How to Lose Arm Fat?

How to Lose Arm Fat

In this article, we will discuss ways to lose arm fat. It can be very ugly and embarrassing to have arms with excess fat. It can ruin the appearance as well as the structure of the entire body of a person. Fat in the arms can even limit your options of wearing dresses. There are many people who have normal body structure but have fatty arms. Both women and men can struggle with this problem of fatty arms. This not only hampers the physical personality of a person but also affects him/her mentally.

The deposition of fat in the arms makes them look saggy. Therefore, it becomes necessary to lose arm fat. There are many home remedies available which will help you get rid of arm fat. Before moving to the remedies, let us know the causes responsible for fat in the arm.

Causes of Arm Fat

  • Excess weight gain
  • Aging
  • Lack of physical activity
  • Genetics
  • Consumption of Fatty Food
  • Cellulite

Exercises for Men to Lose Arm Fat:

One doesn’t need to be worry about how to lose arm fat fast. There are several easy and effective exercises which you can perform at the comfort of your home. These exercises will not only help you lose arm fat but also tone your muscles. Below are some of the exercises that will help you improve your condition.

1.) Lift Weight to Lose Arm Fat

This physical exercise is a proven way for losing arm fat fast. It is also very useful if you are looking overall weight reduction program.

Directions to Follow:

  • Take a dumbbell or a water bottle in both hands.
  • Hold them firmly and slowly lift your hands up. Take your hand above the head while maintaining the same slow pace.
  • Make sure your arms are straight.
  • Next, start bringing down the dumbbell/bottle as much as possible at the rear of your back.
  • Again, lift the weight and move it above the head and bring back to the initial position, at a relaxed pace.
  • The crucial element of this exercise is that the arms need to be close to your ears and head.
  • Do this exercise for set of 20 where each set includes 15 to 20 repetitions.
  • Take a rest of not more than a minute or two after completing each set.
  • It is suggested that you increase the weight or the duration of this exercise after every week, to make sure that you lose arm fat fast.

2.) Chair Dips to Lose Arm Fat

It is one of the best ways to lose arm fat. It is recommended that you perform this exercise at least for a month for a good result. Chair dips will not only help in eliminating the arm fat but will also give a toned look to you arm’s muscles.

Directions to Follow:

  • Before you perform this exercise, you need to ensure that you have a bed or a chair of minimum two feet height.
  • Also, ensure that there is at least three feet of moving space in front of your bed or chair.
  • Now, stand in such a manner that your back faces your bed/chair.
  • Next, simply place your hands on the chair. Make sure that your hands are shoulder width apart.
  • Straighten the upper part of your body.
  • Now slowly bend your elbows and knees and move the body towards the ground.
  • Try to come in contact with the floor but don’t put too much pressure on the body to do so.
  • Get back to the standing position slowly and steadily.
  • Do 3 sets of this exercise with 20 repetitions in each set.
  • Do this exercise regularly to lose arm fat fast.

3.) Knee Push-Ups to Reduce Arm Fat

This exercise will not only help losing fat but also tone the rear and frontal parts of the upper arm. This is one of the best ways to lose arm fat at home.

Directions to Follow:

  • Rest your hands and knees on the ground.
  • Ensure that your back is straight and not bent.
  • Now gently bend the hands and bring your torso as close to the floor as possible.
  • Next, slowly push against the floor and get back to the initial position.
  • Perform this exercise until you get exhausted.
  • Once you get used to the exercise, you can start doing push-ups on your toes.
  • Follow this exercise daily to get rid of arm fat fast.

4.) Triceps Kickback to Lose Arm Fat

Just like the above exercise, even triceps kickback can help remove fat from the rear and frontal area of your upper arm. This exercise not only reduces arm fat but also gives a toned look to your arms.

Directions to Follow:

  • Start this exercise with a normal standing posture. Grab a dumbbell with your left hand.
  • Now, keep your right knee and your right hand on a bench.
  • Make sure your upper body is parallel to the bench.
  • Next, you will need to swing the left-hand backside in the upward direction.
  • Stay in this position for ten seconds.
  • After that, move your left hand slowly back to the initial position.
  • Make ten to fifteen repetitions and perform the same process with your right hand with left knee and hand on the bench.
  • Do triceps kickback regularly, which is one of the fastest ways to lose arm fat fast.

5.) Floor Pull-Up to Get Rid of Arm Fat

This exercise is excellent for working on fat in your triceps. This will help to reduce the fat from the arm. Plus, it is a great way to lose overall weight as well.

Directions to Follow:

  • Lie down on the floor with your head and shoulder under a strong table.
  • Now, grip the edges of the table with your both arms.
  • Next, lift yourself from the floor and go as far as you can.
  • Then, stay in that position for ten seconds and slowly get back to the starting position.
  • Follow this exercise daily to get rid of arm fat.

Exercises for Women to Lose Arm Fat

Having flabby arms can ruin the appearance of a woman badly. Below are a few exercises that can help to get rid of this issue fast and naturally.

1.) Wrist Rotation to Lose Arm Fat for Women

Directions to Follow:

  • In this exercise simply stand straight and then make sure that the gap between your feet is equal to the length of your shoulder.
  • Now, take two dumbbells of one pound in each hand.
  • Next, you will need to stretch your hands forward.
  • Then, you will need to rotate your wrists in the clockwise direction for a minute.
  • Take rest for a few seconds and repeat the same action in the clockwise and anti-clockwise direction.
  • Follow this exercise regularly to get rid of arm fat.

2.) Lateral Dumbbell to Lose Arm Fat

Directions to Follow:

  • Stand straight with a shoulder width distance between the feet.
  • Hold a dumbbell in each hand.
  • Rest your hands at the sides.
  • Now, you will need to lift both the arms slowly to the sides till you reach the shoulder level.
  • Make sure that your hands are straight and not bent at the elbows.
  • Stay in that position for around thirty seconds, and then get back to the initial position.
  • Do three sets of this exercise with 10 repetitions in a set.
  • Use heavier dumbbells as you keep gaining the strength.

3.) One-Legged Hammer Curls to Lose Arm Fast for Women

Directions to Follow:

  • Grab a dumbbell in each hand and stand straight.
  • Keep your hands resting at the sides and make sure that the palms face each other.
  • Now simply lift your left leg and let the right leg support your body weight.
  • Slowly lift the dumbbells bending elbows and lift till your shoulder level.
  • Make sure that your hands are fully pressed at the sides.
  • Stay in that position for a few seconds and slowly get back to the initial position.
  • Continue the process for the other side.
  • Performing this workout regularly will help lose arm fat fast.

4.) Dips to Get Rid of Arm Fat

Directions to Follow:

  • In this exercise sit at the edge of a bench and grip the edge with fingers.
  • Now, you will need to adjust the position of your wrists so that knuckles face forward.
  • Next, slowly raise your hips from the bench and bend your elbows. Move your hips towards the floor.
  • Stay in the position for a second when your hands get parallel to the floor.
  • Slowly get back to the initial position and take a pause of a few seconds, repeat the exercise again.
  • Perform this exercise daily to lose arm fat fast.

5.) Front Raises to Get Rid of Arm Fat

Directions to Follow:

  • Grab a dumbbell in each hand and sit carefully on a stability ball.
  • Relax your shoulders and stiffen your stomach muscles.
  • Now, you will need to rest your hands at the sides and on the stability ball.
  • Place your palms to make your knuckles face forward.
  • Then, raise the dumbbells slowly ahead of your shoulders.
  • Stay in the position when your hands and dumbbells get parallel with the floor.
  • Then, slowly get back to the initial position.
  • Perform as many repetitions as you can without straining yourself too much.
  • Do this exercise regularly to get rid of arm fat fast.