How to Lose 30 Pounds?

Do you feel bad about missing a huge event or vacations where you had to wear a bikini or a dress in which you could not fit, or a trip to a water park just because of being an overweight and undesirable body? If yes, then this post will definitely help you. To Lose 30 pounds a person requires a strong commitment to diet, exercise, and improvements to your lifestyle. It’s an actually large weight loss goal and requires you to stick to a healthier lifestyle for a significant amount of time. Getting the desired body is not a miracle of one day, this process also requires willpower and hard work. Many people starve themselves and torture their feeding system and think that it will give them a fast and lasting result to lose.

Ways to Lose 30 Pounds

Ways to Lose 30 Pounds:

1.) Start a Food Journal

You will need a rough idea of the calories you are consuming before you start any type diet plan and routine.

  • Start keeping a food journal by noting everything you eat and drink in one day. Note your breakfast, lunch, dinner, snacks, drinks and everything you eat throughout the day.
  • Try to be as accurate as you can. This will help you to make a diet plan and figure out a level of hard work you need to lose weight.
  • Continue your food journal even after starting your weight loss plan. Studies have shown that this keeps you accountable to your diet and can help you lose 30 pounds quickly.

2.) Protein Diet to Lose 30 pounds

Many studies have shown that a high protein diet not only helps you to lose weight but also make it a bit easier to keep that weight off in long-term.

  • Protein is an essential nutrient in your diet. Consuming a little more than average will help you to increase your overall satiety and also helps to manage your appetite.
  • Make sure to eat a source of protein at each meal. Plan to have at least one servings of leaner protein per meal and one serving with snacks.
  • If you will add a source of protein at each meal, you’ll be able to lose weight faster without feeling weakness.
  • Protein helps in muscle-building and it also helps to increase your metabolism rate. High metabolic rate helps to increase the digestion level, so the food you will eat will not convert into fat.
  • Try seafood, tofu, legumes, beef, eggs, low-fat dairy and poultry they are high in protein. Chicken breast and egg whites are the lean sources of protein.

3.) Fill Half your Plate with Fruit or Vegetable

When you sit for eating a meal, fill your plate majorly with fruits and vegetables. It is very effective and easy trick to maintain a lower calorie diet, without even feeling like you’re starving yourself.

  • Fruits and vegetables are low in calorie which means you can eat a fair amount without even gaining weight crossing your calories count.
  • These foods are high in fiber so that they provide bulk to meals and you’ll feel full and stay satisfied longer after your meal is completed.
  • Fill your plate with fruit or vegetable. Include 1/2 cup of fruit per serving, one cup of dense vegetables and two cups of leafy greens to lose 30 pounds.

4.) 100% Whole Grains to Lose Weight

Add one or two serving of whole grains to your to your daily diet because it will help you to increase your fiber intake and you will feel more satisfied and full. Consume 100% whole grains over refined grains because they are higher in fiber, protein, and other essential nutrients, on the other hand, refined grains are directly converted into fat. Whole grain is very effective to lose 30 pounds.

  • Consume only a half cup of whole grain in per serving.
  • Oats, brown rice, quinoa, whole wheat bread or whole wheat pasta are contained whole grain.
  • Try to Avoid refined grains as much as possible. White bread, plain pasta, white rice or baked are the sources of refined grains.

5.) Drink Enough Fluids

Water is essential to keep you hydrated throughout the day. It is also a key factor in your weight loss. Consumption of water also helps to increase the metabolism and function of your organ.

  • Many times your body get confuse between thirst and hunger and give the signal of hunger when you actually thirsty. You may have a snack when in reality you just need a sip of water.
  • Drinking a large glass of water before the meals can help fill you up without adding calories or you feel hungry after the meal so you can also consume a glass of water. It will also trick you stomach
  • Try to drink at least 3 liters of water for men and 2.2 liters of water for women.
  • Water will help you to flush out the toxic chemical and sodium. So drink lots more water.
  • If you have got bored drinking same taste of water so you can try green tea, it has lots of antioxidants and zero calories.

6.) Change your Lifestyle to Lose 30 Pounds

A slight change in your lifestyle will prove worthy for you. Include exercises and a brisk walk in your daily routine. This is an especially good way to start if you aren’t currently doing any planned or structured exercise.

  • Walk as much as you can. Avoid using escalators and lift.
  • Studies have shown that those people who do a lifestyle activity get similar benefits to those people who do the structured aerobic activity.
  • Take a walk 10 to 20 minute after dinner or on your lunch break. You can also take Micro walks during the work day, in the morning or during your lunch hour. It will also help you lose weight.
  • Rather than watching television, try planning activities. Encourage your entire family to be more active. Go for dog walking, mini golfing or play sports.

7.) Cardiovascular Exercise to Lose Pounds

Start doing cardiovascular exercise. This will not only help to lose 30 pounds, in fact, it will give a nice shape to your body. Apart from it, it’s benefits are:

  • Increases metabolism
  • Burn calories
  • Improves endurance
  • Burns Fat
  • Improves heart function
  • Improves sleep
  • Releases “feel-good hormones” – endorphins
  • Improves lung function – easier breathing
  • Decreases depression, stress, and anxiety
  • Reduces risk of osteoporosis
  • Improves triglycerides and cholesterol levels
  • Most health experts recommend performing in about 150 minutes of activity each week. Two to three hours per week.
  • If you are not doing exercising or you have difficulty with exercising, you can start with a smaller goal like one hour a week.
  • Many activities include in cardio exercises such as going for a walk, water aerobics, using the elliptical, dance performing or riding a stationary bike.

8.) Eat Mindfully to Lose 30 Pounds

When you’re trying to lose weight, it is very important to make some changes in your diet as well. Your diet plays an important role in shaping your body. So eat wisely for best results.

  • Turn off the TV and your cell phone while you are eating, since it distracts you and you tends to eat more. Pay attention  to your meal and get more enjoyment and satisfaction from your meals.
  • Use smaller plates and smaller portions. You can use salad plates at dinner to control portion sizes.
  • Take at least 20 minutes to eat your meals. This slow method prevents you from overeating by giving your body enough time to feel satisfied.
  • You will have to pay attention to, how you’re eating, what you’re eating and why are you eating.
  • Eating mindfully can become a great tool to lose 30 pounds.

9.) Green Tea to Lose Pounds

Green tea is considered as the best tea for weight loss. It contains the catechin epigallocatechin gallate (EGCG), which boosts up your metabolism to burn calories and promote weight loss. However, it does nothing alone. It basically supports others ways such as exercising and a balanced diet to reduce weight.

  • Aim to include 3 to 4 cups of green tea in your daily diet to lose 30 pounds.
  • A study published in the International Journal of Obesity in 2009 highlighted the positive effects of green tea on weight loss.
  • Green tea helps to slow down weight gaining by limiting fat absorption and increasing the body’s ability to use fat according to studies.
  • Green tea also increases the level of antioxidants in the body.
  • Regular consumption of green tea supports detoxification

10.) Peppermint to lose Weight

Peppermint is very effective to lose 30 pounds. It works as a natural appetite suppressant. Tea made from dried peppermint leaves also supports weight loss.

  • Drinking a cup of peppermint tea between meals reduces hunger and prevent overeating and reduces intake of calorie-rich snacks.
  • Peppermint is low in calories, thus naturally reduces your calorie intake.
  • This herb also reduces stress and aids digestion to support weight loss. Even the soothing scent of peppermint helps to suppress appetite.
  • Don’t drink this tea more than 3 times a day.
  • Pregnant or breastfeeding should not consume peppermint tea.
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