How to Lose Body Fat?

This article is about ways to lose body fat. Gaining weight has become a very common thing. Availability of things at one click has made us gain more and more weight. The physical work has reduced to a great extent and this is causing various problems. Weight gain is the most common problem faced due to an advancement of technology. Everyone wants to be in shape and get a perfect body. In this article, we are going to discuss different ways to lose body fat. The ways are easy to follow and you will be able to lose fat easily.  Read the article and get rid of that unwanted accumulated fat.

Causes of Body Fat:

The accumulation of excess body fat in various parts of your body depends upon several factors. The common reason found in almost everyone is their lifestyle and the food that they eat. Below are some of the common causes of fat accumulation in your body, which can lead to many major health problems if not treated initially.

  • Lack of exercise
  • Lack of rest
  • Improper diet
  • Hereditary
  • Depression
  • Anger
  • Hypothyroidism

Symptoms of Body Fat:

You can easily get to know that you have excess body fat by looking at yourself and by measuring weight. Below are following signs which also indicate that you have accumulated excess body fat.

  • Increase in weight
  • Increased appetite
  • Increase in blood pressure level
  • Bloating
  • Fatigue
  • Diabetics

Top Remedies to Lose Body Fat:

1.) Tomatoes to Lose Body Fat

Tomato can be a really effective home remedy to eliminate excessive fat from your body. You just need to eat a couple of tomatoes on an empty stomach every morning. Don’t remove anything from the tomatoes, eat the peels and seeds as well as they contain dietary fiber. They contain components that tend to alter the levels of hormones to reduce fat. Plus, tomatoes are rich in vitamins A, C, and K, and vital minerals like manganese, choline, magnesium, folate, and other nutrients. The other major advantage of tomato is that it is packed with antioxidants that protect against cancers.

2.) Cabbage to Lose Body Fat

Cabbage contains various vital nutrients that can help you eliminate excess fat naturally. Make raw cabbage an integral part of your diet to lose weight. The tartaric acid present in cabbage easily inhibits the conversion of sugar and carbohydrates into fat. Plus, it is quite rich in vitamin C and very low in calories but high in fiber and water. It contains phytochemicals that can help you improve the imbalance of estrogen metabolism to prevent excess fat from accumulation. You can also choose other cruciferous vegetables such as Brussels sprouts, broccoli, cauliflower, and Swiss chard are also beneficial in this regard.

3.) Fennel to Lose Body Fat

Fennel seeds are one of the best home remedies to lose weight fast and naturally. Their diuretic properties are considered useful in weight loss. The diuretics usually help you lose weight quickly by dropping water retention. You just need to light dry roast and grind some fennel seeds and then sieve the powder. Take two teaspoons of this powder two times a day with warm water to lose weight fast. This remedy will also help with indigestion, abdominal gas, and constipation. Alternatively, you can drink fennel tea ten minutes before meals.

4.) Honey and Cinnamon to Lose Body Fat

When discussing the best ways to lose weight you can not overlook the importance of honey. It is one of the most effective substances to treat several health problems. You don’t have to do anything fancy to get honey and cinnamon benefits. Just include honey and cinnamon tea in your daily diet to boost the metabolism, increase energy, and detoxify your body. Honey effectively fights obesity by promoting fat metabolism naturally. On the other hand, the cinnamon helps you avoid overeating by simply fighting insulin resistance and stress associated with metabolic syndrome. You need to pour one cup of hot water over two teaspoons of cinnamon powder. Let it steep for twenty minutes. Now, mix in two teaspoons of organic honey. Drink it in the morning on an empty stomach before breakfast. By following this remedy you also have to drink eight glasses of water throughout the day to flush out toxins from your body.

5.) Lemon Juice to Lose Body Fat

Lemon juice can be one of the best home remedies to fight obesity. It will help improve digestion and aids in detoxification quickly. A healthy digestion is a key to weight loss as it helps our body to get the nutrients required to burn calories. Moreover, it also helps remove toxins from the body that slow down the metabolism. Just mix four teaspoons of lemon juice, two teaspoons of honey, and two teaspoons of black pepper powder in two glass of water. Simply, drink it in the morning on an empty stomach to get rid of excess fat. Repeat this remedy daily for at least two months. You can also have one cup of warm water mixed with one teaspoon of lemon juice.

6.) Apple Cider Vinegar to Lose Body Fat

Apple cider vinegar is another quite popular home remedy to reduce excess fat from your body. According to several studies, it has shown that apple cider vinegar can help protect against obesity. The mechanism of its working is quite simple, it simply breaks down fat and hence prevents the accumulation of body fat naturally. To use it for weight loss you just need to mix three teaspoons of raw, unfiltered apple cider vinegar in a glass of water. Drink this solution daily preferably before meals. Alternatively, you can drink one glass of water mixed with two teaspoons each of raw, apple cider vinegar and lemon juice. You can also have up to three tablespoons of apple cider vinegar in a day for faster result. Be careful about the quantity and do not exceed this amount, as it may lower your bone mineral density.

7.) Aloe Vera to Lose Body Fat

Aloe Vera is yet another useful home remedy to get rid of excess fat from the body. It is known to stimulating the metabolism, increases energy, and mobilizes stored fat in the body. It also contains collagen proteins that make your body work harder to absorb the proteins. Furthermore, it helps remove harmful toxins from your digestive system and colon. Simply peel of two fresh Aloe Vera leaves, and scoop out the pulp. Place the pulp in a blender along with a cup of citrus juice, such as grapefruit juice or orange, or simply water. Blend it for three minutes. Now, drink this solution daily for at least a month.

8.) Green Tea to Lose Body Fat

Green tea is one of the highly recommend natural remedies to promote weight loss. According to several studies it has been found that green tea helps slow down weight gain by efficiently limiting the fat absorption. Additionally, green tea is loaded with nutrients such as vitamin C, zinc, selenium, carotenoids, chromium, and other trace minerals. You just need to drink about three cups of green tea daily to fight obesity. Alternatively, you can combine it with ginger tea or cayenne pepper.

9.) Cayenne Pepper to Lose Body Fat

Cayenne pepper is also a useful home remedy to fight obesity and helps in weight loss naturally. It stimulates the digestion and suppresses excessive appetite caused by absorption of nutrients in the body. To get its benefits pour little bit cayenne pepper in a glass of warm water. Do not add a large amount of it or increase the amount gradually. You should add little lemon juice in the solution. Now, drink this tea regularly for two months. Mix three tablespoons each of lemon juice and maple syrup in one glass. Just stir in a dash of cayenne pepper and drink it to lose weight.

10.) Curry Leaves to Lose Body Fat

Curry leaves are considered as a very effective home remedy to get rid of excess fat from the body. You just need to eat ten fresh curry leaves daily every morning. It works as a great remedy to fight obesity and diabetes which is caused by the obesity. You will need to continue this natural treatment regularly for at least four months. Various studies show that the curry leaves contains mahanimbine which an alkaloid that has anti-obesity and lipid-lowering effects. Due to this, it helps lower body weight fast and reduces total cholesterol and triglyceride levels.

Other Ways to Lose Body Fat:

  • Keep the stress at the bay.
  • Avoid dieting. Instead, 6 small meals in a day.
  • Do not skip any meal especially breakfast.
  • Regularly exercise, practice yoga and other activities such as swimming, cycling, etc.
  • Take a sound sleep of 6-8 hrs.