How do You Get Scabies?

In this article, we will discuss how do you get scabies, and also different home remedies to get rid of scabies. Scabies is a type of skin disease which is known to be highly communicable. Scabies are mostly caused due to a parasite which is known as mites and lives on human skin. Also, it is known as “itch mite”. Scabies is a sort of skin disease which is generally caused due to skin to skin contact. Once you get infested with scabies, it becomes quite difficult to get rid of it easily. However, there are numerous home remedies which can help you in getting rid of scabies fast and naturally.

This article will also help you in knowing the different causes and symptoms which result in scabies infection. Along with this, we will also suggest you some of the top home remedies to get away with scabies. You might even want to know that how do you get scabies. But firstly you will need to know about the different causes that are responsible for causing scabies.

Causes of Scabies:

  • Direct skin to skin contact is the most common cause of scabies.
  • Adults usually get scabies with sexual contact.
  • Contact with a contaminated object, such as towel, bedding, upholstered furniture, etc.
  • A weak immune system can also increase the risk of suffering from scabies.
  • A person who have undergone an organ transplant recently.

Symptoms of Scabies:

  • Intense itching at night.
  • Itchy skin
  • Pimple kind of rashes.
  • Red rashes on the skin.

Some of the Common Areas Where it occurs:

  • Waist
  • Space between the fingers.
  • Armpit
  • Elbow
  • Under the breast.
  • Genital area
  • Buttocks
  • Wrist
  • Knees
  • Soles of feet

How do You Get Scabies?

1.) Getting in Contact With an Infected Skin

The most common and simple cause by which you get scabies is the contact/friction of skin to skin. This means that you can get infected if you come in contact with the person who is already suffering from scabies. Shaking hands with an already infected person can get your scabies with about sixty to seventy percent of chances.

2.) Infected Things can Cause Scabies

This is another cause that is responsible for making you get scabies. If you get in contact with scabies infested objects, there are possible chances of you also being getting infected with it. Such contaminated things can be anything from bed sheets, pillows, sofas, to coat, shirt, laptop, phones, etc. This means that when these objects get contaminated with the germs, there is a chance of getting scabies easily.

3.) Sexually Transmitted Disease (STD)

Well, scabies can also get transmitted through sexual contact. In fact, this is considered one of the most common reasons which have been found in the recent researches done. If your partner is suffering from scabies and you make a sexual contact, it is most likely that you get scabies.

4.) Pets Infested with Scabies

There is a different type of mite which is known to be responsible for causing scabies in the pets (dogs and cats). This scabies in dogs is known as mange. This can be very harmful to you and your family. In case your pet is already infected with mites, then there are chances of you also getting scabies. So, it’s better to avoid touching your infected pets.

Now let us know about the remedies for scabies treatment.

Ways to Get Rid of Scabies:

1.) Tea Tree Oil to Get Rid of Scabies Fast and Naturally

Tea tree oil is an excellent essential oil which is one of the very effective home remedies to kill any of the fungal infection responsible for causing scabies. This is because tea tree oil comprises great antiseptic, antifungal and anti-bacterial qualities. Therefore tea tree oil is considered useful in different skin ailments including scabies. It will also help in preventing the further occurrence of scabies in future. There are two ways to use tea tree oil and both are mentioned below.


  • Firstly, you will need to take several drops of tea tree oil in a bowl.
  • Next, take a cotton ball and dip it in the bowl.
  • Apply the oil directly to your affected area using the soaked cotton balls.
  • Alternatively, you can add a couple of drops of tea tree essential oil in your bathing water.
  • Take a bath with this diluted water.
  • This will help you in getting rid of scabies issue naturally and fast.

2.) Turmeric to Get Rid of Scabies Fast and Naturally

Turmeric is another amazing ingredient which is perfect for scabies treatment and is also easily available in most of the households. It is considered one of the potent antiseptic home remedy which will help you kill the mites causing scabies. It is also known for its strong anti-inflammatory qualities.


  • To use turmeric as a remedy against scabies, take one tablespoon of turmeric and several drops of lemon juice.
  • Mix them thoroughly to make a fine paste. Now, simply apply the paste on the affected skin area.
  • Leave it on for about ten to fifteen minutes.
  • Later, rinse it off with cold water.

3.) Indica Oil to Get Rid of Scabies Fast and Naturally at Home

Indica essential oil is one of the best home remedies to treat scabies. It has amazing anti-fungal and antibacterial properties. Because of these qualities, indicate oil has the maximum chance of curing this condition quickly. There are two ways to use indica oil. Both are mentioned below.


  • First, you will need to apply the Indica oil directly on your skin.
  • Next, give a gentle massage after applying this oil. It will help your skin absorb the oil.
  • Alternatively, mix turmeric powder with indica oil and make a paste of it.
  • Then, apply this paste on the affected skin.
  • This will help soothe your skin and help in preventing you from getting infected in future.

4.) Use Clove Oil to Treat Scabies

Spices are always considered very helpful in term of home remedies to treat scabies and clove oil is one such example. Clove oil has amazing anti-inflammatory and anti-bacterial properties which are quite useful in killing the mites.


  • Mix several drops of coconut oil and clove oil.
  • Mix both thoroughly to make a perfect combination.
  • Next, apply the mixture directly on your infected skin.
  • This will help you get instant relief from itching and burning sensation caused due to scabies.
  • Apply this remedy regularly until the scabies is cured completely.

5.) Bleach to Get Rid of Scabies

Bleach is another potent ingredient as it contains chlorine, which makes it effective in curing scabies. With the regular application of bleach remedy on your skin you will get quick and best results.


  • Add one or two tablespoons of bleach in a cup of water.
  • Mix the solution thoroughly.
  • Wash the infected skin three times a day with this solution.
  • Follow the process regularly until you are fully cured.

6.) Aloe Vera to Get Rid of Scabies Fast and Naturally

It is the herb which is known to be very helpful for different skin ailments because of its potent medicinal properties. The Aloe Vera herb works as a magic for skin related issues such as acne, redness, blemishes and many other issues. In this remedy, you will need to extract the gel from the Aloe Vera leaves.


  • Apply the Aloe Vera gel on your infected skin.
  • It will give you quick relief because of its great cooling effect on your skin.
  • Massage it after applying and let your skin absorb the gel completely.
  • Apply it regularly until your condition improves.

7.) Pure Lavender Oil to Get Rid of Scabies

Pure lavender essential oil is known to promote skin cell regeneration and helps eliminate parasites such as mites which cause scabies. It also has other skin benefits and since it smells pleasent so you can use it without any do.


  • Add a couple of drops of pure lavender essential oil in your warm bath water.
  • Soak yourself in this bath water for about fifteen minutes.
  • This will help in soothing your skin and give quick relief from the itching.
  • Follow this remedy once daily for several weeks.

8.) White Vinegar to Treat Scabies

The acidic properties of white vinegar help in balancing the pH level of your skin. It is found that any change in the pH level can help in eliminating mites causing scabies.


  • Pour the same amount of white vinegar and water in a bowl and mix it well.
  • Apply this prepared solution on the concerned skin area using a cotton ball.
  • Let it sit for a couple of minutes before you rinse it off with lukewarm water.
  • Follow this remedy three times every day for two weeks to get rid of the infection completely.