How to Quit Smoking Weed?

If you feel that weed is taking over your life and replacing your family, friends, favorite and other things that you used to like before. Then it’s time to quit smoking weed and get your life back on track. Marijuana is  psychologically addictive, that means that you need to be mentally prepared and strong enough to give up your habit. Smoking weed has become a so-called trend these days and especially the youngsters are getting addicted to it. If you’re looking for help to get your old life back and leave your old habits, you are at right place. Marijuana gives short-term relief from whatever unwanted condition you face, but it is highly toxic drug and has many side effects. Today’s weed has a much higher potency than years ago and some people are getting some really bad effects from it.

Disadvantages of Smoking Weed:

Weed, in the form of medical marijuana and it can help to relieve from pains and treat various chronic ailments. But its overuse can lead to a number of problems. Many studies have recorded the negative effects of marijuana use. These are some known problems caused by excessive weed smoking:

  • It can cause infertility in men.
  • Cancer.
  • Increases the livelihood of respiratory ailments like acute or chronic bronchitis.
  • Coughing, Laryngitis, and Hoarseness.
  • Frequent use of weed can lead to heart complications in the long run, like heart murmurs, heart attacks or strokes.

The higher percentage of weed smokers are teens and young adults. Studies have shown that there is a connection between a decline in mental mobility and smoking weed. Some of the major concerns which is related to smoking weed can lead to.

  • Thinking and learning.
  • Verbal and mathematical skills.
  • Reading comprehension.
  • Shortened attention span.

Methods to Quit Smoking Weed:

1.) Throw out all your Smoking Pot and Paraphernalia

Throw all the things that remind you of smoking. This will really help you to give up smoking weed. When you see such things around you, it will urge to smoke and thus you won’t be able to quite it.

  • Remove all the, bongs, containers, lighters, matches, roach clips. Empty out all of your pockets to make sure you didn’t miss anything.
  • Flush out all the weed and any remaining, down the toilet, so you can’t simply dig it out or smoke later.
  • Destroy all the equipment and supplies. Throw them into a disgusting dumpster so you’re not tempted to climb in and get them.
  • Remove all the things that even makes you want to smoke weed, whether it is a poster in your room or your favorite video game. Removing all your triggers element can help you to quit smoking weed.
  • If you have a contact number of dealer, delete his number out of your phone as well.

2.) Make your Decision Clear to your Support System

Tell trustworthy family members and friends about what you are going to do, and ask for their support to quit smoking weed. You will find that they will be very happy with your this decision and support you in whatsoever they can.

  • This is very important for them to know who are active smokers and very close to you. Tell them about your decision and ask for their support. But if they try to get you to join consider that person really doesn’t belong in your life if he/ she can’t support your decision or pressurize you to smoke. Stay away from that type of people until you stop craving for weed.
  • You will have to avoid the friend with whom you used to smoke. If your entire social life with your friend are into smoking weed, then you will have to find a new friends group. This may sound harsh but this is very important.

3.) Prepare Yourself for Withdrawal Symptoms

The withdrawal symptoms start one day after you quit smoking and hits a peak after 2 to 3 days, but you don’t need worry because gradually you get used to of it and the symptoms become better day by day. It is also possible that you will not experience any or all of them, but it is important to have a plan in place instead of going back to smoke weed. Here are some symptoms which you may experience after quit smoking weed

  • Increased Body Temperature- It is also possible that you may feel hotter than normal and start sweating from time to time.
  • Anxiety- Feeling on edge is a common symptom of withdrawal that can come with quitting any drug. When you have a spare minute, close your eyes, breathe deeply, and remember that withdrawal is only temporary.
  • Sleeplessness- Try to avoid caffeine the first few days, and hit the sack in the evening.
  • Irritability- You can experience the mood swings, you can find yourself quick to anger or prone to crying. Plan for these symptoms because anger can break your relation or even can get into trouble. When you feel anger try to take a step back and acknowledge what’s happening. Tell yourself, that’s is not you, and this isn’t the situation. Repeat it as often as you need to.
  • Decreased Appetite- You may feel nauseated at first so try to eat foods that are easy to the stomach such as rice, toast, bananas, oatmeal and apples.

4.) Change your Routine to Quit Smoking Weed

You  need to switch up your routine so that you don’t start missing pot so badly during the time that you usually spent getting high.

  • Change your Morning Routine- Try to get up a little early or later, so that all your morning routine will change. You will take shower or do breakfast at a different time.
  • Change your School or Work Routine- Take a different route to go to school, take a different seat to sit if you can, and eat something different for lunch.
  • Change your Study Time or Routine- If you normally study in your bedroom which leads to smoking pot, so you can visit coffee shop or a library.
  • When you will change your routine it may be possible you will feel less hungry so don’t start eating less, try to eat the same amount of food and stay healthy.

5.) Manage your Urges to Get Over Smoking Weed

You will have an urge, or feel craving to smoke weed, it is really important to know how to react to these if you really want to quit smoking weed. You need to avoid this need.

  • Don’t go to the places that trigger your craving and reminds to smoke weed, whether it’s your friend’s basement or any place where you usually used to smoke.
  • Wherever you find yourself that you are feeling the urge get out from that place as soon as possible. Changing your environment as quickly as possible.
  • Take a deep breath and hold the air in your lungs for five to six seconds until you feel calm. Breathe it out, and repeat the process until the feeling passes.
  • Finding a substitute for your craving which can help curb it. Try a diet drink, sugarless gum, sugarless candy, toothpicks, a pen or pencil, or even a straw.
  • Drink water. Staying hydrated will keep you healthy and will help you battle your urges.

6.) Ginger to Fight Weed Addiction

You may suffer from nausea when you quit smoking weed. Ginger is very effective home remedy to treat nausea. The rhizome works to calm your stomach. They keep you away from being tempted back into smoking for relief. You can use  it in capsules, tablets or as a tea form. the best way to increase the effects of ginger is to use the fresh root to make tea.

  • Take a 2-inch piece of ginger root and 2 cups of water.
  • Peel the piece of ginger root and slice it into small pieces. The smaller the slices, the faster the tea brews.
  • Boil a water and add the sliced piece of ginger root in it.
  • Cover it and let it steep for 7 minutes.
  • Pour this into a glass and drink while warm.
  • You can add honey for taste if you want..
  • Or you can eat raw slices of ginger root.
  • Drink this tea whenever you feel nausea.

7.) Water to Quit Smoking Weed

Weed contains a number of substances that permeate your body as a toxin that why weed is so addictive. Once these toxins get into your system, they can be really hard to get out. Then you need to use detoxifying methods. Water works as a natural detoxifier. By consuming more water, the toxins which is floating around in your bloodstream get flushed out. Drinking water can help to curb the urge to smoke and also gives your immune system a boost and speeds up the healing process. This helps to fight addiction.

  • You should drink at least 3 liters of water throughout the day. When you feel a craving for a smoke, instead of smoking weed, drink glass two of water. Remember to  drink it slowly.
  • You can add some lime or lemon slices to it and boost the detoxifying quality of regular water. Lemon water is an excellent way to beat cravings and flush out toxins from your body.

8.) Oats to Quit Smoking Weed

Oats is a very effective home remedy to stop smoking weed. It has been shown to reduce cravings for THC and also reduces the effects of its symptoms. Studies have shown that oats have natural properties that help to stabilize nerves after you quits smoking. It also helps to flush out harmful toxins that may have accumulated from smoking weed. This is probably the cheapest and easiest way to help to quit weed addiction.

  • Take one tablespoon of ground oats and two cups of hot water.
  • Mix the oats in water and set it aside for overnight.
  • Next morning again boil this mixture for 10 mixture.
  • Drink one glass of this oats after each meal.

9.) Cayenne Pepper to Quit Smoking Weed

Cayenne pepper is also very effective to quit smoking weed. It contains various vitamins, manganese, and potassium. Cayenne pepper soothes the respiratory system and also help to curb to smoke.

  • You can add cayenne pepper in your juice for flavor. Or you can simply mix ¼ tablespoon of cayenne pepper in a cup of water.
  • If you feel cayenne pepper too spicy so you can take it in a capsule form.
  • Or you can mix one tablespoon of honey with ¼ teaspoon of cayenne pepper. Consume it once every morning.

10.) Find a Replacement

Instead of smoking weed at your free time, you can devote your time to a hobby or sport such as playing guitar or going for a run which will help you to quit smoking weed. This way you will be distracted from smoking weed and you will not feel a craving. If you’re not interested in sport and feeling too bored or depressed to do this, so you can watch a movie that makes you smile or you can spend some time with a good friend who don’t smoke weed. Here are some other things to quit smoking weed.

  • Swimming
  • Cooking
  • Taking long walks
  • Talking to an old friend on the phone
  • Reading the newspaper