How to Cure a Cold?

This article explains about how to cure a cold. Cold is also referred as common cold. It is a viral infectious disease which is usually harmless. If you are caught by this infection, your whole day spoils. You might not feel the way you are. The symptoms of common cold include sneezing, coughing, runny nose, headache, sore throat, etc. The common cold can easily spread from an infected person to another by direct contact, sneeze or inhaling the germs. It travels from your nose to throat. When the virus enters into your body and overpowers the immune system. Body’s first line of defense weakens which is unable to kill the cold-causing virus. This causes the cold. This virus is effective up to a week, but in some cases, it lasts for 15 days.

A common cold can affect any individual, regardless of their age. It is more likely seen in children and old age groups. Cold also depends on the surrounding weather conditions. It is mostly witnessed that infection builds up due to the change in weather. Cold is not considered a medical emergency. People who have a permanent problem of cold may consult with a doctor. Moreover, it is easy to cure a cold at home by using some simple and natural home remedies.

Causes of Cold:

  • Viral infection
  • Touching an infected person
  • Inhaling the germs
  • Climate change
  • Unhygienic

Symptoms of Cold:

  • Fever
  • Sore throat
  • Runny nose
  • Headache
  • Sneezing
  • Muscle aches
  • Reduction in appetite

Remedies to Cure a Cold:

Common cold is a common problem. It comes without giving any warning. You can easily cure a cold at home by some efficient home remedies. Now, no need to worry. Here are some simple and efficient home remedies.

1.) Lemon to Prevent Cold

As you know, lemon is acidic in its content. It has citric acid, which cures a cold. The low pH of lemon kills the bacteria and prevents you from cold. It also treats the inflammation and soothes the throat. It is recommended to take the lemon water empty stomach or later during the day. Warm a cup of water and squeeze a lemon in it. You can also take lemon juice if lemons are not available. Drink it all at ones. You can also add honey, which will soothe and coat the infected throat. Another alternative way is to drink lemon tea. It will give you relief against infection. Take a lemon tea bag. Soak it in hot water. Keep it for some time. Add honey to enhance the effectiveness. Drink this tea to relieve your cold. Try this remedy to see the good results.

2.) Peppermint to Get Rid of Cold

Peppermint is a common ingredient which can prevent your cold. This herb contains menthol, which helps to relieve congestion. It encourages to prevent coughs and mucus build up in your throat. Peppermint has anti-viral and anti-bacterial properties. It also prevents spreading of cold by suppressing it. Take some fresh leaves of peppermint. Boil it in a cup of water. Add honey or ginger according to your taste. Drink this tea sip by sip. Try this method twice a day to cure a cold. Alternatively, you also can chew 1-2 leaves of peppermint at least twice a day. It will soothe your throat and brings back the normal breathing process. Try this natural home remedy and enjoy the results.

3.) Chicken Soup to Get Rid of a Cold

Chicken soup can help you out to cure a cold. It contains essential nutrients and vitamins, which treats common cold. Moreover, chicken soup contains anti-oxidants which speeds up the treatment for cold. It also boosts immunity and don’t allow further growth of infection. It strengthens your body and relieves you from cold. Take some chicken in water. Boil it until you get a soupy consistency. You can add some vegetables of your choice. Also, put some salt, pepper or spices as per your taste. Have it until it cools down. Try to drink it twice a day for good results. To get rid of a cold, drink chicken soup until you completely get cured. Try this delicious soup to cure a cold.

4.) Ginger to Cure a Cold

Ginger helps to get rid of a cold. It is anti-inflammatory and anti-biotic in nature. The gingrols present in ginger is the key ingredient which heals the cold infection. Moreover, it boosts the immune system. It also acts as cold suppressant. Take a ginger root and cut it into small pieces. Now boil it in one cup of water. Add honey as it will soothe your throat. Drink this solution slowly. The warmth of this tea will cure your cold by killing the responsible bacteria. Alternatively, you can also chew a small piece of ginger. Repeat it twice a day. To cure cold do this remedy for one week. It will give very effective results.

5.) Garlic Tea To Treat a Cold

Garlic has strong antibacterial and antifungal property that makes it a wonderful healer to cure a cold. Moreover, it treats sinus infection along with a cold. Due to the anti-inflammatory property of garlic, it helps to get rid of cold. You can prepare a ginger tea by adding some pieces of  crushed garlic in boiling water. Keep it for some time and drink it slowly. Add honey or salt according to your taste. If one can chew a small piece of garlic three times a day. Repeating this method for 4-5 days will give positive results.

6.) Orange for Cold

Orange is very effective in the treatment of cold. It consists of citric acid which is helpful in curing cold. It kills the infection by lowering down its pH. The bacteria ruptures in low acidic conditions. The soothing smell also increases perspiration. Moreover, its anti-inflammatory properties heal the irritated membrane. All you need to do is, take one peeled orange. Eat 2 oranges twice a day. Remember, you may feel cold while eating orange. No need to worry or panic about it and continue eating. Alternatively, you can also squeeze out the juice of 2-3 oranges. Drink it instantly. Add salt to taste and enjoy the drink. Using orange or lemon zest in foods is also a great remedy.

7.) Honey to Cure a Cold

The antimicrobial and antiseptic properties of honey help to treat a cold. It fights the infection, which causes throat infections. It also reduces the inflammation and soreness of the throat and allows the mucus to pass easily. Add a few of teaspoons of honey to the glass of warm water. Stir and enjoy it well. Repeat this twice a day. Alternatively, you can also make lemon-honey tea, with a pinch of cinnamon powder. Pour it and drink the mixture. This process will also boost up the immune system and will remove the problem of a cold. Its cure the irritation and therefore is a sweet and delicious way to cure a cold

8.) Turmeric to Treat a Cold

Turmeric is an antidote for a cold. Its anti-inflammatory, antifungal and antiviral properties help to get rid of a cold. It is perfect for curing the causes of runny nose like cough, cold, flu or so on. Moreover, the strong smell of turmeric unclogs the nostrils and helps in breathing. To make use of turmeric, you can mix a half teaspoon of it into warm milk. Stir it well and drink before going to bed. Also, you can mix it in water. Drinking it twice a day will help to loosen the mucus. As turmeric is a natural healer, so one can try turmeric to cure a cold. Try turmeric to treat the problem of common cold.

9.) Onion to Cure a Cold

Onion is very useful to prevent common cold. It is anti-bacterial in nature. Moreover, it contains sulfur gas, which soothes the inflammation. Use of onion in your daily diet helps to cure cold. To make use of onion as a home remedy, take one onion and take out its juice. Now drink this juice immediately. You can put salt to make it tasty. Alternatively, you can chew an onion on a regular basis. Do this remedy twice a day for faster treatment. If this remedy is done on a regular basis, you will get results. Try this remedy and notice the positive results.

10.) Spice Tea to Prevent Cold

Spice tea is a mixture of different spices like garlic, clove, cardamom, black pepper and so on. These all spices will give you soothing effects. The combined effect such as anti- inflammatory, anti- bacterial and anti- septic properties will help to cure a cold. Take a pinch of all spices and prepare a tea in hot water. Add honey to it as per your taste. Drink this tea twice a day to treat the common cold. Alternatively, you can also prepare a powder of all these spices or buy from the store. Have this tea till your cold gets completely cured.