How to Relieve Constipation Naturally?

Constipation, in most common cases, implies infrequent stool passing routines, generally three times a week or even less. It can also translate to the painful and difficult passing of stool. However, in severe cases, it could cause death, owing to feces being accumulated in the rectum and ultimately leading to bowel movement obstruction. However, in most cases, it’s harmless and all of us have gone through it at some point in our lives or another. However, it’s something which is both a headache and stomach ache at the same time. But you can thank goodness because there are plenty of ways to relieve constipation.

Causes of Constipation:

  • Being a couch potato
  • Not keeping yourself enough hydrated
  • Ignoring dietary fibers from your diet
  • Taking too much stress
  • Disturbed thyroid levels
  • Enhanced intake of Calcium and Iron
  • Prolonged use of laxatives
  • Pregnancy
  • Procrastinating going to loo when to feel the urge to
  • Feasting on excessive dairy products

Symptoms of Constipation:

  • Erratic bowel movements
  • Hardened stools
  • Have to put too much strain while defecating
  • Vomiting
  • Pain in abdomen
  • Lack of appetite
  • Stomach ache

Remedies to Get Rid of Constipation:

1. Sesame Seeds to Relieve Constipation

Sesame seeds really come to the rescue if you have hard stools and are impressively helpful in relieving constipation. They work no different from a grease to your old motor. They soften the part of the intestines and help with the easy bowel moments. Your body will thank you for this!

Sesame is indeed friendly with your everyday food. Just sprinkle them over your salad or your other favorite cereal. You can also use them as seasoning. But don’t forget they do come with a warning tag. Do not take them more than half an ounce a day and do drink lots of water. Shouldn’t be  a big problem.

2. Lemon Juice to Treat Constipation

This one indeed comes handy. This is one of the easiest and yet quite an effective tool in relieving constipation. Thanks to the citric acid present in lemon. It’s a nature’s boon for detoxifying your body and it’s a sound stimulant to your digestive system. Not only it helps in relieving constipation quickly but also improve your digestive system’s performance in a long run.

Just squeeze a lemon in your glass, you can add a little salt, no harm done. Preferably use warm water. It hydrates the body and does wonders to your digestive system. Tea lovers can go for lemon tea.

3. Aloe Vera to Cure Constipation

This natural gel not only fans your vanity but is also a great soother for your gut problems. It softens up your stool owing to its fluid drawn into your stool. Being a great catalyst in the digestion of protein, one of the heavy weights opponents for  your digestive system, it also strengthens your overall intestinal structure.

Its usage is easy. You can easily find Aloe Vera juice or capsule in a grocery store. Mix it up with any other juice or simple tea and today, the magic potion is ready to relieve constipation. Use 1- 2 tablespoons. However, if it’s chronic, you can consume it even on  a daily basis.

4. Molasses to Overcome Constipation Problems

This is almost magical and yet a natural remedy for relieving constipation. It’s derived from sugarcane. It’s a boiled 2-3 times after the sugar is crystallized, rendering it a dark black color. It effectively derives its properties of relieving constipation from its rich concentration of vitamins, especially B6, Iron, calcium, Magnesium, etc. And guess what, this is your superhero guard team for prevention of Constipation. However, it’s the Magnesium which treats you if you have the symptoms of this very gastrointestinal problem. Its alkaline nature maintains the proper pH of the stomach and produces normal bowel movements.

You can take molasses with a variety of foods ranging from pouring it as a syrup on cookies to stirring it in your milk. Take one or two tablespoons  and try it on breakfast cereals, pancakes, soups, etc. You can also take it plainly with warm water with just two tablespoons.

5. Ginger Tea to Cure Constipation Symptoms

Much researched herb ginger has more benefits than you can think. The herb helps the body to generate more heat which fast forwards the feces accumulated in the intestines. Also, warmness assists the process even more. Its mild laxative effect works in a great deal in relieving constipation. Also, other feathers to its hat include its ability to strengthen the stomach and alleviating digestion power.

It’s recommended to use two-three spoonful of ginger powder for preparing one cup. Also, it can be taken two to three times a day. However, do consult your doctor.

6. Fibrous Food to Treat Constipation

If you’re constipated, it’s very likely that your food intake lacks in essential dietary fibers. Most people suffer from constipation just because they skip on these vital diet part.An average adult needs 20-35 grams of fibers in a day. These fibers soak up the water from your food in the passage. All in all, they’re necessary for pushing the food through your digestive tract.

Some of the common sources for Fiber food  include dry fruits like almonds, many vegetables, fresh fruits, cereals, oatmeal etc.

7. Raisins to Cure Constipation

The raisins are natural laxatives. In addition to adding bulk to the stool, they also soften the feces and assist greatly in relieving constipation. They improve the digestion and can help ward off your constipation problems in a long run. Being rich in fiber, they help with the easy passage of stools.

The raisins can be consumed in  lots of ways. You can always eat a few after dinner or lunch. Or you can also go the most healthy way. Soak a few at night and eat them in the morning on an empty stomach. Another way is to take after boiling them in milk.

8. Baking Soda for Constipation Treatment

It’s one of the oldest methods to treat constipation. Cheap, easily available and super effective, constipation treating formulas don’t come in a shinier package than this. Being a bicarbonate it helps in releasing air and eases the bowel  movement. It also helps in restoring the pH balance of the stomach. On ingesting, it releases carbon dioxide which causes stomach acids to cleanse the colon. It also eases the passing of the bulky stuff.

Just mix a teaspoonful of the baking soda powder in one-fourth cup of warm water and drink it quickly. The quickly you do it, the better would be the results and sooner you’ll get to relieve constipation.

9. Olive Oil to Get a Relief From Constipation

It’s indeed a lubricant for your insides. The olive oil will grease your digestive system making everything to pass smoothly. It doesn’t wear a cape but It doesn’t hide the fact that it has 100% success rate. It even repairs the lining of the colon which gets thin due to the passage of hard stool. It helps in digestion by signaling the gallbladder to excrete more bile juice. It also improves the overall health of the digestive system owing to the presence of vitamins, antioxidants, and vitamins. A perfectionist!

Since it has no unwanted side effects, it can be taken in it’s very raw form. You can take 1-2 teaspoon of it in the morning on an empty stomach and one teaspoon before going to the bed. Also, it can be taken with lemon juice and orange juice with the same quantity.

10. Honey  to Get Rid of Constipation

The raw honey, that is unprocessed and unheated, is best for a human body. Known as the natural laxative, thanks to its moisturizing content, can have  a very positive effect on the digestive system. It also helps in proper stool passage.

You can take honey before each meal in the quantum of teaspoons. It helps a great treat in digesting  a heavy meal. But, if you’re not a person born with a sweet tooth, you can have it with a warm glass of milk. It  has no side effects, so you can use it regularly. Also, it’s completely safe for expecting moms and toddlers for relieving constipation.

11. Prunes to Relieve Constipation

Here for all the happy-go-lucky nature people, a fruit which tastes delicious and has a way with your digestive system in relieving constipation. The USP of the strange-looking fruit is that it contains sorbitol, which softens the tool and makes  the passage really easy. It’s rich in enzymes which help in dissolving the feces. In addition, it also protects the wall of the colon.

For lazy ones or busy bees, you can eat a few in a day. For people having more free time at their end, you can make prune juice. Two 8 ounce glasses in a day would suffice.

12. Exercise to Keep the Constipation Away

Yes, being a couch potato does affect your bowel movements. There’s a direct equation. Sweating out  for health can indeed strengthen your  stomach muscles. The more you exercise, the happier will be your digestive system. Even a regular walking for 10-15 on a routine basis will surprise you how less unpleasant your loo trips become.

Some specific exercises include lifting legs and L-shaped tilts for relieving constipation. Lift your legs 1 foot above the ground for 10 seconds and do 3 sets in a go. In another exercise, you can make an L with your body. Lie straight, raise your legs upwards and make an L.  Also, do raise your hands as well. Do it five times for quick relief.