How To Lose 20 Pounds In 2 Weeks?

To lose 20 pounds in 2 weeks may seem like an impossible task. While shedding the weight of that amount is a harder task than most, it is not entirely impossible. Many of us want to lose weight for a multitude of reasons. Perhaps it is for health reasons, or to be able to wear that dress you’ve been eyeing, or simply to feel good in your own body.

It will require changes to your diet and lifestyle, as well as a dash of strong will and perseverance. You must be selective about the foods in your diet. Lean more towards the food groups containing lean proteins, healthy brown fats and whole grains in their natural proportions.

Ways to Lose 20 Pounds in 2 Weeks:

It is possible to lose this substantial amount of weight in just 2 weeks. The key to losing weight fast is by regulating your breakfast, lunch, and dinner, and pairing it with regular and moderate exercise. Find a diet plan that is suitable to your lifestyle and follow it diligently. Follow this list to build and maintain a healthy diet and lifestyle for fast weight loss:

1.) Hydrate to Lose Pounds

Drinking water is the top tip to any weight loss regime. Water flushes out toxins in your system, and so makes it easier to lose weight. It also helps in lowering one’s appetite. Better still, water is free of calories and is a much better choice than drinking sugary drinks. Studies show that other than making you feel full, water boosts metabolism, which aids to lose weight faster. Drinking more water also helps to prevent water retention.

  • Drink a cup or two of water before your meals to help you feel full faster.
  • Drink water regularly throughout the day to keep hunger pangs at bay.

2.) Fruits to Aid Weight Loss

Planning your diet to consist mainly of fruits is one way to lose pounds in a short time. By focusing on the higher fruit intake you can maintain a low-calorie diet. As fruits are low-calorie diet foods packed with nutrients, dietary fiber, and antioxidants, they help to lose weight faster. They also help to promote good health and prevent diseases. Some fruits to add into your diet are:

  • Apples: This fruit is packed with dietary fibers, antioxidants, and phytonutrients. Eat this raw along with the skin, or add it to salads for that sweet and crunchy twist.
  • Pomegranates: Packed with antioxidants and folic acid, they are a rich source of fiber. Along with being low in calories, they can satisfy sugar cravings without the weight gain. Eat this raw, in salads or in a juice form.
  • Watermelons: This fruit is composed of around 92% water, and is rich in Vitamins A and C. They contain a powerful antioxidant, called Lycopene, that boosts our body’s natural ability to burn fat fast. Eat this raw or incorporate into salads to help boost metabolism as well as to stay hydrated.
  • Blueberries: Loaded with antioxidants and high in dietary fiber, these little fruits are good for losing pounds. These fruits keep you full for longer.

3.) Tea to Lose 20 Pounds in 2 Weeks

Green tea is said to be one of the healthiest beverages in the world. This tea is loaded with antioxidants and other beneficial substances that boost metabolism. Drink 2-3 cups every day to help shed weight faster. Alternatively, green tea supplements provide the same results. These supplements are available in any natural health store.

There exists a variety of teas that aid to burn fat. Try these teas in your diet to lose 20 pounds in 2 weeks:

  • Oolong tea: An excellent alternative to green tea, this Chinese tea preparation can help burn through a pound in just a week with no extra exercise required. Oolong tea contains antioxidants that boost metabolism.
  • Mint tea: Studies have found that different scents work to suppress or ignite hunger. Mint tea works to aid in suppressing hunger and cravings. Try a cup of peppermint tea between your green tea schedule to stop hunger pangs.
  • White tea: This tea works in a number of ways to burn fat. It boosts the process of burning fat whilst simultaneously blocking new fat cell growth. It is rich in a particular antioxidant – catechins – that trigger release of fats from the cells. White tea also helps speed up the liver’s ability to turn fat into energy.
  • Rose tea: Apart from being a wonderfully aromatic tea, this tea helps to clear toxins from the body, and beautify the skin. Rose tea contains antioxidants and vitamins A, B3, C, D and E. It has an excellent therapeutic effect on the body and aids in burning fat to lose weight.
  • Rooibos tea: A red, naturally sweet tea that cuts new fat-cell growth. It contains powerful fat-melters that aid in boosting metabolism. Just having this tea regularly will help get rid of stomach fat, with no extreme diet or exercise required.

4.) Negative Calorie Vegetables to Cut Fat

Some foods require so much energy to digest that eating them burns more calories than what the food contains. These are termed as “negative calorie” foods. The most prominent negative calorie foods are green vegetables. They require time to digest and break down into the required calories and nutrients for our body to absorb. Some of these vegetables to add to your diet are:

  • Broccoli: This low-calorie vegetable is packed with dietary fiber, which serves to fill you up quickly. You can add volume to meals without adding the extra calories. Serve this up boiled, or blanched in salads, or in stir-fries.
  • Asparagus: A low-calorie vegetable, asparagus only contains 4 calories per spear. Asparagus is also packed with various beneficial substances like Vitamins A, B, C, and E, zinc, and potassium. As it is a good source of insulin, eating asparagus prevents overeating. Try this lightly sautéed or baked and serve with a light drizzle of olive oil.
  • Spinach: This green leafy vegetable is loaded with fiber and protein, which are both essential for weight loss. Spinach is rich in thylakoids, a compound which significantly aids in weight loss and reduces cravings. Eat a serving of this either raw in salads or steamed and flavored with garlic, lemon and a dash of olive oil.
  • Cauliflower: It is a low-density food that is low in calories and high in fiber. The best part about cauliflower is its versatility. Use this vegetable in soups, warm or cold salads, or as a vegetable replacement for couscous. There are many recipes which incorporate cauliflower deliciously.

5.) Eggs to Lose 20 Pounds in 2 Weeks

Any weight loss regime will state that protein is essential to aid in burning excess fat into muscle. The problem comes with the added calories that most protein rich foods contain. Eggs are an excellent source of high-quality protein that has a relatively low-calorie count. Multiple studies have shown that adding an egg to one meal in a day helps the individual to feel more satisfied and so they will consume less calories at the next meal. Incorporate eggs into your diet plan to lose 20 pounds in 2 weeks:

  • Add one plain boiled egg to your breakfast plan. Try not to add salt, instead, add a dash of black pepper for some flavor. If eating boiled eggs are too monotonous then try slicing and adding the boiled egg into a salad.
  • Alternatively, try poached eggs. Stay away from saturated fats like butter, or sour cream.

6.) Olive Oil to Shed Weight Fast

Our first instinct may be to associate oils with fat, but olive oil works to promote weight loss. Olive oil contains polyunsaturated fats that are good for keeping hunger pangs at bay. It also contains a compound called oleic acid, which helps to break down excess fats. Try these steps to lose 20 pounds in 2 weeks:

  • Have one teaspoon of olive oil before you start the day, on an empty stomach.
  • Add this oil to your yogurt or drizzle on other foods to lose weight.

7.) Dark Chocolate to Lose 20 Pounds in 2 Weeks

Believe it or not, dark chocolate actually aids in weight loss. This particular chocolate contains monounsaturated fatty acids (MUFAs) which aid in curbing the craving for sweet, salty and fatty foods. Dark chocolate has the added benefit of phenolic antioxidants which protects from degenerative diseases. Since it is also a mood-booster, dark chocolate helps to prevent you from eating junk food.

  • Eat this as a treat, and make sure you eat the 60% variety or more.
  • Add shavings of dark chocolate to a fruit salad as a dessert.

8.) Chilies to Burn Fat

Chilies, red chilies, in particular, have been shown to be an excellent way to boost metabolism in your body. Studies have shown that experiencing that “burn in your mouth” feeling that comes from eating chilies is what contributes to promoting weight loss. This “burn” contributes to a rise in body temperature, which leads to energy expenditure and appetite control. Capsaicin, the compound that gives that heat in chilies, helps to reduce hunger while boosting metabolism.

  • Add chilies to your meal plans to give it that kick of heat and turn up the metabolism.
  • Try it in soups, or in stir-fries, or other such meals.

9.) Yogurt to Lose Weight Fast

Plain, thick Greek yogurt is a good addition to your diet to lose 20 pounds in 2 weeks. This food has one of the best calorie-to-protein ratios of any weight loss food. One cup of non fat plain yogurt contains around 23 grams of protein (the same as 4 eggs) and only 130 calories! Since protein is proven to enhance satisfaction in appetites for longer than fiber, protein rich diets are easier to stick with for dieters.

  • Have one serving of plain, non fat and unsweetened yogurt at lunch to help satisfy the appetite.
  • Alternatively, start your day by adding fresh berries to plain, non fat, and unsweetened yogurt. Try this variation as a snack as well.

10.) Exercises to Lose 20 pounds in 2 Weeks

No weight loss and weight management plan can achieve safe and healthy results without  both diet and exercise. Vigorous exercise burns fat at a high rate. When paired with the right diet, one does not need more than 30 minutes of moderate exercise per day to get rid of stomach fat, thigh fat, arm fat and other such fat. To lose 20 pounds in 2 weeks, try this basic exercise plan, along with your strict diet:

  • First, warm up your body by lightly jogging in place for 1 minute. Stretch your shoulder and back muscles by completing 1 minute of shoulder circles. Do this by swiftly rotating your shoulders in a counterclockwise motion.
  • Complete 2 sets of 20 jumping jacks for 5-10 minutes. Alternatively, you can use a skipping rope to get the same results.
  • Fulfill the essential cardio part of the exercise regime by running on a treadmill for 20 minutes. Once you are more used to running on a flat path, set an incline to the treadmill to help burn calories faster.
  • Cool down your muscles by doing stretches. This will help relax your muscles and prevent the buildup of lactic acid in your legs.
  • Repeat this routine every day or for at least 5 days in a week.

There is no rule that you must spend your time in a gym. Maybe try to add something fun once in a while to your routine. This will help to break the monotony. Try different dancing classes, or book yourself into rowing. Maybe go rafting along a river, or even just playing soccer will help get your required portion of the exercise.