How to Grow a Beard?

Ways to Grow a Beard

In this article, we will discuss the best ways to grow a beard. Growing a thick luxurious beard or a stylish mustache beard has been a dream of many men. Unfortunately, growing facial hair is not that easy and can be a bit tricky. Genetics is responsible for a lot of it. Some men like to have a thick, luscious beard, but fails grow more than a few thin patches. Undoubtedly you cannot change your genetics but fortunately, there are several techniques you can help support your facial hair to grow thicker, and fuller. You also need to make some lifestyle changes to boost facial hair growth. Remember, you need to have patience in order to get the look you want, as growing beard will not happen overnight.

Ways to Grow a BeardWays to Grow a Beard

Best Ways to Grow a Beard:

1.) Clean and Moisturize Your Face to Grow a Beard

Keeping your skin clean can be the first and foremost step in the process of growing your facial hair faster. Tiny pores of the skin get blocked by the dirt, oil, and dead skin, which prevents the hair follicles from coming out of the skin. Cleaning the facial skin on the regular basis will open up these tiny pores, making it easy for new hair to come out. Apply some facial cleanser on your face and rub it thoroughly, leave it on for a few seconds or a minute then rinse it off with warm water. Do this twice a day.

Do not use standard soaps as it can be too abrasive and damage your facial skin. Whenever your face gets dirty with oil or sweat, wash it. Do not think of timetable for washing your face. An itchy rash may develop while you try to grow facial hair. You don’t need to worry about that a dandruff shampoo will fix this issue. Use a moisturizing facial lotion after washing your face, as it avoids dryness that leads to dead skin cells. Please note that in first one or two weeks you may have some irritation due to new beard hair, but the prickly sensations normally subside in a week or so.

2.) Massage Your Face to Grow a Beard

Massaging your face can help a lot to grow facial hair fast. It is one of the simplest and natural methods to grow beard. A light massage can unclog the tiny pores of the facial skin and help keep those hair follicles healthy. This improves the growth of facial hair and helps get a thicker and luxurious beard. You don’t need to be professional for this job, and only small circular movements of your fingers will do the work. Giving a massage to your face for ten-minute is enough to encourage facial hair growth faster . The massage should be done regularly for fast and natural result.

3.) Add Protein and Saturated Fat into Diet to Grow a Beard

Fat and protein are essential for a healthy hair. They play an important role in enhancing the growth of facial hair. Your hair is actually made of protein with coatings of fats and oils. Moreover, protein and fat have a positive impression on testosterone levels. Which is responsible for the fast growing of the beard. The higher the level of testosterone, the higher the probability of you growing a beard faster. Add some extra protein and saturated fat into your diet. This will ensure a mustache or beard of your wish in a short period. You can add foods rich in proteins and fats such as fish, egg, beans, and animal fat to get required protein and give your body with enough saturated fats to grow a beard in days.

4.) Eat Foods Rich in Vitamin to Grow a Beard

Provide your body up with all the essential vitamins to make it easy to grow facial hair faster. Vitamins such as  B5, B9, and B3 are essential for overall health. But B7, in particular, holds great importance in growing facial hair quickly. And it is found in egg yolk and nuts. Vitamin B3 and B5 are present in chicken, beef, fish, egg yolk, milk, avocado and many whole grains, which is known to improve the circulation. Folic acid and vitamin B9 possessed by nuts, cereals, and leafy green veggies, improve your ability to grow thick hair. Another important vitamin is vitamin A that encourages maintain sebum and follicles. It speeds up the hair growing process.

Other vitamins like Vitamin C empowers your immune system and vitamin E enhances the blood circulation. There are some more important vitamins. There are some multivitamin supplements available, which you can consume to provide your body with all the needed vitamins.

5.) Reduce Stress to Grow a Beard

Living a stress-free life can make it easier to grow facial hair quicker. If you are really concern about your hair, you need to learn to chill out. Taking too much stress can have a negative impact on your hair and cause thinning out your hair and hindering its growth. Do not bother about what others will perceive you after you’ve grown a beard. Stress limits your ability to grow a beard by disturbing your immune system. Meditation or exercises, such as yoga helps release anxiety and relax you physically and mentally. You can also try some other methods to reduce stress other than yoga and exercise. You can listen to music, hangout with friends, watch your favourite shows, play games, etc.

6.) Sleep Well to Grow a Beard

A sound sleep will help you stay fit and a healthy. A healthy person is more likely to grow a beard faster. Sleep pattern also contribute to hair growth significantly. While sleeping your body restores it’s energy which indicates that lack of sleeping (less than six hours) will make it tough for you to grow facial hair. Take at least eight hours of sound sleep regularly to see positive results.

7.) Do Exercise Regularly to Grow a Beard

Working out help you staying active and fit, which is very important in order to grow your hair faster. By doing exercise you will not only grow your beard but it also help you maintain your body. It is useless to hope for your beard to grow quickly while you are just sleeping all the time. Your focus should be on sports activities and workout that increase blood circulation, leading to high metabolic rate. One the metabolic rate and proper circulation of your body are balanced, your body will use the nutrients from your food to encourage hair growth. Spend at least 15-20 minutes a day in workout activities such as walking, swimming, or doing other aerobic exercises.

8.) Give It Time to Grow a Beard

People usually get impatient in order to grow beard and try some wrong methods to grow. But, you can’t just grow your facial hair overnight. It takes a time to grow facial hair, and people often get impatient. You must have patience in order to grow facial hair. And sometimes you may even have to go through tough times, while you are still in the process of growing your beard. While in the halfway, you will hear people making critical comments and make fun of you. Have patience and do not give up. Understand that once the wait is over, Everyone will admire your new appearance when you meet them with your new look.

9.) Testosterone Therapy to Grow a Beard

Testosterone therapy is the first medical method of its kind for growing facial hair. It is one of the effective therapies to grow a beard faster. It will decide how faster you can grow a beard, but  you should remember that consumption of too much testosterone has its negative effects on your health. You can inject testosterone directly into your body or you can take it through topical applications or even taking it orally. Please note that the testosterone can’t be stored, so you will have to produce and stick to a strict supplement regimen until you notice a positive result.

10.) Plastic Surgery to Grow a Beard

In some cases, it is just not possible to grow a beard for some men, no matter how hard they try. But, you don’t need to be disappointed as the science has brilliant solution for this problem also. Although, this method is quite expensive but only effective way left then is a plastic surgery. A plastic surgeon will transplant hair follicles from your scalp to your face. This method normally works, but may take up to one to two years before you actually notice some positive results.
