoms of Tonsil Stones:

  • Bad breath
  • White debris
  • Sore throat
  • Difficulty while swallowing
  • Ear pain
  • Tonsil swelling

Causes of Tonsil Stones:

  • Having large tonsils
  • Chronic sinus issues
  • Bad dental hygiene

Best Remedies to Get Rid of Tonsil Stones Naturally:

1.) Salty Water to Get Rid of Tonsil Stones Fast

Salt water is a good home remedy to eliminate buildup in the tonsils. Gargling with salt water helps to fight against bacteria and mucous cells from the oral cavity. The salt helps to fight against infection.

Directions to Use Salty Water:

  • Prepare a salty water by mixing 1 tsp of table salt in a cup of hot water.
  • Gargle with this salty water and don’t swallow it.
  • After gargling, spit the water out.
  • Repeat this remedy as much as needed to speed up recovery.

2.) Drink Water to Treat Tonsil Stones

Drinking lots of water will keep your body hydrated and will keep you away from several diseases. It helps to restore a number of fluids back to the body. If you keep your body hydrated then it will also keep your throat hydrated. When your throat is hydrated, your throat will not be to tonsil stones.

3.) Garlic to Cure Tonsil Stones Naturally

Raw garlic cloves are one of the best natural home remedies for treating tonsil stones. This remedy has been used to remove tonsil stones effectively. The anti-bacterial properties in garlic are used to help various conditions which are caused by bacteria and tonsil stones.

Directions to Use Garlic:

  • Chew on a garlic clove a few times in a day and the garlic will help to remove bacteria that might contribute to the solidification of the material in the tonsils.
  • Add some garlic to your tea and meals as well.

4.) Lemon Juice to Prevent Tonsil Stones Fast

Lemon contains antibacterial, antiviral and anti-inflammatory qualities that will help to relieve the inflammation and infection. Moreover, the high content of vitamin C in lemon helps to improve the body’s resistance to infections.

Directions to Use Lemon Juice:

  • In a glass of lukewarm water, add a pinch of salt, add 1 tsp of lemon juice and 1 tsp of honey to it. Drink it slowly, 2 times in a day for a few days.
  • An alternate method, sprinkle a little pepper, a little salt on a slice of lemon and then lick on the lemon slice. It will help to remove the phlegm out of your throat. Do it 2 or 3 times in a day for many days.

5.) Unsweetened Yogurt to Treat Tonsil Stones Fast

Eating organic and unsweetened yogurt helps to remove tonsil stones. It contains probiotic which is good bacteria and helps to fight against infection. It will remove tonsil stones and prevent them from coming back. The probiotic yogurt will clean out the bacteria present in your tonsils which are responsible for the development of this problem.

6.) Apple Cider Vinegar to Get Rid of Tonsil Stones Fast

Apple cider vinegar is one of the best home remedies for several health ailments including tonsil stones. It contains acid that helps to remove tonsil stones.

Directions to Use Vinegar:

  • Make sure, you use diluted vinegar.
  • Dilute the vinegar with a little amount of water.
  • Then gargle with this diluted vinegar.
  • Do it daily until you get relief from tonsil stones.

7.) Onion to Treat Tonsil Stones Fast

Eating raw onions helps to improve your oral health and prevent oral infections because of its anti-bacterial qualities. Moreover, onion juice is good for inflammation and tonsils.

Directions to Use Onion:

  • Chew on raw onions 2 to 3 minutes daily to remove and prevent tonsil stones.
  • Onion helps to remove bad breath which is a symptom of tonsil stones.

8.) Figs to Cure Tonsil Stones

Figs are very effective for treating tonsil stones at home. Due to its high mucilage content, it helps to reduce pain and soreness which is caused by tonsil stones.

Directions to Use Figs:

  • Boil 3 dried figs in water and mash them properly. Eat it with 1 tbsp of honey 2 or 3 times in a day for a number of days.
  • An alternate method, boil and mash some figs. Use boiling water that you have used for boiling figs while mashing the figs. Apply this figs paste on the outer part of your throat. Let it dry and then wash it off with hot water. Repeat it once in a day to relieve pain from tonsil stones.

9.) Turmeric to Treat Tonsil Stones Naturally and Fast

The strong antiseptic and anti-inflammatory properties in turmeric help to fight against tonsil infection and relieve irritating symptoms. The best and easy way to use it is, mix a pinch of turmeric in a glass of warm milk and drink it before going to bed.

Directions to Use Turmeric:

  • Add 1 tsp of turmeric powder to a glass of salt water or hot water. Use this mixture to gargle many times in a day and before bedtime. It will help you to treat soreness and inflammation.
  • An alternate method, mix 1 tsp of turmeric powder and a pinch of ground black pepper in a glass of hot milk. Drink it at night for 2 to 3 days to speed up the healing process.

10.) Cinnamon to Get Rid of Tonsil Stones Fast

Cinnamon is the best home remedy for tonsil stones treatment. It contains antibacterial properties which help in the growth of bacteria and other micro-organisms in the tonsils and helps to reduce pain, swelling and inflammation.

Directions to Use Cinnamon:

  • Take a glass of hot water and add 1 tsp of cinnamon powder to it.
  • Add 2 tsp of honey to it.
  • Sip it slowly while it is still hot.
  • Drink it 2 or 3 times in a day for one week.

Other Useful Tips:

  • Avoid dairy products in your daily diet. Because these products promote the accumulation of mucus and calcium which are known for tonsil stones causes.
  • Brush your teeth daily so that you can remove food debris that gets trapped in between your teeth.
  • Drinks with alcohol will leave your mouth dry. So stop drinking alcohol and smoking.
  • Taking probiotics will help to maintain a healthy balance of bacteria in your body. Include garlic, carrots, apples and onions in your diet.
  • Flossing is also helpful as it will help to remove excess bacteria that contribute to the formation of tonsil stones.
  • By maintaining oral hygiene habits, it can help to prevent stones from developing.
  • Eating the proper diet will help to treat and remove tonsil stones. Include diet rich in probiotics and vitamins that will help the body to get rid of tonsil stones.