How to Get Super Glue off Skin?

Do you know that feeling when you break the handle off of your favourite mug? Utter devastation. Or the panic when you break your mothers’ favourite vase? Thankfully, super glue is always there to save the day! Though sometimes the glue can hamper your happiness, as it leaks and gets stuck to your skin. In this article, we shall see how to get super glue off skin without hurting yourself.

How Does Super Glue Work?

One square inch of the bond of super glue can withstand one ton of weight. It’s no wonder that it’s everyone’s go-to glue for various repair works. The main component in this glue is a chemical called Cyanoacrylate. All it requires is the slightest hint of moisture for it to start working. This chemical undergoes a reaction process called “anionic polymerization”. This means that the cyanoacrylate molecules start linking up when it comes into contact with water to form a durable plastic mesh. The byproduct of this chemical reaction is the heat it generates. So be careful when using super glue, as large quantities of it touching your skin can lead to burns.

 Ways to Get Super Glue off Skin:

It’s no surprise that getting super glue on skin happens often. It is, however, important to remember not to try and pull the super glue off your skin. You may be risking tearing off the skin as a result. The most common parts of your skin that get stuck is your fingers and fingertips. Sometimes, you may get it over your mouth. This usually happens when you try to unscrew that stubborn cap off the glue tube with your teeth. But if you get it near your eyes, consult a doctor. Otherwise, read on to know easy methods to get super glue off the skin.

1.) Acetone to Get Super Glue off Skin

The most common method and best remedy to get super glue off skin are to use acetone. The best source of acetone is your regular nail polish remover. Acetone works to soften the cyanoacrylate in super glue and dries it out fast enough to flake it off your skin. Follow these steps to utilise acetone to get super glue off skin,

  • Use an acetone-based nail polish remover. Pour it into a small bowl and soak the part of the skin that is stuck together. Now rub your fingers together gently to agitate the super glue.
  • If it is simply on one finger, or as a patch on your hand, you can use your other fingers to rub the acetone onto the super glue. Keep in mind not to use a cotton swab for this as it may react badly with the loosening cyanoacrylate.
  • Soon enough, you should be able to unstick your fingers.
  • Now, let the area dry. Then, with a nail emery board gently flake off the remaining super glue. If there is a lot of glue, then use a pumice stone soaked in warm, soapy water to scrub gently.
  • Alternatively, you can let it peel off on its own. The glue will turn white and eventually flake off without any help.
  • Once the glue is completely off, rub some moisturiser into your skin. This is because acetone is a drying agent.
  • Use an acetone from a good brand.

Note: This is best used on tougher skin types, and may be too harsh for sensitive skin. Do not apply acetone to open wounds.

2.) Peel the Glue the Glue first

Before starting with any remedy, first, try to gently peel the glue. Sometimes, glue easily gets off by simply peeling, especially if it has stuck on your finger or between the fingers. Gently, remove it without hurting yourself.

  • Let the glue dry completely. Let it get solid. If it is still sticky do not touch it, otherwise you will end up sticking it other place.
  • You can strip it with the fingernails or tweezers. Wash your fingernails before beginning.
  • Peel the dried glue from the edge and gradually peel it away from the fingers or skin.
  • Stop if it hard to remove or you get pain.

3.) Soak to Get Super Glue off Skin

Another easy and safe way to remove super glue is soaking. If you do end up glueing your fingers together, you can soak them in warm water and soap to loosen the glue. The idea is that the water will force its way under the glue and shake its hold on the surface it has latched on. If you notice, super glue does not stay on the skin forever. This is because the sweat that is excreted from our pores slowly and gradually pushes the dried glue off. This method of soaking simply speeds up this process. Hence, you do not have to wait days for it to come off entirely.

  • Make a soapy bath soak for your fingers. Do this by adding some body wash in a bowl of warm water and mix.
  • Now soak your bonded fingers in this bath. Move your fingers together in a gentle rubbing motion. But be careful not to force the fingers apart, or you risk tearing the skin.
  • Eventually, your fingers will become unstuck. You can use a dull, rounded utensil (like a spoon) to wedge the fingers apart after soaking. Scrape off the excess glue with your fingernails. If it still does not work, add a drop of nail polish remover directly to the glued area and try again.

4.) Get Super Glue off Skin of Your Mouth

Surely there have been times when you’ve asked someone to “zip” their mouths shut. Or perhaps, you were asked to zip your mouth shut. Some people quite literally manage to glue their mouths shut! This seems like a bizarre thing at first, but most us have that bad habit of unscrewing stubborn caps with our teeth. Super glue is actually quite free-flowing so if you squeeze just a little too hard, it spills and gets everywhere.

  • Apply a generous amount of warm water to your lips. Use your tongue to gently apply pressure and maximum saliva from the inside.
  • Another thing you can do is to immerse your lips in a shallow pool of warm water. Use a wide bowl or coffee cup for this. Now try gently wetting and pushing your tongue against the bonded skin.
  • As you are applying gentle pressure from the outside, rub and roll your lips together. Do this like you would spread lipstick.
  • Soon enough, you will be able to use a dull, rounded utensil (like a spoon) to wedge between your lips. This is a very delicate part of the skin. So be careful not to apply too much pressure or risk tearing the skin.

Note: Do not use acetone on your face. If the glue gets on your face, then use this method to get it off. However, if the glue gets inside your mouth, you will have to wait for the saliva to loosen it up. There is no fear of swallowing the liquid glue, as when it comes in contact with the saliva it hardens instantly.

5.) Salt to Get Super Glue off Skin

Salt is another home remedy to get super glue off fingers. The abrasive salt particles will scrape at the glue bond to erode it away. You can make a paste of salt and water, to scrub at the bonded skin.

  • Add a few drops of water in 2 tablespoons of salt to make the paste. Place a small amount of this paste onto the glued area.
  • Rub your fingers together for about 30-60 seconds. Keep adding this mix to the skin as required, and rub till the salt has dissipated.

6.) Get Super Glue off Skin with Petroleum Jelly

Another safe and inexpensive method to get super glue off hands, fingers and skin is to use petroleum jelly. Any typical lip balm contains petroleum jelly. As a result, these are a good substitute for when you do not have plain petroleum jelly on hand. Simply massage the around the bonded skin with this for a few minutes. Not only will this help get super glue off skin, but also prevent further damage to your skin. In addition to this, it will moisturise your skin. You can also use Vaseline, sine it is synonymous with petroleum jelly.

7.) Hand Lotion to Get Super Glue off Skin

This is one of the simplest ways to remove super glue from skin. You will find that most hand lotions work for this remedy. Simply rub the lotion over the bonded area. Rub in a circular motion over the area with glue till a little outside the perimeter of the glued area. Keep applying lotion and rubbing it in till you see the glue lifting up at the edges. Do this remedy till you see the glue peel off from your skin. This will not damage your skin and keep it moisturised.

8.) Oil to Get Super Glue off Fingers

This is another home remedy to get super glue off your skin. Vegetable oil is a kitchen staple and so it is inexpensive and easily available. Apply some oil on a cotton cloth and gently rub over your skin. Make sure not to rub hard enough to create heat. Do this for a couple of minutes till the glue starts to loosen. Re-apply oil directly to the bonded area and gently rub your fingers together. You can use baby oil, or almond oil in lieu of vegetable oil. This too is safe for your skin and won’t cause any damage.

9.) Get Super Glue off  Hands with Margarine

Margarine is also an inexpensive and easy method to get rid of super glue from the skin. This method is good for people with sensitive skin. Use a little bit of grease to get super glue off the skin. Rub some margarine repeatedly over the area till the glue loosens. Wait for a few seconds, once the glue starts peeling, peel with the ginger nail or with the tweezer. If you are not able to remove the entire glue from skin, hands or fingers then simply apply some more margarine and wait for a few minutes before peeling it off.

10.) Detergent to Get Super Glue off Skin

Finally, one of the other methods to get super glue off skin is to use laundry detergent. Simply mix ¼ cup liquid laundry detergent with hot water in a coffee mug. And, soak your fingers in this bath for 20 minutes. This is again not advisable to be used on the face. In addition, it can cause your skin to become dry so be sure to apply moisturiser over this area after the treatment. However, do not use a harsh detergent, use one from a good brand. If the detergent remedy does not work, move on to the another remedy.

11.) Warm Compress to Get Super Glue Off Hands

Apart from soapy solution and warm water remedy, you can also give a shot to warm compress. This will also help you o remove the superglue from hands and skin. In addition to this. It is very easy to use. All you have to do is apply warm compress on the skin that is stuck with superglue. Leave it on for a few seconds. After 30 seconds, remove the war compress and wash the skin with warm water. Later gently remove the glue.

12.) Get Super Glue off Eyelid

In the rare event that super glue gets on your eyelid, then remain calm and do not panic. First of all, bathe the area with warm water. You can do this by dipping a very soft cloth in warm water. Now gently bathe the eyelid with this. Make sure to wash well. Since it is a sensitive part of the skin, it may sting as a result. But be brave, and apply a gauze patch. Once this is secure, make an appointment with your doctor. Visit the doctor to safely treat this area. Do note that you must under no circumstance try to force your eye open.