How to Prevent a Hangover?

Everything has its pros and cons, and so does alcohol. And the worst thing to experience after consuming alcohol is the hangover, next morning. A hangover is the symptoms of drinking too much of alcohol and some of the worst mornings. Alcohol intoxication is the reason for the unpleasant hangover. They hit more when the alcohol is released from the body and is characterized by different symptoms. These dreadful symptoms could be nausea feeling, severe headache, dizziness, fatigue, a loss of appetite and thirst. To avoid this, it is always better to prevent a hangover.

There are different ways to prevent a hangover. The extremity of hangovers depends on the body of an individual and is a direct effect of how much amount of alcohol is consumed. A hangover is the dizziness and the uneasiness felt the very next morning. It is due to the imbalanced metabolism of alcohol in the body. You should not drink your alcohol in one go but should go slow and easy on it. Drinking in small intervals or not drinking at all is the best way to prevent a hangover. The hangovers are not very pleasant and spoils the routine of the whole day. Drinking and consuming alcohol is easy, but handling the hangover the next morning is indeed a difficult  task.

Ways to Prevent a Hangover:

1.) Drink Water to Prevent a Hangover

Alcohol makes you urinate more and leads to dehydration as alcohol is a diuretic and loss of water causes dehydration in the body. Major reasons of a hangover like dizziness, thirst and headaches are due to dehydration. Therefore, to prevent a hangover you must have more and more water before, during or after drinking. This will keep your body hydrated and will prevent a hangover. This will even make your next morning a good morning with a less severe hangover.

Your body will thank you for the very next morning if you have a big glass of water before you start consuming alcohol. Try to drink a glass of water after every alcoholic drink for the night to keep your body hydrated. This will not only keep your body hydrated but will also slow down your capacity of consuming alcohol and will prevent you from drinking too much. As you will sip water after your drink, you automatically slow down on your alcoholic drinks. Keeping your body hydrated is the key to preventing a hangover.

2.) One Alcohol to Avert a Hangover

Blending two different drinks could give you a bad hangover. To prevent a hangover, mixing of alcohol is strictly prohibited. Different alcohol has different flavorings, elements, and additives. Mixing of alcohol can cause you severe hangover as it will make your body struggle to process different alcohol and their different elements at a time! It is very difficult to deal with one brand and its pros and cons, mixing it with more makes it even tougher for your body to resist and causes uneasiness.

Beer, vodka, wine or rum,

whatever you do, stick to one!

Two or more alcohols, all blended together makes one deadly cocktail. Cocktails are only for those who know about their body type. And not for the people who believes in show off, they end up vomiting. If you are not a person who cannot resist the blooms and the bright sky, try to uphold yourself to a maximum of two cosmopolitan! It is already a mixture of many, so two drinks would give a good high to a non cocktail drinker.

3.) Olive Oil to Prohibit a Hangover

Oil makes your stomach greasy and does not allow much to absorb. It creates a thick lining in your stomach and will prevent the absorption of alcohol in the body. Eating food with much of oily or fatty food is a good option to prevent a hangover. This might sound creepy but having a sip olive oil is a great way to prevent a hangover. Eating oily food or gulping spoonful of olive oil limits the alcohol absorption of the body.

If you are unable to have a spoonful olive oil, you can eat oily, fatty food before you head out for the night. You can even drizzle some olive oil over a salad or can dip some crusty bread into it to increase your intake of olive oil. Do not drink empty stomach, you can get a bad hangover from this. To fill your empty stomach it is advisable to eat oily food or snacks to reduce the absorption of alcohol.

4.) Abstain Mixers to Prevent a Hangover

Alcohol shoots directly into the bloodstream when the drink is mixed with diet mixers. And mixers like diet cola or diet lemonade are very low or no in calories and sugar. Thus, it is not a good idea to mix your drink such mixers.

Regular mixers keep the calories boosting in your system and allows you to prevent a hangover. Regular mixers are a better option and fruit juice could be the best of all, as it is not carbonated. Carbonated mixer speed ups the absorption of alcohol. To make a soothing drink you should opt for a mixer like juice, it will give you all the necessary calories required and all the sugar needed for your body. Diet Pepsi or diet mixtures should be avoided to prevent a hangover. Avoid thinking about your diet while boozing.

5.) Eat Wisely to Squash a Hangover

The severity of your hangover does not only rely on how much alcohol do you consume but how you metabolize your alcohol too! Boozing empty stomach is never appreciated, but it always causes uneasiness in the body. Oder something oily or fatty to eat as well when you go out to booze to prevent a hangover. Anything which is high in sugar and carbohydrates is good while consuming alcoholic drinks in a bar.

Snacks high in carbohydrates, proteins and fats will help you metabolize your alcohol. Onions are high in sugar, which speeds the body’s metabolism and burns alcohol, and the cheese is dairy, which slows alcohol’s entry into the bloodstream. Eating too much with alcoholic drinks can also be harmful. Bit-bites after a sip of alcohol would be great to prevent a hangover. Metabolizing of your alcoholic drinks is very important for your body and to prevent a hangover.

Other Ways to Prevent a Hangover:

1.) Eat Slowly While Drinking

Eat slowly while you drink whenever you are in a bar. High-fat content will slow down the absorption of alcohol. And thus, cheese and nuts are good to snack when you are boozing.

2.) Avoid Smoking While Boozing

Smoking constricts your lungs and affects the blood flow in your body. It also slows down the heart count as oxygen flow is reduced. Avoid smoking, especially while boozing.

3.) Drink Water along your Drink

Keep yourself hydrated. Eat more of green salad in snacks to supply more nutrients to your body. It is very important to keep yourself hydrated. Eating salad along with your drink helps you to retain your body water level.

4.) Consumption Does not Matter

When we talk about the amount of alcohol consumed, 12 oz of beer = 5 oz of wine = 1.5 oz of spirits. So don’t think you are consuming less because you have opted for white wine instead of Jack Daniels and Coke.

5.) Women Should avoid Drinking

When we talk about women, they might want to consider of having a little less because their metabolism which makes them more susceptible to hangovers. Generally, women have a lower metabolic rate due to a higher ratio of body fat. So they should avoid drinking in the excess.


  • CAUTION: Never drink and drive! It is not a question of whether you are legally intoxicated or not! Driving while drinking or drinking and driving is not safe. It is said that the moment alcohol enters your body, the metabolism of the body slows down, which distracts the person from the lights and does not allow to focus.
  • Be very careful when taking chemicals like Tylenol, Paracetamol, or Acetaminophen after consuming alcohol. It can be dangerous as it can damage your liver can be severe! If you are in extreme pain and needs a painkiller at any cost, then you can take an aspirin.
  • You can never give up on your responsibilities and can never overpower yourself after taking preventative steps. This does not change the fact that you are drunk. Always be careful.
  • Whenever taking any drug or vitamin, always read the pack, especially the health warnings, before having it. And make sure that it does not have any side effects when mixed with alcohol.
  • Caffeine and alcohol can sometimes be dangerous together. You should be very careful when consuming alcohol and caffeine. Excess of caffeine mixed with much alcohol can be problematic, it may increase the heartbeat or possibly fatal.