How to Lose 10 Pounds in 2 Weeks?


If you have a special event where you want to go and you want to look stunning, but you are little fatty then you need to look a bit thinner. If you want to lose 10 pounds in 2 weeks then you should pay heed on exercise and food intake. It plays a vital role in weight loss. To lose 10 pounds of weight in a short time needs dedication and hard work. There is no time for a salad and a light jog. To lose weight fast, you need to adopt a healthy diet plan or healthy lifestyle that will provide you all the useful ingredients that your body needs to function properly. Losing weight consists of proper nutrition, sleep, fitness, and hydration. The most important formula for reducing weight is calories in versus calories out. In this article, you will get to know some tips to lose 10 pounds in 2 weeks.

For quick weight loss, you spend hours sweating out in the gym or crash dieting. There are several factors that cause weight such as poor diet plan, alcohol, improper sleep, dehydration, certain medications etc. Gluten packed foods, carbonated drinks and alcohol are diet enemies and should be removed from your diet if you want to lose weight fast.

how to lose 10 pounds in 2 weekshow to lose 10 pounds in 2 weeks

Best Tips to Lose 10 Pounds in 2 Weeks:

1. Get Proper Sleep to Lose Weight Fast

Due to improper sleep, you may gain weight. The fact, the longer you are awake, the more you eat. People who work in the late night often have several cups of coffee to avoid sleep. The result is they consume more calories. The quality of your sleep will help to influence the production of certain hormones which are directly linked to your appetite. When you sleep, you reduce weight through 2 processes, respiration when you exhale and transpiration through your skin is known as sweating. These factors lead to weight loss.

2. Cardio and Weight Training to Lose 10 Pounds in 2 Weeks

Cardio is basically an aerobic exercise which involves repetitive and steady movements using a person’s legs and arms to increase blood flow and blood circulation throughout the body. Do it for 15 to 20 minutes, it will help to maintain 60 to 80 percent of your maximum heart rate.

  • Weight training is another way to get rid of weight effectively. If done properly, it will help to speed up your fat burning process.
  • Training with weight is anaerobic in nature that will help to burn carbohydrates. Weight training will help to build lean body mass. It will accelerate your metabolism which causing you to burn fat.

3. Walking and Dancing to Reduce Weight Fast

Walking is very important part of your fitness. This aerobic exercise is very effective in burning calories. Try to use your legs instead of any vehicle. Always use stairs instead of using an elevator or go for a morning walk. If you can not do this, then you can use the treadmill. Use a pedometer to keep the track of the steps that you take during the day to find the number of calories burnt.

  • Dancing is the best way to work out all your body muscles and stay fit. Some people find their regular workout boring and can try dancing to include the fun in your routine.
  • You can take dance teachings such as salsa, hip-hop, and jazz. Zumba dance is a form of gaining popularity these days.

4. Avoid Liquid Calories to Lose 10 Pounds in 2 Weeks

It is very important to control the liquid calories and the intake of calories. The energy drinks, processed fruit juices, and aerated drinks might appear tempting but such type of food will load your body with a third of your entire calories of the day. You should take 100 percent fruit juices, water, and citrus juices. Vegetable juices are very nutritious to satisfy your hunger in between your meals. Avoid alcohol calories. So it is important to restrict the consumption of cocktails or wine to save calories.

5. Hydration to Lose Weight Fast

Hydration is a synonym of water and drinking lots of water is one of the best ways to keep yourself hydrated. Drink at least eight glasses of water each day. Water will keep you full in such a way that you can not overeat. Have a big glass of water to avoid hunger in between meals. There are some other ways of hydration such as unsweetened green tea which is high in antioxidants and has zero calories.

6. Eat 5 Times a Day to Get Rid of Weight Fast

In addition to 3 small meals, keep on healthy snacking. Your meals should be smaller but you will feel more full. When you eat, your thermic effect of food raises. A high TEF will help you to raise your metabolism and reduces feelings of hunger and leads to weight loss.

  • As you eat more often, your meals should be smaller portion sizes. You are not eating more, you are spreading it throughout the day.
  • When you eat snacks, your snacks should be healthy and in healthy portion size. Include nuts, fruits or low-fat yogurt in your meal.

7. Eat Fewer Calories to Reduce 10 Pounds in 2 Weeks

Watching your calories is important when you try to lose weight. The secret behind the weight loss is to consume fewer calories that you burn. Always remember, 1 pound of fat equals to 3500 calories. So, you should burn 3500 calories more than you consume in with food. But it doesn’t mean that you go into starvation mode. You need to cut off 500 calories in a day through exercises and dietary changes to avoid gaining one to two pounds each year. It is required to consume 1200 to 1600 calories in a day and keep a food journal with you to count your calorie consumption.

8. Make Some Substitutions to Lose 10 Pounds in 2 Weeks

Dieting doesn’t mean to eat flavorless food all the time but you need to make some substitutions to cut down unnecessary calories.

  • Eat shirataki noodles rather than regular spaghetti or pasta.
  • Substitute greek yogurt for mayonnaise and sour cream.
  • Substitute dark chocolate for cakes, cookies, and other treats.
  • Switch to pasta, rice, and whole grain bread.
  • Substitute 1 piece of fruit like banana or an apple for your mid-afternoon snack.
  • Switch to cooking spray over vegetable oil, butter and olive oil.

9. Avoid Late Night Snacking to Lose 10 Pounds in 2 Weeks

Many people indulge in mindless late night snacking while late night working or watching television. You don’t realize that you are loading your bodies with unnecessary calories. It is important to have your dinner before 9 pm at night. If you like to eat dessert then you can have a bowl of frozen yogurt or ice cream. After that, brush your teeth so that you are not able to drink or eat anything else.

10. Avoid Fast Food to Burn Fat Fast

Fast foods are unhealthy foods. If your body is loaded with trans-fat, fast food like burgers, fries, and shakes contain some amount of salt and sugar which can cause you to shed the pounds. If you want to shed 10 pounds effectively then avoid fast foods completely.

  • Reducing your portion size by 10 percent to 20 percent may lead to weight loss. Replace the refined carbohydrates with complex carbohydrates as they contain fiber and other nutrients.
  • You should include complex carbs like whole-grain pasta, vegetables, fruits, legumes, beans and brown rice.
  • Include lean proteins in your snacks and meals as it will keep you from overeating. Include eggs, skinless chicken breast, and 98 percent lean beef.