How to Get Rid of Warts Naturally?

Having a wart on the body can be embarrassing. It is a stubborn growth on the skin that is caused by HPV (Human Papillomavirus) infection. HPV really works like an umbrella for many strains of a virus that can appear all over the body. Some types of warts appear single and other types of warts appear in clusters. The wart grows as a pale skin with a rough surface. This skin blister is contagious and thus, it is necessary to treat them quickly because it may cause various health problems. This problem can be controlled with the most effective methods of treatment. It is very important to follow the best ways to get rid of warts.

Symptoms of Warts:

  • Small bumps appear on the skin
  • Pain in the skin
  • Rough and irregular surface appear on the skin
  • Itching or bleeding

Causes of Warts:

  • If somebody bites or scratches a wart.
  • Shaving legs or face
  • Sucking fingers
  • HPV virus
  • Biting nails

How Long Does Wart Last?

Warts generally disappear within a period of 6 months to 2 years. It appears 1 to 6 months after the person has become infected.

Best Remedies to Get Rid of Warts Naturally:

1.) Use Warm Water and Sea Salt to Treat Warts Fast

Soaking the wart for 15 minutes in warm salt water is very helpful. It will moisten the skin. Then you can easily scrape the dead skin layers of the wart with a nail filer, mild sandpaper or pumice stone. You can also use your fingers but wash them properly before and after as warts may easily spread. Apply a large flake of sea salt to the wart and moisten the wart. Put a tape or band-aid over the wart to hold the salt on the affected place and observe it for several days and replace it after you shower or it falls off.

2.) Apple Cider Vinegar to Get Rid of Warts

Apple cider vinegar is one of  the best home remedies for skin related problems thus, you can also use it to get rid of warts. Its high acidity, it will attack the flesh that makes up the wart and it kills the wart itself and allows it to peel from the skin.

Directions to Use Apple Cider Vinegar:

  • Take 2 tbsp of apple cider vinegar and apply it to the wart with the help of cotton ball or a piece of cotton fabric.
  • Hold it over your wart and cover it with a cloth or a strip of gauze.
  • Do it every night and remove it during the day.
  • The wart will come off within 1 to 2 weeks.

3.) Garlic to Cure Warts Naturally and Fast

Garlic has several benefits including the skin benefits. It contains medicinal properties such as antifungal properties, antiviral and antibacterial properties that will fight viral infections.

Directions to Use Garlic:

  • Take a garlic clove, crush it and then apply it to your wart.
  • Use a bandage to cover it.
  • Keep it for about 20 minutes and then wash the affected area well.
  • Repeat this remedy two times a day for a week.
  • This caustic effect of the garlic will cause the wart to fall off.
  • If you don’t like the smell of garlic then you can take garlic capsules 3 times a day for a week.

4.) Vitamin C to Treat Warts Fast

Vitamin C is one of the best treatment because it contains vitamin C that is highly acidic in nature and will help to clear the wart and fight the virus itself.

Directions to Use Vitamin C:

  • Take 2 to 3 vitamin C tablets and crush them in a bowl.
  • To form a fine paste, mix a little water in it.
  • Rub this paste on your warts and cover it with a bandage. It may cause some burning sensation but quickly it will go away.

5.) Baking Soda to Get Rid of Warts Fast

Baking soda is the best home remedy to get rid of warts. It has strong anti-inflammatory and antiseptic properties, that helps to control viruses that cause warts.

Directions to Use Baking Soda:

  • Prepare a thick paste by mixing 1 tsp of white vinegar and baking soda.
  • Apply this paste to your warts 2 times a day.
  • Another method is to mix castor oil and baking soda together to form a paste. Apply this paste to the wart and cover the affected area with a bandage. Keep it the whole night and remove the bandage in the next morning. Repeat this remedy for many days until the wart is gone.

6.) Aloe Vera to Heal Warts Naturally and Fast

Aloe Vera is used to treat many health problems including warts. It is well-known for its strong anti-inflammatory properties that are very effective in treating warts. It contains many essential properties will help to heal warts.

Directions to Use Aloe Vera:

  • Take an Aloe Vera leaf, scrape the gel from it and then apply it on your wart with a clean cotton ball.
  • With the help of a bandage or tape, hold the cotton ball on the wart.
  • Repeat this process 2 times a day for 2 weeks.

7.) Castor Oil to Get Rid of Warts Naturally and Fast

Castor oil is one of the best home remedies and can be used to treat many skin conditions including warts. The castor oil contains ricinoleic acid which is best known to have anti-bacterial and anti-inflammatory properties. The oil works great on small and flat warts on the back of the hands and on the face.

Directions to Use Castor Oil:

  • Apply castor oil on your warts many times a day. The affected area should be properly soaked and covered with the oil.
  • Before bedtime, apply castor oil with a cotton ball over your wart. Clean it in the morning and soak it in warm water for some time. Use a pumice stone to rub the dead skin.
  • Repeat this home remedy for a few days and it will become dark and fall off.

8.) Tea Tree Oil to Get Rid of Warts Fast and Naturally

The strong anti-viral properties of tea tree oil make it a great natural ingredient to cure warts. Tea tree oil has several health benefits for treating skin problems including warts.

Directions to Use Tea Tree Oil:

  • Tea tree oil is strong so dilute it with water or you can use Aloe Vera before using it on warts.
  • Apply the diluted tea tree oil on your affected skin many times during the day and at night before bedtime.
  • This oil is absorbed by the skin easily and it will fight the virus that causing this problem.

9.) Basil to Treat Warts Naturally

Basil leaves also have some medicinal properties such as antibacterial and anti-inflammatory properties that will help to treat warts. It is one of the best natural remedies for treating warts.

Directions to Use Basil Leaves:

  • Take some fresh basil leaves, crush them and rub them on your warts.
  • You can also apply the crushed leaves on warts and use a bandage to cover it. Repeat this remedy 2 times a day for faster improvement.

10.) Banana Peel to Get Rid of Warts

Banana peels can treat warts because of its strong antioxidant properties. The oils and chemicals in the banana peel will help to dissolve the wart and help your immune system to fight against the virus which is caused warts.

Directions to Use Banana Peel:

  • Take a banana peel and apply it to your wart.
  • Do it before going to bed and leave it overnight.
  • For better results, you can use green banana peels.