How to Open your Third Eye?

The third eye is directly related to the 6th chakra which is called the psychic chakra, located in the middle of the forehead. It is associated with the pineal gland. The third eye symbolizes the state of consciousness through which one can see the world in an extraordinary way. Utilizing your third eye doesn’t mean you will be able to talk to your spirit guides, you will see the future, you will start to understand love, you will be able to read people’s mind or you will become spiritually enlightened. It means having greater control over your feelings and mind, and also a deeper feeling of the world nearby you. Here are some steps to open your third eye.

Steps to Open your Third Eye

1.) Locate your Third Eye Chakra

Chakras are the energy centers in your body. They are wheels of energy that align along your spine. There are seven chakras in your body, and each links to a different part of your physical, mental, and spiritual well-being. Your third eye chakra is the sixth chakra of your body.

  • It is located in the middle of your brain, between your eyes which are right above the bridge of your nose.
  • While doing meditation, try to focus your mind on this chakra. It will help you to see the world more clearly.

2.) Choose the Right Surroundings 

Meditation is a very effective tool to open your third eye. You will be able to better access the mental clarity that is associated with the third eye by bringing more awareness to your thoughts. The core goal of meditation is to bring the mind to rest on one thought or object. It is very  important to choose the right surroundings where you feel comfortable when you will begin to meditate.

  • Some people feel more peaceful and open-minded doing meditation out in nature. You can also go outside and do meditation if you feel comfortable outside. Find a right temperature space where you can sit without being disturbed by others.
  • Indoor meditation is also fine, it depends on your preferences. Many people have a designated meditation space in their home.
  • meditation is a very personal process. So focus on choosing the right surroundings which are comfortable for you.

3.) Prepare your Posture to Open your Third Eye

The main part of meditation is a mind-body connection. The easier it will be to focus on your meditation object or thought if you will be more comfortable physically. The most effective meditation posture is considered to be sitting cross-legged on the ground.

  • Take out some time every day to get used to of sitting on the floor, if you are used to sitting in a chair. You will feel more natural and it will be easier to focus on your meditation sitting on the floor.
  • Most people uses one cushion to make sitting on the ground to feel comfortable. You can also use two or three cushions if that make your comfortable sitting on the ground.
  • Don’t need to worry if you are not comfortable in sitting. You can try to do walking meditation. Some people feel soothing, the rhythmic sounds of their footfalls. Walk slowly, in a clear path so that you don’t need to think too much about where you are going.

4.) Meditation Object to Open your Third Eye

A meditation object can be any physical or object thought. It will help your brain and make it easier to focus. This will keep your thought in one direction and make your meditation more effective.

  • Candles are a popular meditation object. The flickering flame is comfortable to many people and easy to look at.
  • If you want to do thoughtful meditation you can feel free to picture a beautiful tree or the ocean that you once saw. Make sure to clearly see the object in your mind’s eye.

5.) Chant Mantra to Open your Third Eye

A mantra is a phrase or word that you have to repeat during your meditation practice. You can chant the mantra internally or out loud, it depends on your preferences. Your mantra should be something that is personal and meaningful to you.

  • For instance, you can repeat the phrase, ‘‘I choose happiness’’.This will help reinforce the idea that you are going to focus on feeling joy throughout the day
  • Or you can choose only one word. For instances, you can repeat the word ‘‘peace’’.

6.) Make it a Routine

Meditation is a practice which means that the first time you will sit down to meditate, it might not be a big success. Your mind may wander around, or you may even fall asleep. Successfully learning meditate is a process and it takes time.

  • Make it a part of your everyday life. Begin with very small increments, you can start with two to five minutes then gradually increase your time.
  • Soon you will feel more comfortable to practice meditation and will be able to spend more time each day.

7.) Be Mindful to Open your Third Eye

Being mindful means that you are more actively aware of what is happening around you. You are consciously paying attention to your physical sensations and emotions. Being more mindful will help you to get in tune with the world around you and even with yourself.

  • Avoid being judgemental. Just observe and acknowledge something without forming an opinion about whether something is “right” or “wrong”.
  • For instance, if you are feeling stressed out, Simply observe and acknowledge your emotions. Do not judge yourself for feeling that way.

8.) Go Outside to Open your Third Eye

Being more mindful can help you to open your third eye because your will be more aware of everything. Spending some time outside can be very helpful in becoming more mindful. You can take a short walk each day, and try to spend more time in nature to open your third eye.

  • In today’s culture, we almost spend our whole time looking at some sort of electronic or communication device. Going outside reminds us to take a break for all of the things and spend your time peacefully outside.

9) Be Creative to Open your Third Eye

Being mindful can allow you to get in touch with your creative side. Research suggests that mindful meditation is a great cure for all the block that artists and other creative types of people experience. Being more mindful also allow you to open up your creative pathways.

  • Try experimenting with your creative side. Try to learning a new musical instrument, doing painting, sketching or other creative work. Letting your creativity flow will help you to open your third eye and feel more in-tune with yourself.

10.) Focus on the Small Things to Open your Third Eye

Day to day life can feel very overwhelming and hectic. Being more mindful helps you to feel calmer and better able to utilize your third eye. Pay attention to your routine and each aspect of your surroundings such as while taking a shower, observe the physical sensations. Notice how the warm water feels on your shoulders. Appreciate the refreshing scent of your shampoo.

Benefits of the Third Eye

  • Feel more Peaceful

Once you will learn to open your third eye, you will be able to experience the benefits of it. Many people say that they feel more peace after opening their third eye. Being more aware of yourself helps you to practice more self-kindness. You will also feel more self-confident and less anxious.

  • Be more Knowledgeable

The main reasons many people want to open their third eye is because it makes you more knowledgeable. It increases your perception of the world around you, you will be able to learn more about the world around you. People those who have opened their third eye say that they feel like they have more wisdom. You will also become more knowledgeable about yourself. Mindfulness and meditation are two great ways to get in touch with yourself. When you will be able to better understand your emotions, you will feel more capable of dealing with them.

  • Improve your Physical Health

Opening your third eye reduces your stress levels. You will feel self-aware and more peaceful. Reducing your stress level has many physical benefits. People with less stress are less likely to the problem of high blood pressure and symptoms of depression. Having less stress can also mean a reduction in things such as upset stomachs and headaches. It can even help you to have younger looking skin.