How to Prevent Snoring?

This article is about the ways to prevent snoring. Snoring and the person who snores, are the ones whom we made a lot of fun about. This is due to the incomplete or disturbed sleep. A person sleeping with a lot of thoughts in mind is likely to snore that night. This is not only because of the thoughts in mind, but sharing the bed or room can also be a reason of snoring. Snoring is caused due to the relaxation of the muscles present in the roof of your mouth, throat, and tongue. Snoring totally depends on the airway. If you are a regular snoring person, then you must have tried a lot many ways to prevent snoring. The blockage or the congestion in the airways of your throat is the main reason of snoring.

Tissues present in your mouth sometimes relaxes so much that they partially blocks the airway, which causes vibration as the air passes. This makes the airway narrower. Narrower airway makes more vibration which makes the snore louder. There are many reasons behind the snoring of a person, from the muscles of your mouth to the number of drinks you had last night. When the muscles are relaxed,  the collapse and narrows the muscle of your throat. And these muscles get easily relaxed by the consumption of alcohol. Read more, to know how to prevent snoring?

Ways to Prevent Snoring:

1.) Tennis Ball to Prevent Snoring

People who mostly sleep on their back should try adjusting a tennis ball under your back. You should avoid sleeping on your back and should start sleeping on your side. A person having a habit of sleeping on their back will automatically come to the back position, even if they try sleeping on side. Keeping a tennis ball under your back will not allow you to sleep on your back, but will force you to turn on your side; without waking up. You need to cut a pocket of your old shirt. Any old shirt would do, which you do not use. Stitch the pocket after putting the tennis ball inside it. And then you have to stitch his pocket in the center of your night-suit top. Make sure you sew the pocket in the mid center of your top. Your night suit top should not be loose enough that the pocket which we stitched, roll over whenever you crawl in bed. It is very important to change your sleeping position to prevent snoring and sleep calmly.

2.) Humidify the Room to Get Rid of Snoring

If your room has dry air or there is humidity, then it can be a reason of you’re snoring. You need to make your room ventilated to prevent snoring. As humidity makes a person very uncomfortable. Dry air; humidity makes the nasal membrane and throat dry, which further lead to congestion. This dryness makes the airway narrower and restricts the air movement. The vibrating tissues make the loudest snore. To prevent snoring, you should make your room ventilated and humidity free. Find a way through which you can make your room humidity free. You can even try to put an exhaust fan in your room, which will help you in humidifying your room.

3.) Reduce Weight to Treat Snoring

If you are fat and gaining weight, then you don’t need to find the reason behind your snoring. Overweight can make you snore louder at night. Extra weight in the body can make you have extra tissues in your throat, which makes that sound called snoring. To prevent snoring, you should work upon your weight and reduce it. The vibration caused by the blockage in the nose muscles due to extra fat results in the sound of snoring. Reducing your weight is not only beneficial to prevent snoring, but has many health benefits. Excess weight brings excess health problems along with it.

4.) Avoid Alcohol to Prevent Snoring

Avoid the intake of alcohol at least 2 hours before your bedtime. Alcohol can make your throat tissues relaxed, which expands the airway. Expansion in the airway can block its passage of air, which results in the sound of snoring. Changing your lifestyle is the key to prevent snoring as there is no such medication or home remedy for it. Changing sleeping positions, exercises, weight loss have worked for some people, but it is not necessary that any remedy will work for another person. Try to find the reason behind your snoring and then accordingly you can choose the right and suitable remedy to prevent your snoring.

5.) Twist your Mouth Muscles to Prevent Snoring

It is important to make the muscles present in your throat and tongue, strong. It will help you in reducing snoring, as the chances of slipping of muscles backward when you rest is less. More the age is, louder the snoring! As you age, your muscles tend to give up on strength and start to loosen up the elasticity. This makes you fill more air in the airway and snores louder. To prevent snoring, you should practice muscle exercise. Try to open your mouth wide and pull your lower jaw upwards, showing all teeth and hold till 10 seconds.

6.) Choose the Right Pillow to Treat Snoring

Using a good pillow which elevates your head in the right position is important. If your head is held too high then it can block the airway, which will result in you in snoring. A good pillow can make you have a sleep complete and it can be the reason of your sleepless nights also. Using a too flat pillow or a too fluffy pillow is not a deal, but choosing the right one is. If you have a habit of taking two or more pillows, then try adjusting the right height. Finding the right pillow on which you can rest your head and relax your neck in a proper position, is worth spending time and money on.

7.) Pranayama to Prevent Snoring

Controlling your breath is a trick. Practicing yoga or pranayama regularly can teach you to control your breath. It can make you learn all the master tricks of how to breathe slowly and how to take deep breaths. This technique helps in getting the most of the oxygen from your surroundings. It helps in making the blood circulation brilliant. And indeed it is a good way of relaxation too. Pranayama, yoga, and meditation are very effective to our soul. This makes our body and mind very healthy. This will make you feel rejuvenated and can boost your energy level. Go for some yoga practice to prevent snoring.

8.) Anti Snoring pills to Cure Snoring

There are some herbal pills which are only to prevent snoring. They do not harm you as they are herbal pills. They are made up of natural enzymes that directly hits the congestion and starts to melt it as soon as it hits. This reduces your snoring. If your snoring has been increasing and is disturbing a lot, then you can try this to treat your snoring. You can practice the other remedies side by side, as it will cause no harm. Home remedies are never harmful. And all the herbal pills do not have any kind of side effects, which can harm you.

9.) Housecleaning to Treat Snoring

Keeping your surroundings clean, it makes our mind feel very relaxed. Small dust particles, pet fur, pollens and other unseen dust particles which can be very irritating can be the reason of your snoring. The unseen particles block our airways and cause congestion in our body. And blockage and congestion result in loud snoring. You should always keep your surroundings clean, not only to prevent snoring but to keep yourself away from many other diseases. Make sure that your bed, sofa, television is dust free. The blades of your fan and the air filter of your air conditioner is clean.

10.) Peppermint Mouthwash to Cure snoring

Peppermint helps in shrinking the muscle lining present in your throat and nose. Snoring can also be temporary. And the temporary snoring is due to the congestion caused by cold and flu. You can make your own peppermint mouthwash by adding one drop of peppermint oil in a glass full of cold water. But make sure that you do not swallow the water, but only gargle with it. You can use a neck brace. Some people who want to quit snoring wear the neck brace. It helps you to keep your chin extended and thus your throat remains straight. A little bend in the congested throat can block the airway and result in snoring.