Home Remedies for Ear Pain

An earache is a painful sensation which happens either inside or outside the ear. The pain ranges from low to high. You can experience pain in both ears. It can be chronic and mild as well. Most of the ear pain are due to infection and fluid buildup in the middle ear. Common cold, blockage in the nasal passage, wax in the ear are also the causes of ear pain. Children mostly suffer from this problem than the adults. You can use home remedies for ear pain.

Home Remedies for Ear Pain:

1.) Olive Oil to Treat Ear Pain

Olive oil can provide fast relief from ear pain. It works as a lubricant and helps to get rid of an infection in the ear. It can also be helpful in stopping the buzzing sensations inside the ears. To remove the pain, place a few drops of warm olive oil in the ear. The oil works by soothing the irritated inner ear. It is one of the best home remedies for ear pain.

  • Place the bottle of olive oil in a small glass of warm water for a few minutes to get it warm.
  • Drop three to four drops of lukewarm olive oil directly into the ear, then plug the ear loosely with a cotton ball.
  • If you have to use this method on a baby, try it when the baby is sleeping. And don’t put the cotton balls in a small baby’s ear.
  • Or you can use another method in order to put the oil in the ear. Dip a cotton bud in the olive oil and put it firmly into the ear.
  • You can also use mustard oil in the same way.

2.) Tea Tree Oil to Cure Ear Pain

Tea tree oil has natural anti-fungal, antibacterial, and antiviral properties. It kills the bacteria that cause ear infection. Tea tree oil also has an anti-inflammatory property that reduces pain, inflammation, and irritation. This oil also helps to remove excess fluids, dirt, and other impurities that clog the ear and lead to infection. It is one of the best home remedies for ear pain.

  • First dilute tea tree oil with water or another oil before applying to ears.
  • You can mix one teaspoon of apple cider vinegar, three drops of tea tree oil with two tablespoons of olive oil. Mix them well. Use a dropper to apply the mixture to the affected ear.
  • If you have ear tubes, do not use tea tree oil in your ears because it may cause and irritation and inflammation.
  • Pregnant women should not use tea tree oil, as it may cause complications during contractions.

3.) Garlic to Get Rid of Ear Pain

Garlic has antiviral, antibacterial and anti-oxidizing properties that help to treat the bacterial action on the ear that causes an ear infection. It also helps to reduce the ear pain, swelling, and infection. Garlic contains powerful aromatic compounds, which have anti-inflammatory and antiseptic properties that are easily absorbed through the skin and the eardrum into inner ear surrounding tissues. It contains allicin that has anti-microbial property and works against the infection and pain in the inner ear. These properties of garlic make it best home remedies for ear pain. Garlic also antibiotic and analgesic properties that help to reduce an earache caused by an ear infection.

  • Heat one teaspoon of minced garlic with two tablespoons of sesame oil. Then cool and filter the oil. Put 2 to 3 drops of this oil in the aching ear.
  • Or you can extract the juice out of a few cloves of garlic and put it into the ear that hurts.

4.) Inhale Steam to Treat Ear Pain

Hot steam can help the fluids in the Eustachian tubes to drain, which relieves pressure in the inner ear. Adding certain medications to the steam will give your additional benefit for the ear pain. This is very effective home remedies for ear pain.

  • Add Vicks or similar vapor run or eucalyptus essential oil to a boiling water to prepare a steam inhalation.
  • Cover your head with a towel and inhale the steam through the nose three times a day until the pain gone. This remedy will help to open the Eustachian tubes and help to ease pain and drain the fluids from the ear.
  • Don’t use this remedy to the child as a child can burn or even drown in the water. Apply a few Vicks baby rub to the baby’s chest or back. Or you can stand in the steamy shower by holding the baby,  let the baby play in the bathroom while a hot shower runs. The steam from the shower will mix with the vapors of medication and create a soothing effect.

5.) Apply Heat to Get Rid of Ear Pain

You can use this remedy through a number of ways. It depends on which way you want to choose it. Heat can numb the ear pain but be careful not to burn yourself.

  • Keep blow dryer in the low heat and hold it about ten inches away from your ear. The fluid present in your ear will move more easily when exposed to the hot temperature.
  • Or you can warm a water. Soak a cloth in this warm water. Press it against your ear for 15 to 20 minutes. Use this method if the pain return.
  • You can also use heating pad against your ear.

6.) Onion to Cure Ear Pain at Home

Onion is one of the most effective home remedies for ear pain. The antibacterial and antiseptic properties of onions work well in treating the problem.

  • Take one tablespoon of onion juice and heat it over low heat. Then put 2 to 3 drops of the onion juice into the ear using ear dropper. Use this remedy 2 to 3 times a day.
  • Or you use another option. Crush an onion and wrap it tightly in clean cloth and hold it over the affected ear for about 5 to 10 minutes. Use this process several times a day.

7.) Aspirin to Treat Ear Pain

Only adults should take aspirin. It is very effective and safe pain reliever and works as an anti-inflammatory agent. You need to take one to two tablets with every four to six hours as needed. Make sure to follow the instruction and guidelines written on the label that how much aspirin is safe to consume in a 24 hour period.

  • Children and teenagers should never consume aspirin due to the link between aspirin and Reye’s syndrome in children and teenagers. It is a very rare syndrome, but it can be very serious and cause liver and brain to swell. So consult your child pediatrician for a safe alternative pain reliever to give to your child.

8.) Lavender Oil to Get Rid of Ear Pain

You should not put lavender oil directly in the ear. You can massage it on the outside of the ear, it will help to improve the circulation and lead to better inner-ear drainage. It is considered as one of the best home remedies for ear pain.

  • Mix a few drops of a carrier oil like coconut or olive oil with few drops of lavender oil, then gently massage it to the outside of the ear throughout the day as needed.
  • Or you can use other essential oils like rosemary, eucalyptus, oregano, chamomile, tea tree, and thyme that can improve the circulation and provide.

9.) Indian Lilac to Treat Ear Pain

Indian lilac has potent antifungal and antibacterial properties that help to fight infection. It also has anti-inflammatory and analgesic effects that help to reduce the ear pain. It is one of the best home remedies for ear pain.

  • You need to crush a few Indian Lilac leaves to extract the juice out of it. Put a few drops of Indian Lilac extract in the aching ear as ear drops.
  • Another option is to soak a cotton ball in Indian Lilac oil and squeeze out the excess oil. Put this cotton ball in your aching ear. Leave it for a few minutes, the remove it.

10.) Bishop Weed to Cure Ear Pain

Bishop’s weed is another effective home remedies for ear pain. It has antiseptic and antimicrobial properties.

  • Mix three teaspoons of sesame oil with one teaspoon of Bishop’s weed oil and warm it slightly. Put a few drops of the mixture oil in the ear.
  • Heat two teaspoons of mustard oil and add a couple of garlic flakes and one-half teaspoon of Bishop’s weed. Heat the mixture until the garlic turns red. Strain this mixture and put a few drops in your ear as ear drops.

11.) Peppermint to Get Rid of Ear Pain

Both peppermint leaves and peppermint oil can be used to soothe earaches. They both works as very effective home remedies for ear pain.

  • Put the juice from fresh peppermint leaves in a dropper and then put some drops inside the aching ear.
  • Using a cotton swab, apply a few drops of peppermint oil externally around the opening of your ear. Avoid getting any of this oil inside your ear. You can also dilute the peppermint oil using olive oil and then apply.

12.) Basil Leaves to Treat Ear Pain

It has antibacterial, anti-inflammatory, and analgesic properties, basil is considered as best home remedies for ear pain.

  1. Crush a few basil leaves and extract the juice.
  2. Put three drops of this extract in the aching ear.
  3. Use this remedy once or twice a day.