How to Pass a Urine Test?

This article explains about how to pass a urine test. Drug testing is a common practice for law, employers, school athletes or any other professional organization. A drug test may include urine test, hair, blood or saliva. There are different ways to test a drug. It is a matter of thought, how to pass a urine test. Some people might have faced challenges in getting the desired result of their urine test.  It is very important to get a positive test. The outcomes of drug test report are considered as a grave felony. The reports of these test put a major effect on your life.

Most of the time, it happens that, you don’t get the desired results.  If you are worried about a urine drug test that you are going to take in a few days, we are here to helps you. You can pass the urine test by using some home remedies. There are so many ways to pass a urine test. The best way to pass a test is to understand how long drugs can remain in your body. Most of the time people take advantage of the urine test. For example, suppose an athlete took some drug during his performance now, he wants to pass his tests in such cases it is a matter of concern. One can apply some easy home remedies to pass a urine test.

Remedies to Pass a Urine Test:

There are many methods which can help you to pass a urine test. Whether you want to pass a urine test tomorrow or in the future. You need to make adjustments in time and your diet, before going for your test.

1.) Exercise to Clear a Urine Test

Exercise is also an effective remedy to cheat a urine test. Moreover, you don’t need to give money in gyms. It can be done at home. Merely an exercise of 20-30 minutes in a day can help you to pass your test. Moreover, if you can do an intensive workout, ten minutes would also be sufficient in a day. You can do morning or evening walk. Doing a brisk walk will give you much better results. Jumping, rope skipping, racing, weight lifting, pushups are some of the exercises which can be done easily at home. Pay attention while doing the exercises and don’t over do it. All you need is a towel, mat to digest the minerals faster. Be regular. Don’t skip the exercise and you will notice great results. Start doing exercise to pass your urine test. It is a natural remedy without any side effects.

2.) Apple Cider Vinegar to Pass a Urine Test

Apple cider vinegar works as miracle to pass a urine test. It promotes digestion. This remedy soothes the stomach and promotes the digestion. It treats the digestion of minerals by maintaining the pH of the stomach. Take half teaspoon of apple cider vinegar in one cup of warm water. Drink it slowly. Take this liquid to pass a urine test. Moreover, you can directly take half a teaspoon of vinegar. But remember, it is very concentrated, so it is better to first make it dilute before consuming. It will give more positive results when organic vinegar is consumed. If apple cider vinegar is not available, try regular vinegar to pass a urine test.

3.) Watermelon to Cheat a Urine Test

Watermelon is one if the best remedy to pass a urine test. It is a good way to dissolve minerals in your body. Watermelon consists of potassium which is very beneficial for the digestion. It maintains the acidic level in kidneys. Moreover, watermelon contains lots of water, which helps to flush out the toxic materials. Because of high water content, it increases the fluid amount in the kidneys. Start to eat watermelon some days before you are planning to go for your urine test. Take a watermelon. Peel it. Cut it into pieces. Enjoy this mouth-watering fruit to cheat a urine test. This can be an excellent remedy without any side effects.

4.) Cabbage as a Trick to Pass a Urine Test

You can try cabbage to pass a urine test. It acts as a natural diuretics. It makes people urinate more frequently. Moreover, this vegetable has a high water content. It cleans the toxic materials of the body by flushing them out through urine. To try this remedy, take a cabbage. Cut it into pieces to eat as a salad. Moreover, you can prepare some tasty dish with this vegetable. You can start eating cabbage, some days before your urine test. Try cabbage as an excellent remedy to pass a urine test. It is inexpensive and easily available. It is a natural remedy without any side effects.

5.) Water to Pass a Urine Test

Water can help you out to pass your urine test. You can saturate your body at the maximum to remove the toxins.  Drinking lots of water, can purify your body and helps to get rid of toxins. It flushes out the unwanted minerals out of the body and detoxifies it. To try this remedy, drink plenty of water. Sip water slowly at regular intervals of time. Moreover, you can increase your water intake, a week before your urine test. This is an effective home remedy to pass a urine test. Remember, not to over drink water, as it can harm your organs.

6.) Lemon Juice as a Trick to Pass a Urine Test

Lemon is an excellent remedy to  cheat a urine test. It is a traditional method and is used since ancient times. It helps to dissolve the minerals in the body. Moreover, the citric acid in lemons helps to detoxify the body by its low pH. To use this remedy, take a lemon. Cut it and squeeze it into a glass of water. Drink it twice a day is a best tip to pass a urine test. You can also add lemon in it. Also, if you will take warm water, it will give you much better results.  Try lemon to pass a urine test. It is a very easy remedy, and is natural.

7.) Berries to Cheat a Urine Test

Berries are excellent fruit if you want to pass a urine test. It accelerates the digestive system of your body. It makes the successive pee if it is consumed. Berries are the natural products which are rich in water content.  This, in turn, increases the urination. To follow this remedy, take some berries and eat them. This is a beneficial remedy to pass a urine test. Alternatively, you can drink berry juice. Take some berries. Put it in the juicer to take out its juice. Drink it to cheat the test. It is a natural remedy without any side effects.

8.) Cranberry Juice to Pass a Urine Test

Cranberry juice can be used to pass a urine test.  Its ingredients are very helpful to remove the toxins from the body. You can also combine cranberry juice with other ingredients to trick a urine test. It acts as adiureticc and makes the urination at much easier. To try this remedy take a piece od cranberry. Boil it in water. Keep it for a few minutes. Strain the solution. Drink it slowly sip to sip. Repeat this remedy to pass a urine test. It is a natural remedy without any side effects.

9.) Tomatoes to Pass a Urine Test

Eating tomatoes can stimulate the urination. It is also one of the diuretics It  stimulates the generous urine production. Moreover, this method has proved scientifically. It also contains vitamin C which eases the digestion of minerals. To try this remedy, take 2-3 tomatoes. Cut it and eat them in your salad. Alternatively, you can drink the tomato juice. Take some tomatoes. Put it in juicer to take out its juice. Add salt to taste. Enjoy the cocktail. Repeat this method twice a day to pass a urine test. This is an effective remedy to trick your urine drug test.

10.) Dandelion Roots to Cheat a Urine Test

Dandelion roots have been used as a an ancient medicine. It has many curative properties. Dandelion roots act as an excellent remedy to pass a urine test. It acts as a cleanser and helps to flush out the waste out from the body. To apply this remedy, take some dandelion roots. Boil it in water. Strain the solution. Now drink it slowly. Try this remedy at least twice a day to pass your urine test. Drink this tea as a natural remedy.