How to Pass a Mouth Swab Drug Test?

In this article, we will discuss ways to pass a mouth swab drug test. Some recent studies found that most of the drug users are employed. The use of drugs in the workplace cost employers about $100 billion every year. The study also found that small companies are more exposed to drug use in the workplace. This can be due to the fact that such companies don’t take drug test of their employee. There are plenty of methods to test a person for drugs. For example, a drug test can be done using a sample of blood, urine, hair, etc. However, among these drug testing methods, one of the most convenient and fast methods is a mouth swab drug test.

This test works well enough to show current drug use. Instead of  the route of administration, drug metabolites can be identified through oral fluids taken within 36 to 48 hours from the time of taking a drug.

What is a Mouth Swab Drug Test and Why it is Done?

A mouth swab drug test is a type of oral fluid-based test performed by taking residual amounts of a drug from the saliva of a person. This test mainly helps in checking for the presence of Tetrahydrocannabinol (a main component of marijuana), amphetamines, opiates, methamphetamine, and cocaine.

As saliva is known to contain traces of substances consumed recently, this test is considered quite effective for post-accident alcohol and drug tests and for testing on-the-job drug use. Mouth swab test is also done for pre-employment drug screenings, as well as for return-to-duty, any reasonable doubt or just a random testing.

How Oral Test is Conducted?

Saliva of a human is a refined version of plasma which is capable of holding sufficient amounts of metabolites taken within a period of 36 hours or 3 days. An oral drug test can be done in two ways – one is through swabbing and another way is by placing of strips.

  • In strip method, a strip is kept in the mouth of a person which soaks saliva through a membrane. The saliva saturates the strip containing antigen dyes. This identifies drug metabolites and changes the color of the strip. If there is no change in the color, it means that a person is drug-free.
  • In a swab method, a swab is kept between the gums, under the tongue or in the lower part of the cheek for about two minutes or until a sufficient amount of sample is obtained.
  • In today’s drug testing kits, results can be seen right away (you don’t need to send the sample to laboratory). There are also home test kits available, which can help in knowing the status of drugs in your body within several minutes. You just need to saturate the test swab with your saliva and place it on the testing device. The interpretation of the test result can be seen on the display in just 10 minutes.

Methods to Pass a Mouth Swab Drug Test

In most of the cases, drug test programs are asked to be given in the short notice. Thus, many people find it difficult to pass a drug test. The key secret to pass a saliva drug test is that you should try to keep your mouth clean. On the upside, there are numerous methods and proven ways which can help you get rid of drug metabolites from your saliva before the screening time. Below are some self-cleansing tactics which can help you to pass a mouth swab drug test.

Before Undergoing the Test:

  • Do not take drugs as soon as you get to know about your forthcoming drug test.
  • Brush your teeth thoroughly three times in a day. Pay special attention to your gum line, cheeks and tongue as these are the most common sites for swab drug test.
  • Avoid smoking within two days of the expected drug test. Nicotine is another factor which can result in a false positive. So avoid consuming, nicotine, cannabis, and other similar stuff as soon as you come to know about the test.
  • Avoid eating poppy seeds. As opium is made from poppy seeds, therefore eating them will increase the chances of a false-positive drug test.
  • Consume high-fat meals. Eating high-fat meals one hour before your oral drug test can help speed up drug absorption. This will help in lowering the chances of finding drug metabolites in the mouth.
  • Drink plenty of water to keep the fluid in your mouth moving constantly. This will help in flushing out residual drug metabolites from your body.

During the Test:

  • If possible, you should try to ignore all laboratory instructions as you would not want to help them prove your fault.
  • If the examiner asks you to hold the swab stick, try to avoid swabbing it in-between your teeth and the gum line. Just try to pretend you are holding it right.
  • You can also conceal drug chemicals in your mouth. You can do this by consuming Altoid mints or similar product.
  • Also, you can chew ice as it will help keep your mouth rinsed, dilute saliva and minimize the proportion of drug metabolites.
  • You should also inform the examiner in case you are taking any sort of medications. This is because it can be a factor influencing your result of the test. Painkillers like Ibuprofen are considered to provide a false positive outcome.
  • You can also use kitchen ingredients to fake a mouth swab drug test. Lemon juice, vinegar, and household hydrogen peroxide are useful if you want to beat a drug test. These ingredients affect the pH or acidity level in your mouth.
  • You can purchase some detox mouthwash as some products like Ultra Wash and Stinger Detox can help one pass a saliva drug test by making your mouth free from traces of drugs within minutes before the test.

Although, detox mouthwashes are considered quite effective in masking the traces of drugs in your saliva, but they require careful timing to make them work. Generally, their effect starts from one to ten minutes from use and ends in an hour with the most effective time frame being the first thirty minutes irrespective of the duration and level of drug usage. Make sure that you read the directions carefully for your chosen product to successfully pass the test.

Although the above-listed strategies are likely to help you test negative, but the best way to pass a mouth swab drug test is “not to take drugs at all”. Avoiding the use of these drugs is the best and the easy method not only to pass a drug test but also to save your health too.

Useful Products to Pass a Mouth Swab Drug Test

There are plenty of solutions available in the market for oral fluid-based tests, but not all products are helpful. Below are a few bestseller products for those who want to pass saliva drug test.

1.) Ultra Wash Toxin-Cleansing Mouthwash to Pass a Mouth Swab Drug Test

This is one of the best detoxifying solutions to pass a mouth swab drug test. You just need to keep this mouthwash in your pocket and there is no single doubt that you will not be able to beat an unexpected saliva test. Your saliva will be free from all unwanted substances including marijuana, alcohol, and nicotine in just ten minutes.

2.) Stinger Detox Mouthwash to Pass a Mouth Swab Drug Test

Stinger mouthwash is another effective detoxifying solution which will definitely flush away any toxin present in the saliva. It is technologically crafted to eliminate any drug metabolite of marijuana, cocaine, alcohol, opiates, nicotine, meth and amphetamines before undergoing a saliva drug test. It has a pleasant taste, doesn’t dry your mouth and is a sure bet. You just need to take the stinger half an hour before your test.

3.) Saliva 6 Home Drug Test Kit

Created on the basis of immunoassay technology, saliva 6 drug test kit is a home-based test kit designed to find any trace of illicit substances before undergoing a mouth swab drug test to help you pass your test. Saliva home drug test kit can easily detect six particular substances which are-THC, cocaine, opiates, PCP, meth, and amphetamines. Results can be seen in just ten minutes.

4.) B-Complex Multivitamin to Clear the Saliva Drug Test

Therefore B-complex multivitamins come handy. The B2 or B12 will help to restore the yellow color of the saliva. It’s best to consume 100mg of B-Complex multivitamin 2-3 hours before your test.

5.) Aspirin to Pass a Mouth Swab Drug Test

Aspirin helps to hide the signs of the drug intake. Therefore, you can take a few pills of the aspirin before going for the test. However, mind the intake of the quantity.

Home Remedies to Pass a Mouth Swab Drug Test:

Above listed products work best to pass a saliva test. However, if you don’t find one, you can use the home remedies. The home remedies will also remove the metabolites.

1.)  Water to Cheat the Saliva Drug Test

Though drinking water is the best solution for every problem on the earth. But not for clearing the saliva test. This is because the THC metabolites are insoluble in the water. The water will not flush them out completely. Therefore, consuming a gallon of water before 24 hours of your forthcoming saliva test will be sufficient.

2.) Red Meat to Cheat Mouth Swab Test

This is a perfect resort to cheat the mouth swab test for all the non-vegetarians. Red meat is a good source of the proteins that helps to normalize the creatinine levels in the body. To pass the test without any fuss start consuming this before 3 days of the test.

3.) Hydrogen Peroxide to Negative Mouth Swab Test

Hydrogen peroxide helps to clean the saliva. So you can mix some water to hydrogen peroxide and use to gargle. You can mix a few drops of it in your toothpaste and use it while brushing your teeth

4.) Brush Your Teeth to Clear Swab Drug Test

This is the simplest and the easiest way to pass the mouth swab drug test. All you have to do is brush your teeth as many times as you can do in the day as soon as you get to know about the test. Make sure you use a good toothbrush and toothpaste to brush your teeth. This will help to remove all the toxins from the saliva.

What to do In Case you Fail?

In case you failed your mouth swab drug test, do not get upset as about 5% of results are false positives. So first of all, try to know what can possibly cause false positive. Remember that all prescription drugs, medications, vitamins and even some foods, like poppy seeds, can affect your result. Therefore, tell your examiner and pretend like you’re confused. Also, remember that mouth swabs drug test is not permitted for use in DOT and federally mandated tests. Therefore, the results are questionable in terms of the law. You can ask for a confirmation test to prove your innocence in case you fail. You can ask for a urine test as it will take a couple of days to conduct and you will have ample time to prepare for passing it. Apart from this, you can consult a good lawyer and ask for some legal advice.