How to Relieve Gas?

Although everyone experiences gas, but some people are troubled by it more often than others. At times excess of gas can become very uncomfortable and painful, therefore, one must  find remedies to relieve gas. Some simple changes in your diet can help you find ways to treat gas. It also helps to aid digestion and keep your stomach in peace. In addition to finding ways to relieve gas, some items that are commonly found in the kitchen may double as natural gas relievers. Gas has been a common complaint,  but it could be joined by agony, extreme gas burping or belching and stomach thundering. Therefore, in order to avoid  these uncertainties, it is important to find ways to relieve  gas.

Causes of Gas:

  • Residue food left in the colon
  • Digestive disorder
  • No, or low retrieval of carbohydrates
  • Constipation
  • Air you breathe in from the mouth that goes to your colony
  • Intake of medication which has affected the intestinal bacteria
  • Dairy products if you’re lactose intolerant
  • High Fiber foods like Foods like cabbage, peas,beans , broccoli, cauliflower, mushrooms and fruits
  • Eating foods which score high on fat content

Symptoms of Gas:

  • Gas Passing; belches or flatus
  • Pain in abdomen
  • Swelling of the abdomen
  • Diarrhea (in some cases)

Remedies to Get Rid of Gas:

1. Ginger Tea to Relieve Gas

Ginger is the classic case when it comes to not-so-talked-about subjects like these. Once you take the ginger potion, it won’t let any more gas to form. Going  a  little scientific, it contains two chemicals-gingerols and shogaols whose main work is to act like a fire extinguisher to the intestines. It’s a near antidote to indigestion.


  • Ginger
  • Water
  • Lemon and honey (optional)


  • Take a medium sized fresh piece of ginger root. Wash it nicely.
  • Put it in a mug with water. You can add lemon or honey, but that’s optional.
  • Just heat it up,until it boils. Never go beyond the boiling point.
  • It can be taken before or after the meals. Either way, it helps a great deal in digestion.

 3.) Drink Some Peppermint to Relieve Gas

Peppermint is a great reliever for soothing churns and gas pain. Its essential oil contains menthol, which is an antispasmodic effect on the smooth muscle of the digestive track as it helps in getting one relieved gas. It also soothes nerves and also  helps in a soothing stomach that really feels the effect of nervousness and  anxiety. Drink a cup of  peppermint tea after supper to help keep things  moving slowly.


  • One would require : 1 bag of herbal peppermint  tea
  • 1 cup of or freshly boiled water.


  • The tea seems like something that’s easy. There’s always a proper way to go about it. We often, let the tea bag sit in the water for several minutes , then pull the bag and drink the liquid. This does not allow all the goodness of the tea to completely  infuse  and  we have in store for us a good chunk of advantages.
  • After you boil water, pour it over the tea bag into the mug , then cover the mug .
  • Let it sit for about 10-15 minutes. Remove the cover and take out the tea bag, squeeze it to get out of every last bit of the healing mixture.
  • If it’s too hot to press it against the side of the with the help of a spoon .
  • Sip, relax and enjoy the tea.

3.) Use Ginger to Relieve Gas

Whether you are nauseous, struggling with the stomach flu , or suffering from indigestion, chances  are that you’ve been given in some form to help be calm your upset stomach tummy. It’s capable of performing its wonder it because of the several different types of chemical components its requires in order to  relieve gas.


  • Gas Passing; belches or flatus
  • Pain in abdomen
  • Swelling of the abdomen
  • Diarrhea (in some cases)


  • 1fresh ginger root
  • A grater (optional)
  • 1 cup of boiling water ,while preparing tea
  • Lemon and honey (optional)


  • Get a medium-sized piece of raw ginger root that looks nice and fresh. Scrub it clean , much like a potato , under warm water.
  • Slice 4-6 thin quarter size pieces  and place them in a large size mug.
  • Add a touch of honey or lemon if you like, then pour hot water over the slices .
  • Don’t let it boil – turn off the kettle just before, immediately afterward.
  • Cover the steep for a minimum of 10 minutes before enjoying .
  • Drink a cup before or after a meal to check up with digestion.

 4.) Chamomile Tea Get Rid of Gas Fast

In Germany, chamomile is known as “chamomile alles zutraut which means capable of everything. By so you can make out how much powerful this herb is and gas is no exception for it to treat. It has anti-inflammatory and antispasmodic properties that help  to treat acid reflux and heartburn that are quite common during the gastric problem.


  • A bag of chamomile tea
  • Boiled water
  • Lemon juice and honey( for a nice taste)


  • Boil a cup of water and pour a tea bag into it.
  • Cover the cup and steep it for a few minutes.
  • Later squeeze the tea bag thoroughly in the cup itself.
  • Add some honey and lemon juice to it for a good taste.
  • Enjoy your hot chamomile tea!

Note : Do not add milk to it. It  has a tendency to trigger gas.

5.) Warm Water to Relieve Gas

Drinking liquids before meals will help you to lose stomach acids and it also can’t churn the food well, Therefore, one must try drinking warm water about 30 minutes before a meal in order to break down the meal. This helps to relieve gas and help your stomach digest better. So eat and drink slowly. Eating and drinking fast helps you to swallow a lot of air, which can cause gas. Therefore, the process of eating and drinking must be done in a manner in which one can relieve gas.

6.) Use Coriander to Get Relief from Gas

Next in our list of remedies to relieve gas is coriander leaves and seeds. It has antispasmodic and anti-inflammatory properties that work in favor.


  • Coriander seeds or coriander leaves
  • Boiling water


  • Add some roasted coriander seeds in a cup of buttermilk. You can add 1 teaspoon of dried coriander leaves with one spoon of boiling water.
  • You can also use coriander to garnish your curries and vegetables.

Note: If one is experiencing an excessive gas problem, you can drink 1 glass of this solution instead of 1 cup.

7.) Caraway to Get Rid of Gas

Caraway works as wonder. It is packed with some good properties that make it a wonderful remedy for gas. It helps to clear your digestive tract and give you a relief.


  • Pinch of caraway seeds or caraway crackers.


  • During bloating gulp a pinch of caraway seeds or crackers.
  • If the bloating is quite common, eat a pinch of caraway regularly early in the morning.

8.) Pumpkin to Relieve Gas

By now you know, gas is primarily caused due to the improper digestion. Foods high in fiber sometimes takes a toll since they are hard to digest. When food does not break down properly, it leads bacteria formation. Here pumpkin seeds handy. It reduces the formation of gas. So consume pumpkin to prevent and treat gas.

9.) Chew the Food to Prevent Gastric Problem

Yes, chewing food thoroughly makes a lot of difference. By doing so the food you eat will be broken down easily and thus it will promote the digestion. Which means the food will not sit anywhere in the body which is the main cause of the cause. So make sure you chew your food properly.

10.) Good Diet to Prevent Gas

Our diet plays a major role in shaping our body, physically and internally. So taking this in account one must pay ahead on your diet. Avoid food that leads to gas and adds the ones which aid healthy body. Do inclug=de green vegetables, fruits, juices, broths, in your diet. Moreover, drink warm water and do not skip your meals. Sometimes skipping meals also leads to the gastric problem. So make sure you eat your all the meals that too on the time.

Apart from the above remedies, it is important to exercise regularly.