How to Lose Love Handles?

In this article, we will discuss the best home remedies to lose love handles. Saying an adieu to love handles might not be a simple task in most of the cases. However, it should not be much of a tall order either. Love handles will contribute to a dangerous capability of going obese and being needlessly painful in the quest of attaining that perfect body figure that you have been hunting for. We have covered all the top home remedies to get rid of love handles and each of them will need some dedication and determination before they bear fruit. You just need to follow the instruction carefully to lose love handles.

Causes of Love Handles:

  • Wrong workout
  • Bad eating schedule
  • Your body being in equilibrium
  • Too much stress
  • Symptoms of Love Handles:
  • Physical and mental discomfort
  • Obesity

Home Remedies to Lose Love Handles:

1.) Drink Plenty of Water to Lose Love Handles

Water is life and so you must strike a good understanding with it. Drinking at least two glasses of hot or warm water two hours prior to meals is a great way to keep belly fat under control. Drinking lots of water is also necessary as it helps eliminate harmful toxins from the body. It also helps another remedy to work efficiently. Drinking at least eight glass of water is necessary for proper body functioning. One should drink at least eight glasses of water a day to help optimize body metabolism and avoid chances of overeating and obesity.

2.) Avoid Stress to Lose Love Handles

Stress is a major factor that leads to love handles. If you want to lose love handles naturally then avoid stress as much you can. Do whatever which keep you away from the stress like music, watching TV, playing outside, chatting etc. Stress along with having poor health consequences will add up to fat accumulation in your body. Stress also leads to the breakdown of muscle and increases the fat content. You should adopt basic stress management skills to prevent this negative state and add up a more arsenals for the fat elimination of such fat.

3.) Avoid Sleep Debt to Lose Love Handles

The body needs enough sleep to optimize its functioning and respond to hormones effectively. The lack of optimal sleep levels will prevent the body’s response to insulin and thus increases fat deposition, which further increases with more fat being stored around your waistline. It is very important to take proper sleep to get rid of love handles. The optimum sleep time is eight hours but at least six hours of sound and continuous sleep is a good way to restore your body energy and allow your body and mind to function optimally.

4.) Fish Oil and Fish to Lose Love Handles

Fish oil and fish are rich in omega-3 fats, which is necessary to lose love handles. It is a good way to accelerate body metabolism and boost up fat oxidation. Researchers show that most of the sea animals along with the products made from them contain this vital component. It helps speed up the process of love handles. You need to simply eat such fish three times a day every week or use their healthy oils for every day cooking and you are good to go. It will help cure the problem fast and naturally without any side effect.

5.) Beans to Lose Love Handles

Beans are one of the most effective home remedies to lose love handles. These provide a high amount of soluble fiber to reduce the belly fat along with inhibiting the bacteria activity. You just need to add a few beans to your daily meals preferably for dinner is an easy way to fight off the belly fat naturally.

6.) Eating Vitamin C Rich Foods to Lose Love Handles

No exercise and good dieting are complete without giving vitamin C the due attention. These micronutrients are very important in fat metabolism so that the body utilizes the available fat deposits. Eating only a fruit every day is a great way to tap into this immense potential.

7.) Dairy Products to Lose Love Handles

Milk products especially milk, yogurt, and cheese provide calcium that is required to keep your belly fat in check. You need to add some small quantities of dairy products to daily meals that will help keep calcitriol under minimal levels. It is the hormone, which is responsible for the accumulation of body fat, and as such putting it to the lowest ebb will aid combat growth of belly fat.

8.) Minimize Consumption of Aerated Drinks to Lose Love Handles

The aerated drinks are commonplace in our society. These drinks usually target the abdominal by increasing fat due to the sugar levels spiking your appetite. You can choose alternative drinks such as fresh fruit juice which will help you avoid these sugar drinks. By replacing your aerated drinks with juice will affect your dieting habits which will boost your war on belly fat.

9.) Flag White Foods in Your Diet to Lose Love Handles

If you are eating foods that have little or no nutritional value then they will tend to have more impact on fat storage in your body. You should raise a red flag to these kinds of foods and replace them with the foods which are loaded with nutritional values. The food you should avoid includes sugars, salt, and junk foods. By just checking your existing diet and replacing them with healthy fruits and  vegetables will help you shape your belly and eliminate the additional fat.

10.) Green Tea to Lose Love Handles

Green tea is one of the greatest natural remedies to lose love handles. It can help you make a balance between optimization of the body metabolism and appetite. This will help prevent the accumulation of fat from storing around the belly. To get all the benefits of green tea, you should replace your regular tea or coffee with green tea. Drink green tea at least two times a day one in the morning and other in the evening to get the fast result.

11.) Add Lime to Your Drinking Water to Lose Love Handles

It is said that drinking lots of water daily will help your body work perfectly as it flushes the harmful toxins. Now, if you just add a spoonful of lime to each of the glasses then it will produce excellent results in most of the circumstances. You should always consider adding lime to water only not in other drinks. The solution will work perfectly to detoxify the body and boost the rate of metabolism for fat elimination on love handles.

12.) Include Figs in Your Daily Diets to Lose Love Handles

Figs are very nutritional as it is a rich source of calcium, iron, potassium, and fiber along with several vitamins including vitamin B1, B2, and vitamin A. These all ingredients are necessary for optimal body working. The fiber included in figs help in the digestion and slows down the sugar absorption which aids in keeping fat accumulation in check. You should include figs in you daily diet or just have it as a dry fruit on a regular basis for better results.

Exercise to Lose Love Handles:

1.) Bicycling to Lose Weight

Cycling is one of best-known technique among the home remedies to lose love handles fast. You just need to cycle for a few kilometers every day in the morning and evening. This will help the love handles tone down along with strengthening thigh muscles.

2.) Jogging to Shed Fat

Jogging will easily bring intensity right to your belly and distribute the fat hanging around slim up. You should go for jogging daily in early the morning for best results. Daily jogging will help you get slim belly so consider jogging at least four days a week.

3.) Leg Flutters to Get rid of Love Handles

These exercises are aimed at firming the abdominal muscles while providing the strength to the back. These exercises will stretch the lower belly and the fat will be forced to melt away. This will leave behind the tough muscles.

4.) Twisting Crunches to Burn Fat

These crunches are not special but much like the regular crunches. The difference is that in twisting crunches your knee is raised and touched with the elbow of the opposite arm.

5.) Standing Trunk Twists to Get rid of Love Handles

To perform these exercises you need to stand upright separating the legs at least one foot. Now, you have to twist your trunks to the opposite side and keep punching in the air after a short interval. It is recommended to perform twenty-five repetitions for each arm a day.