How to Get Rid of Kidney Stones?

Kidney stones are normal nowadays. It is also known as urolithiasis which is a solid piece of material in the urinary tract. These are classified as classified material, which are present in the kidneys. The function of the kidneys is to filter waste from the blood, which in turn create urine. Sometimes, salts or other minerals that are present in urine stick to form kidney stones. These are sugar, salt, calcium or so on. These stones are rarely noticed unless it creates a blockage. Kidney stones cause intense pain when they break or move from their position. It may also push into the ureters, which are the narrow ducts leading to the bladder. To get rid of kidney stones is not an easy task, as it grows with time.

The problem of kidney stone can occur at any age. It is due to poor diet, lack of exercise and many other factors. The good thing is that this disease doesn’t pass from one person to another. You can easily treat kidney stones by following some simple home remedies. If in case you are suffering from severe pain of kidney stones, you need to rush to a doctor.

Causes of Kidney Stones:

  • Excess of calcium intake
  • More amount of minerals in diet
  • Dehydration
  • Medications
  • Excess of uric acid in body

 Symptoms of Kidney Stones:

  • Pain in stomach
  • Pain in urination
  • Red or brown urine
  • Nausea
  • Vomiting
  • Fever and chills
  • Persistent need to urinate

Remedies to Get Rid of Kidney Stones:

You can easily apply some home remedies to get rid of kidney stones.

1.) Water to Get Rid of Kidney Stones

Water is an excellent remedy to treat kidney stones. So drink plenty of water to get rid of kidney stones is. The ions present in water are hydrogen and oxygen. These help to generate the osmotic pressure on the stomach lining. In the counter effect of this,  water helps in dissolving of stone. Water also promotes the formation of digestive enzymes and maintain the ionic balance of the body. For using this remedy, take a glass of warm water and drink. You can make a habit of drinking water by keeping a water bottle with you. It will work as a reminder. Do it twice a day to get rid of kidney stones. Try this without any side effect and enjoy the amazing results.

 2.) Apple Cider Vinegar to Treat Kidney Stones

Apple cider vinegar works as a miracle for kidney stones. It promotes digestion. Apple cider vinegar soothes the stomach and relaxes the stomach lining. It helps in breaking the kidney stone by its acidic pH. This has an alkalizing effect on blood and urine. It kills the bacteria which cause infection in the stomach. Take half teaspoon of apple cider vinegar in one cup of warm water. Drink it slowly. Take this liquid twice a day to treat kidney stones. Moreover, you can directly take half a teaspoon of vinegar. But remember, it is very concentrated, so its better to first make it dilute before drinking. It will give more positive results when organic vinegar is consumed. If apple cider vinegar is not available, try regular vinegar.

3.) Garlic for Kidney Stones Treatment

Garlic stimulates digestion and helps to break and dissolve kidney stone. It is anti-fungal and anti-bacterial. It fights against the bacteria in the stomach. Moreover, it relieves pain which is due to stone in the kidneys. Garlic also stimulates the enzymes, which ease digestion of minerals. Take a piece of garlic and chew it. Another way is to try out garlic tea. You can boil garlic with water. Add salt to taste. Drink it slowly. It will help you from deposition of calcified material in the kidneys. You should also make a habit to add garlic in food while cooking. Intake of this wonderful herb can help to relieve kidney stones. Try both ways of garlic remedies and see the amazing results.

4.) Exercise to Cure Kidney Stones

Exercise is important to treat the problem of kidney stones. It is one of the best methods to dissolve calcified materials. Moreover, it can be done at home, without spending huge amount of money in gyms. Only an exercise for 20 to 30 minutes can help you to make you fit. Also, if you are doing an intensive workout, an exercise of 15 minutes is sufficient. There are many exercises which you can do. First of all, go for a morning or evening walk. Brisk walking will give more effective results. Exercise like jumping a rope, racing, weight lifting or pushups will also prove beneficial. Be careful while doing the exercise. Don’t over do it. All you need is mat, towel to remain fit. Be regular in your exercise and you will get the amazing results.

5.) Nettle Leaf to Get Rid of Kidney Stones

The nettle leaf helps to get rid of kidney stones. These leaves help to maintain the flow of fluid through the kidneys and the bladder. It also helps to promote the urination. Moreover, nettle leaf helps to break the crystals which are the major reason for stone formation. It enhances the digestion and work as a natural diuretic. To try this remedy, take some fresh leaves of nettle leaf. Boil in water. Keep it for some time. Now strain the solution. Drink it. Apply this remedy at least twice a day to treat kidney stones. Alternatively, you can chew some fresh leaves of nettle to get amazing results.

6.) Cinnamon to Prevent Kidney Stones

It is an herb which can prevent the kidney stones. Cinnamon helps to promote digestion and won’t allow minerals to stick up in the kidney. It is anti-fungal in nature. Cinnamon is easily available and is cost friendly. To try cinnamon, take half a teaspoon of cinnamon powder in one glass of milk. Stir it well. You can add honey to taste. Drink it twice a day to cure kidney stone. Alternatively, you can add this herb in powdered form in one glass of warm water. Stir it. Enjoy this drink. Drink it twice a day for at least one week. This easy remedy can help you to get rid of kidney stones.

7.) Basil for Kidney Stones Treatment

Basil is considered as a tonic for the kidneys. It is also good for other organs also. Basil induces the stone expulsion from the urinary tract. It also stimulates the dissolving the calcified materials. The anti-biotic and anti-inflammatory properties of basil helps to relieve the pain which is due to kidney stone. To try this remedy, take some fresh leaves of basil. Boil them in water. Strain the liquid. You can add honey in it for taste. Drink it twice a day. Repeat this method to treat the problem of kidney stones. This is a natural remedy and will surprise you with excellent results.

8.) Watermelon for Kidney Stones Treatment

Watermelon is one if the best remedy to treat the problem of kidney stone. It is a good way to cure the stones which is composed of calcium and magnesium. Watermelon consists of potassium which is very beneficial for the kidneys. It maintains the acidic level in kidneys. Moreover, watermelon contains lots of water, which helps to flush out the stones from the kidneys. Eating a watermelon regularly is a prevention from kidney stones. Take a watermelon. Peel it. Cut it into pieces. Enjoy this mouth-watering fruit to get rid of kidney stones.

9.) Turmeric to Cure Stones in Kidney

As turmeric is one of the herb which is anti-biotic and anti-septic in nature. Turmeric has therapeutic benefits which treats the urinary disorders. It cures the stomach disorders by stimulating the production of bile from the gall bladder which cures the urination. To try this remedy, take a half teaspoon of turmeric and dissolve it in a glass of warm milk. Stir it well and drink. If this drink is taken before going to bed, it proves more beneficial. Turmeric kills the bacteria in the stomach and relieves the kidney stone. Also, one should make a habit to put turmeric while cooking the food. Try turmeric to get rid of kidney stones.

10.) Lemon to Prevent Kidney Stones

Lemon is an excellent remedy for kidney stones. It is a traditional method and is used since ancient times. It helps to dissolve the stone in the kidney. Moreover, the citric acid in lemons breaks the calcium in kidneys by its low pH. To use this remedy, take a lemon. Cut it and squeeze it into a glass of water. Drink it twice a day to get rid of kidney stones. You can also add lemon in it. Also, it you will take warm water, it will give you much better results.  Try lemon to treat kidney stones. It is a very easy remedy, and is natural.