How to Go to Sleep?

In this article, we will discuss tips to go to sleep. When it’s about sleeping, not just the quantity what matters but also the quality. How you feel through your waking hours mostly depend on how well you have slept earlier. Likewise, the solution for daytime fatigue and sleep problems can be found in your lifestyle choices and daily routine only. Go through the following recommendations to know that which one work best to enhance your sleep and leave you feeling active, productive, emotionally balanced, mentally sharp, and full of energy throughout the day.

Tips to Go to Sleep:

1.) Try to Stick to a Sleep-Wake Schedule

It is important that you get in sync with the natural sleep-wake cycle of your body. It is one of the basics and most important strategies to go to sleep. If you stick to a same sleep-wake schedule, it will make you feel much more energized and refreshed than if you sleep for the same amount of hours at different times, even if you shift your sleep schedule by an hour or two only.

  • Always try to sleep and wake up at the same time each day. This will help your body’s natural clock and enhance the quality of your sleep.
  • Try to avoid sleep in even if it is weekends. The more your weekend-weekday sleep schedules differ, the worse the jetlag-like signs you will experience. If you wish to make up for your late night, go for a daytime nap instead of sleeping in. This will help you to redeem your sleep debt without hampering your scheduled sleep-wake rhythm.
  • While napping is a nice way to make up for your lost sleep, but if you find difficulties falling asleep or staying asleep during night napping can make the condition worse. Therefore, it is suggested that you limit your nap for just 15 to 20 minutes and that too in the early afternoon.
  • If you feel sleepy way before your bedtime, simply get off your place and start doing something mildly stimulating, like calling a friend, washing dishes, or getting clothes ready for your next day.

2.) Regulate your Exposure to Light to Go to Sleep

Melatonin is a natural occurring hormone present in the body which is controlled by light exposure. It helps regulate your sleep-wake schedule. When it’s dark, your brain secretes more melatonin making you get sleepy and when it’s light, it makes you more alert and attentive. However, there are many aspects of modern life which can alter the production of melatonin in your body and hamper your sleep-wake cycle.

Apply these tips to regulate your sleep-wake cycle.

During the Day:

  • Try to expose yourself to bright sunlight in the morning. The closer to the time you wake up, the better it would be for you. Have your coffee or eat breakfast by a sunny window. This will benefit you a lot if followed regularly.
  • Try to spend more time outside during daylight. Spend your work breaks outside in sunlight, exercise, or walk during the day rather than at night.
  • Try to get as much natural light into your home or workspace as you can.

During the Night:

  • Try to avoid bright screens within one or two hours before your bedtime.
  • Avoid late-night television. Not only the light from a TV suppress melatonin, but also many programs are stimulating rather than relaxing your mind. Instead, listen to music or audio books.
  • Avoid using Kindle Fire or the iPad as they can also hamper your sleep.
  • When it is time to sleep, ensure that the room is dark. For this, you can use heavy curtains or shades to prevent light from windows. You can also wear a sleep mask.
  • Avoid switching the lights in case you get up during the night. If you require some light to move around safely, it is better that you install a dim nightlight in the hall or bathroom. You can also use a small flashlight.

3.) Exercise Regularly to go to Sleep

People who exercise regularly tend to sleep better and feel less sleepy during the daytime. Exercising regularly also helps in improving the symptoms of sleep apnea and insomnia. It increases the amount of time which you spend in the deep, restorative stages of your sleep.

The more energetically you exercise, the more powerful the sleep benefits your body. But even mild exercise like walking for just ten minutes in a day can improve the quality of your sleep.

Depending on the sleep condition of a person, it may take several months of regular physical activity before one can experience the full sleep-promoting effects. So, you will need to be patient and focus on making an exercise habit.

  • To sleep better, you will need to time your exercise right.
  • Exercise boost your metabolism raises your body temperature and stimulates the hormones such as cortisol. This is not an issue if you’re exercising in the morning or afternoon time. But, in case you are exercising too close to your bedtime, it may interfere with your sleep.
  • Try to complete your moderate to vigorous workouts at least three hours before going to sleep.
  • If you still experience difficulties in sleeping, try to move your workout time even earlier.
  • Relaxing, or low-impact exercises such as yoga or gentle stretching in the evening will help promote sleep.

4.) Be Smart About your Eating and Drinking

Your daytime eating habits play a major role in your sleep quality, especially in the hours before your bedtime.

  • Try to limit the intake of caffeine. You might be surprised to know that caffeine can cause sleep issues up to 10 to 12 hours after drinking it.
  • Try to avoid big meals at night. It is suggested to have dinner earlier in the evening and try to avoid heavy, rich foods within 2 hours of your bedtime. Consuming spicy or acidic foods can cause stomach problems and heartburn.
  • Try to avoid drinking alcohol before bedtime. Though a nightcap may help you relax, but it disturbs your sleep cycle once you’re out.
  • Try to avoid taking too much liquid in the evening. Drinking lots of fluids can result in frequent urination throughout the night.
  • You can have some nighttime snacks to help you sleep better. A light snack before bedtime can also help promote sleep in some people. So, if you need a bedtime snack, you can have below-mentioned foods.
  • One small bowl of whole-grain, low-sugar cereal.
  • ½ turkey sandwich
  • A banana
  • Granola with milk or yogurt.

5.) Avoid Mental Tensions to Go to Sleep

If you find trouble while sleeping every other night, it can be because of the stress, worry, and anger from your day. Such mental tensions can make it very difficult for you to sleep well.

  • If anxiety or chronic worrying is what keeps you awake at night, there are steps which you can take to learn to break this mental habit and may try to look at life from a more positive perspective.
  • If the stress of office, school or family is what keeping you awake, you may need some help with stress management.
  • The more overstimulated your mind becomes during the day time, the tougher it can be to slow down and unwind at night. Try to minimize activities which affect your mind.
  • Performing relaxation techniques before bedtime is an ideal solution to relax, calm the mind, and prepare for sleep. For this you can do following steps:
  1. Deep breathing with eyes closed.
  2. You can try Progressive muscle relaxation technique. In this technique, starting with your toes, you will need to tense all your muscles as tightly as possible, and then relax completely. Work your way to the top of your head.
  3. Try to visualize something peaceful and restful place.
  4. Read a magazine or book by in a soft light.
  5. Go for a warm bath.
  6. Listen to some mild music.
  7. Do some stretches.
  8. Dim the lights in the room.

6.) Improve your Sleep Environment to Go to Sleep

A peaceful bedtime routine helps send a strong signal to your brain that it is time to relax and let go of the stress of the day. Sometimes even some small changes in your environment can create a huge difference in the quality of your sleep.

  • Try to make your room dark, cool, and peaceful.
  • Try to keep the noises down. In case you can’t avoid noises from neighbors, traffic, or in your household, you can try to mask it using a fan or sound machine. Earplugs can also be used to overcome this issue.
  • Try to keep the temperature of your room cool. Most of the people sleep best in a little cool room (about 65° F or 18° C) with proper ventilation. A bedroom which is too cold or too hot can hamper with the quality sleep.
  • Make sure that your bed is comfortable. There is enough space for you to stretch and turn comfortably without falling from it.
  • Keep your bed for only sleeping and sex. By eliminating activities like using phone laptop or watching TV in bed, your mind will associate your bedroom with just sleep and sex which will make it easier for you to relax at night.