How to Reduce Bloating?

Bloating is the abnormal swelling or increase in the area of the abdominal portion. It results in tightening of stomach, tight abdomen, which causes abdominal pain. The belly may look swollen.  It is caused by excess gas production and disturbances in the movement of the muscles of the digestive system. The stomach feels tight due to building up of gas in the small intestine. This gas is produced by intestinal bacteria when food travels to the intestine. If gas particles aren’t released away, the stomach expands like a bulb. Nowadays, stomach bloating is very common. One should take some remedies to reduce bloating.

Most of the people with poor diets lack exercise, high level of stress and exposure to a number of pollutants suffers from the problem of bloating. It  leads to abdominal discomfort. Bloating  can sometimes be real discomfort when your skinny tight jeans start slipping. It is common for adults and children. It is not a severe medical emergency and can be rectified by changing your daily routine. Bloating and gas are usually tied up. You can reduce bloating by making some simple changes in yourself. By encouraging bowel movements you can reduce bloating.

Causes of Bloating:

  • Constipation
  • Coeliac disease
  • Overeating
  • Intolerance to fast food
  • Lack of exercise
  • Unhealthy diet

Symptoms of Bloating:

  • Vomiting or nausea
  • Fatigue
  • Stomach pain
  • Dizziness
  • Diarrhea
  • Back pain
  • Headache

Remedies to Reduce Bloating:

Having a balloon-like stomach? Finding difficulty in doing a daily routine. Once you trace the root cause of your problem, you can employ some belly- rescuing cures to help to reduce bloating. It’s time to de-puff your pouch! Follow the simple remedies to reduce bloating and you will be ready to wear your favorite dresses by coming back into shape.

1.) Ginger to Decrease Bloating

Ginger is an effective carminative. The herbs that smooth the digestive tract are called carminatives. Ginger has the potency to relieve stomach pain, cramps or heartburn. Gingerols present in ginger help in relaxing the intestinal tracts and cures muscle contractions. It is anti-inflammatory and stimulates the process of digestion. To cure bloating, take a fresh piece of ginger root. Make its soup by adding water. You can also add honey to it. Keep the mixture for 20 minutes before supper to prevent indigestion, gas and bloating. This is a very effective and easy method to reduce bloating.

2.) Garlic to Reduce Bloating

Garlic has various health benefits. It has the power to lower the cholesterol and reduce high blood pressure. Moreover, it is also a source of antioxidants which helps to get rid of free radicals from the body. It stimulates the gastric system and helps to relieve gas and bloating. You can have garlic soup by crushing it and boil in warm water. Adding garlic to your food while cooking may also give you positive results. Avoid eating garlic with other foods that may cause more gas or bloat.

3.) Pumpkin to Cure Bloating

Pumpkin is one of the secret weapons to reduce bloating. It is a very good source of potassium. Its low starch and sugar also won’t allow causing gas. It contains vitamin A which also promotes digestion. Moreover, it is the amazing source of water and fiber. Fiber makes the process of digestion very easy. It aids bloating more easily and naturally. Take a pumpkin and eat it regularly by boiling or making the pumpkin recipe of your choice. Eating pumpkin in your meals proves best to reduce bloating.

4.) Banana to Reduce Bloating

High intake of salt is one of the most common causes of water retention in the abdominal area. The foods which are rich in potassium and minerals can combat this problem. Looking for such fruit? Here is the option. Banana is very rich in potassium which helps to reduce the level of potassium and maintains the water balance in the body. Bloating can be a result of constipation. The high fiber content of banana helps to reduce constipation and makes your stool soft. One can add bananas in their daily meal to reduce bloating. This tasty, healthy fruit will help you in getting rid of digestive problems.

5.) Coriander to Prevent Bloating

Coriander is a common spice which is used in the kitchen and is very beneficial for losing weight. Moreover, coriander protects you against salmonella bacteria. Coriander makes the digestion easy and reduces bloating. Take a teaspoon of crushed coriander seeds in a mug of warm water. Drink the solution to get rid of a gastric problem and bloating. Add honey to make it tasty. You can also add fresh leaves of coriander in your food, but cut it into small pieces. This is a sure shot method for excessive bloating. Repeat this process for some days. It proves a good remedy to cure the stomach problems.

6.) Yogurt to Get Rid of Bloating

Yogurt is commonly known as curd. Cultured yogurt contains Lactobacillus bacteria. This is a probiotic bacteria helps in digestion. It fights the bacteria. Choosing a low-fat yogurt gives you a dose of beneficial bacteria.  Regular consuming yogurt with active cultures increases the process of digestion. It cleans the digestive tract and facilitates the digestion, hence prevent belly to bloat. You can add yogurt in supper. One can also mix the honey or fruits with it if don’t like plain curd. Also, one can add one glass of water in a bowl of yogurt and mix it in a mixer. Add some salt or black pepper in the liquid. Drink it to reduce gastric problems and bloating.

7.) Fennel Seeds to Decrease Bloating

 Fennel is a natural spice and easily available in the kitchen. It is antispasmodic, antibacterial and  fights the infection. These seeds are rich in terpenoid, vitamins, minerals, vitamin A and help to break up the food in the stomach for faster digestion. It makes the stomach smooth, including the intestinal tract. These are the powerful little seeds which reduce gastrointestinal problems. You can chew some seeds of fennel after eating your food. Alternatively, boil some seeds in water. Keep it to cool for a few minutes. Now one can drink it after eating food. If you find these methods boring, prepare the tea with fennel seeds by adding some honey. This remedy will help you to reduce the  bloating. Try fennel seeds for around 4-5 days. You will notice the positive results.

8.) Peppermint to Diminish Bloating

Peppermint is the oldest remedy to cure bloating. Moreover, it consists of the oil called menthol. This oil relieves the pain by smoothing the muscle of the digestive tract. The flow of bile juice in the liver is increased by peppermint. It detoxifies the intestinal canal and cleans up the body, making digestion easier. It also cures acidity by its cooling effect. Pick and wash some peppermint leaves. Boil them in a cup of water. Drink the liquid. You can also mince the leaves and make a tasty cool drink by adding salt and ice cubes. If you don’t find these two methods interesting, try peppermint tea. It is easily available in the market and is very easy to prepare at home. Make peppermint  a daily ritual in your diet to reduce bloating.

9.) Pineapple to Cure Bloating

Pineapple is a cone-shaped citrus fruit. It contains vitamin C and thiols which treat the digestive disorders. Pineapple contains the enzyme called bromelain. It helps to break down protein and eases digestion and treats bloating. It also contains a lot of water. Pineapple is known for its fast cutting ability. It is easily available in the market. Remove its outer prickly layer. Cut the slices of it, and eat it anytime you want. It gives the best results when eaten empty stomach. Repeat this process for some days and one can find very awesome results.

10.) Lemon to Reduce Bloating

Lemon is fat-free and consists of vitamin C, some amount of vitamin B, pantothenic acid. Lemons are diuretic, and excellent laxative helps to reduce the amount of salt in the body. By lowering down the level of salt, it maintains the ions neutrality in your body. At also balances the pH level in the stomach. To reduce bloating, make drinking lemon your daily habit. It will prove a healthy drink and give you a boost. It hydrates your body and flushes the toxic material out of your body. One can make a lemon tea in a warm water. It’s a choice to add honey in it. Alternatively, drinking lemon water with a pinch of salt, black pepper  also boosts up your digestion. It will help you from dehydration and sustains the salt content of your body. Add lemon juice to your daily diet for maximum results.

Things to remember to Reduce Bloating

  • Do exercise
  • Avoid junk food
  • Drink plenty of water
  • Eat fruits and vegetables
  • Follow a healthy diet
  • Avoid over eating