Pain Under Left Rib Cage

pain under left rib cage

In this article, we will be discussing what causes pain under left rib cage and remedies to manage the pain. The rib cage (also known as the thoracic cavity) is the protective area that shields the critical, soft organs from external injury. It houses the two most important organs in our body – the heart and the lungs. This area is more prone to accidents and is frequently exposed to injury. But other than an external injury, experiencing pain under left rib cage can be a sign of other reasons. It can range from a mild case of gas to a heart attack.

pain under left rib cagepain under left rib cage

Causes of Pain Under Left Rib Cage:

Experiencing pain under left rib cage is not really uncommon. But there can be a number of reasons for this pain. The left side of the rib cage does not only cover the chest cavity, but also the upper part of the abdomen. And because this location of the pain it can be hard to diagnose it as well. The pain under left rib cage may be due to problems with the chest and abdominal muscles. However, it is not always a drastic, or life-threatening reason for pain in this area. Read on to see some possible reasons for this pain.

1. Pain due to Indigestion

Indigestion is one of the most common reasons for pain under left rib cage. This bodily phenomenon is usually caused by consuming more food that the digestive system can handle. When you consume too much food, your system automatically slows down to cope with nutrition extraction. This leads to slow digestion. And because of this slow process, the gasses get trapped and accumulate in the colon. Subsequently, there is a pressure build up in the digestive system. As a result, you can feel the pain resounding from the upper left side of your abdomen towards the underside of the left rib cage.

2. Heartburn or Acid Reflux Leads to Pain

An acid reflux or a heartburn is the next most common reason for the pain under left rib cage. If you have eaten too much food, you may experience this. An acid reflux, as the name suggests, may be triggered by over-consumption of acidic foods or carbonated beverages. Typically for a heartburn, there are too many acids, in the stomach that then rises to near the chest area. And because this should not happen, there can be some pain. This condition is marked by a sharp pain in the thorax. It is very easy to mistake a heartburn for the pain of a heart condition. Some people have reported feeling bloated, along with the pain. This may be due to a lack of stomach acids to break down the food.

3. Pain due to Spleen Damage

The spleen is situated in the upper left portion of the abdomen. It sits right under the left rib cage. This organ is part of the lymph system and works as a network that defends your body against infections. Its main function is to filter and regulate the red blood cells and platelets in our body. A sharp, sudden pain under left rib cage can indicate an enlarged spleen. In some cases, the spleen can be already ruptured and you feel the pain a little later when it swells and enlarges. This pain can be immense and sudden. Another way to see if the pain under left rib cage is caused by an enlarged spleen is that it can be accompanied by fatigue, jaundice, and unprovoked weight loss.

4. Respiratory Issues Can Cause Pain

Sometimes pain under left rib cage can indicate a disorder in the lungs or surrounding structures. For example, inflammation of the lung linings can lead to severe pains. In addition, other respiratory diseases like pneumonia, pleurisy, tuberculosis, and even lung cancer can cause pain in this region of the chest. One such disorder is pneumothorax. In this condition, the lungs collapse due to a rupture in the lung membrane. The air from this lung escapes into the cavity between the lungs and the rib cage and gets trapped there. This trapped air pushes against the other organs and causes severe pain under left rib cage. The pain is worsened by coughing. Immediate medical attention is vital in this case.

5. Pain due to Costochondritis

Also known as Tietze’s Syndrome, this condition is as a result of inflammation of cartilage due to infection. In particular, the cartilage that bonds the ribs to the breastbone. This infection can either occur as a result of a forceful clash of the shoulder and rib area, or a viral infection. When breathing heavily people with this condition experience unbearable pain under left rib cage, near the breastbone. Consequently, costochondritis is often mistaken for a heart attack. This is because the pain radiates from near the breastbone. In reality, the real pain is under the left rib cage.

Ways to Manage Pain Under Left Rib Cage:

There are many ways to counter and manage the pain you may experience under the left rib cage. But the need and urgency with which you must seek medical attention depends on how the pain started and severe and prolonged it gets. It is important not brush aside any pain under left rib cage as a number of critical organs are nestled here. In the case of persistent pains and external injuries to the rib cage, you should seek out emergency medical attention.

1. Cure Pain Under Left Rib Cage due to Digestion

The most common cause of pain in this area is related to digestion issues. For such issues, there are a number of home remedies to get rid of this pain. All of these methods are time-tested ways to get rid of the pain. They are also inexpensive and easily available.

  • Munch on a teaspoon of aniseed after a heavy meal to counter the problem of indigestion before it causes pain.
  • Prepare a cup of green tea or fragrant herbal tea, as they greatly help in quick digestion. Ginger root tea is another wonderful herbal tea to help in soothing digestion problems.
  • Another home remedy is adding one teaspoon of roasted cumin seeds to water and boiling it. Once the essence has been extracted, strain and drink this to soothe your digestion problems.

2. Remedy for Pain Under Left Rib Cage due to Heartburn

It is easy to counter the pain that is caused by a heartburn or acid reflux. Home remedies are a good way to cure this as they have no side effects and work quick enough to counter this pain. In addition, these methods are easily available and inexpensive.

  • One excellent home remedy to counter heartburn is to add 1 teaspoon of roasted and ground coriander seeds in a glass of plain buttermilk.
  • Another remedy to counter heartburn or acid reflux pain is this: one teaspoon of carom seeds and a pinch of black salt.
  • Take one teaspoon of baking soda and mix it into an 8-ounce glass of water. Drink this to alleviate the pain under left rib cage caused by acid reflux.

3. Treat Pain Under Left Rib Cage due to Gas

In some cases, this pain can be caused by gas build up in the colon. This is quite common and has been experienced by everyone at some point. Again, it is not difficult to counter these pains. Here are some simple methods and remedies to treat pain under left rib cage due to gas.

  • Lie down with your head elevated. Rest in this position to reduce discomfort caused by gas.
  • Certain spices are known to counter gas build up. Add these spices to your dishes to help reduce bloating or gas build up: Mustard, cardamom, cumin, and turmeric.
  • Drink plenty of fluids to counter gas build up. It has been shown that drinking fluids help to speed up the digestion process, which in turn reduces the chances of gas build up. Most noteworthy are hot beverages like tea. Try ginger tea, chamomile tea, and peppermint tea to bring you relief. But remember to stay away from carbonated beverages.

4. Medications to Treat Pain Under Left Rib Cage

Sometimes, this pain is best treated by medication. There may be some other problems that cause this pain, for example, a muscle pull or muscle pain. These can be easily treated with a painkiller. Some digestion issues can be easily cured with a digestive tablet. So consult your doctor about this to obtain the right medication.

5. Surgery to Cure Pain Under Left Rib Cage

In other, more severe cases the pain under left rib cage can only be cured through surgery. For example, a ruptured spleen, or a fractured rib cannot be cured simply through medication or self-treatment. If you have experienced any external injury then it may have damaged some internal organs. These damaged organs may be causing pain to the area under the left rib cage. If the pain is severe and abnormally prolonged, immediately seek professional medical assistance.
