How to Prevent Stretch Marks?

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Before knowing how to prevent stretch marks one should clearly know what exactly stretch marks are. Sometimes you see some marks on your body and do not know what it is. The time passes but the marks have no intentions to move. Dermis is the main factor behind stretch marks as you tear it when you swiftly gain weight or lose it. And this is how you get them. Stretch marks are often found on the belly, buttocks, thighs, hips, biceps, carve etc. Fat is the center attraction of stretch marks. How to prevent stretch marks becomes important because it is a very common problem we face in a day-to-day life. Nobody likes marks on their skin as we always dream of flawless life then why not the body.  It does not have any target gender or age but seen more during puberty, pregnancy, while

Fat is the center attraction of stretch marks. How to prevent stretch marks is important because it is a very common problem we face on a day-to-day life. Nobody likes marks on their skin. We always dream of flawless life then why not to have a flawless body as well.  It does not have any target gender or age but seen more during puberty, pregnancy, during the workout and so on. Stretch marks are basically the torn lines visible on your body. Marks are always annoying so it is better to get rid of them so that it will not affect your appearance in your social life and make you feel self-confident.

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Ways to Prevent Stretch Marks Naturally:

1.) Aloe Vera for No Marks

Aloe Vera has unlimited natural compounds which can be used for so many things. From beauty to health you do not need anything except that. It is the easiest and simple technique used by even our grandma too. If you have an Aloe Vera plant in your home then just take a piece of Aloe Vera, cut in two and direct apply it on the affected area. Or you can buy Aloe Vera gel from store to prevent stretch marks. Aloe Vera is not only helpful in preventing stretch marks but can make your skin glowing. As you drink water to hydrate your body, it hydrates your skin.

2.) Castor Oil for a Flawless Skin

Castor oil is famous and used in many beauty and health care products. It is mostly used for diminishing the fine line, marks, pimple, scars etc. sometimes it is not easy to remove your permanent marks like stretch marks those are very egoistic in their nature. The castor oil helps to deal with the stretch marks and within a month of it use, you won’t find the stretch marks around. The best way to apply a castor oil is, take few drops and rub it on your affected area and massage it for 4 to 5 minutes. Then after doing this, cover the area with some piece of cloth so that air does not enter inside. Now put a hot pad on that so that it gives you heat.

3.) Egg Whites for Removing Off Hue Color

Egg whites are full of amino acid and protein. These nutrients help to treat the stretch marks and other marks as well. Beat the egg white of 2 or 3 eggs, depending on your size of an area. Because sometimes you have stretch marks on so many other places also. And remember beat only egg whites and apply it directly on your stretch marks. Make sure you have clean the area before applying. Now what you have to do is wait and let it dry completely. If you want a good result do not be in a rush to wash it off as it is egg and it stinks. So you let it dry completely and wash it off with cold water.

Egg white and cold water together can make your skin little dry so put some olive oil after that to avoid any irritation and dryness in your skin. Try this method daily to prevent stretch marks as it has no side effects and definitely give you a good result.

4.) Lemon Juice to Prevent Stretch Marks

We every day see so many advertisements of face wash, beauty creams and other products that have lemon as the main ingredient. In ads, they clearly tell you how lemon helps you get a fair skin but the point is they never going to tell you all the benefits. If they do so you would like to buy lemons in place of their products. However, you can use lemon to fade away your stretch marks in less time because of its acidic nature. Take a fresh lemon and cut it in two, so it becomes easy for you to apply it directly to the affected area. Let your skin soak the lemon juice and then wash it off. Or you can add some cucumber juice with lemon and then apply. It will keep the acidic tone of lemon low on your skin.

5.) Sugar for a Stretch Free Skin

Sugar is not only meant for sweetening your life but can also be used as a scrub to remove your dead cells on your skin. And that is how it will going to work to prevent stretch marks. Take a two spoon of white sugar and add almond oil and few drops of lemon to work this solution best on your stretch marks. Sugar removes your dead skin cells, almonds oil and lemon is going to help in reducing stretch marks.  It is a slow process but definitely works. Do this for a month and see a compelling change in you.

6.) Potato Juice to Remove Stretch Marks

As sugar removes dead skin cells, potato restores skin cells with the capability of vitamins and minerals. You can try this easy method at your home without taking any help from other. Take one potato and cut into 3 to 4 slices. If you ever notice when you cut potato a juice in small amount come. And yes that what is potato juice. After cutting the potato into slices rub it on your stretch marks. And let the skin soak it completely. After a few minutes wash it off with lukewarm water.

7.) Cocoa Butter to Treat Stretch Marks

So many people do not know about the usage of cocoa butter and how it helps in preventing stretch marks. Cocoa butter helps you to diminish stretch marks without even drying your skin, which other remedies don’t. Take some cocoa butter in your hand and apply it directly on your marks. Just like the lemon it also fades your marks and also moisturizes your skin. Apply this daily for best results.

8.) Coconut Oil for Beach Like Skin

Coconut oil has antiviral, anti-fungal and anti-bacteria components which protect your body in a gentle way. It gives protection with nourishment. From burn marks to stretch marks to any scars it is best for everything. The list does not end here. It is  not only  gentle on your skin or removes mere marks but also make your skin glowing like never before and removes tan too. So coconut oil is a perfect home remedy for stretch marks. But make sure the coconut oil you are buying is 100 percent coconut oil, not any other extract mixed in it. Just open the bottle, apply it on your skin and rub it on your skin for few seconds. That’s it you are done. Do it regularly, or you can apply before going to bed and enjoy your beauty sleep.

9.) Drink Water to Remove Stretch Marks

Drinking water is one of the main essentials of the life. If you keep your body hydrated always, no marks can touch you. Always drink 16 glass of water on a daily basis to avoid any kind of stretch marks. Prevention of stretch marks is as easy if you just follow these simple remedies. It improves your elasticity so that tissue will not break. More you drink water, more your elasticity will be and less will be breaking which causes stretch marks. Water keeps your body flexible to that you can stretch it without getting marks.

10.) Exercise on a Daily Basis

You get stretch marks when your body gain weight or lose weight rapidly. You can avoid this only if you do exercise on a daily basis. Because when you do so it makes your body flexible and prevents your skin from stretch marks. And during exercise do not take any supplements which increase your weight or lose your weight. Exercising prevents stretch marks and plus makes your life healthier and fit. Supplements increase your weight artificially which is not good for your body.

These remedies will help you to prevent stretch marks but still there are few things you should keep in mind. Never scratch your stretch marks with your nails as it may worsen your condition especially if you are pregnant.

