Home Remedies for Bed Bugs

home remedies for bed bugs

Ever wake up from your sleep only to find red blooms on your skin that itch and are sometimes sensitive to the touch? If yes, you may be experiencing an infestation of bed bugs. It can be tricky to get rid of these insects. In this article, we will look at home remedies for bed bugs.

Bed bugs are small, wingless parasitic insects that feed on the blood of humans and animals. They are flat, reddish-brown in color and about the size of an apple seed. After feeding, they become swollen and reddish in color, thanks to the blood they have ingested. These bugs are mainly active at night.

Causes for Bed Bugs:

  • Increased travel, domestic or international.
  • Changes in pest control practices.
  • Resistance to insecticides.
  • Bird nests near to the house, especially if located near a windowsill.

Symptoms of Bed Bugs:

Bed bug bites are often mistaken for other bug bites or rashes. You may have a bed bug problem if you experience the following,

  • Red patches on the skin.
  • Itchy areas on your skin that weren’t present when you went to sleep.
  • Red blooms or patches arranged in a rough line or cluster.
  • Blotchy red marks located on the face, neck, arms, and hands.

Home Remedies for Bed Bugs:

Exterminating bed bugs after an infestation is important to your peace of mind and health. But getting rid of these tricky insects is not an easy task. While the easiest way would be to use chemicals, it is not always possible. The reasons could be young children, allergies, pregnancies, or pets. There are many natural home remedies for bed bugs removal that counter this problem.

1. Clean Up to Remove Bed Bugs

Confirm that your problem lies with the infestation of your living space by bed bugs. The first step to removing bed bugs is to clean up the places where they live. Be sure to inspect the area thoroughly and follow these steps,

  • You will need to de-clutter the infected room. Bed bugs are tricky creatures to find and will hide in any small place. Discard old papers and boxes that you no longer require.
  • Any clothes you have will need to be cleaned thoroughly, including bedding, linens, and curtains. Soak and wash them in hot water. And then set them to dry on the highest possible dryer setting. Place items that cannot be washed, like shoes, stuffed toys, and such in the dryer for 30 minutes.
  • With a stiff brush, brush down your mattress seams. This will dislodge the bed bugs and their eggs. Make sure to do this before you vacuum.
  • Vacuum your bed and surrounding area several times a week. Make sure to get all the nooks and crannies. Afterward, immediately remove the bag from the vacuum cleaner. Leave this far away from the house, in the garbage can outdoors.
  • Check to see if there are any cracks in the walls, or peeling wallpaper. If so, then repair these with plaster and glue to get rid of places bed bugs can hide.

2. Baking Soda Treatment for Bed Bugs

This is considered one of the best home remedies for bed bugs. Baking soda can be used effectively to kill bed bugs naturally and fast. It acts as a drying agent to dry out the bed bugs. It can be used in several ways.

  • Dip an old paint brush into some baking soda and use it to spread it over cracks, crevices, and any other possible locations they could hide.
  • Sprinkle this liberally over your mattress. Make sure to get it on the seams and edges of the mattress.
  • Leave this powder in for a few days. Now brush it down with a stiff brush, and vacuum up the baking soda. Repeat this treatment a second time to get rid of the bed bugs completely.

3. Herbs to Get Rid of Bed Bugs

Eucalyptus, mint, rosemary and lavender are the most effective against bed bugs. Most insects hate the smell of these plants. Bed bugs are no exception to this. As a result, using herbs is amongst good home remedies for bed bugs. Furthermore, fresh herbs can be used as a remedy for bed bug infestation, but dried herbs work just as well.

  • Make bundles of these herbs. You may have more than one or two of these herbs for a more effective remedy. Hang them in your wardrobe.
  • Place small sachets containing these herbs in your dresser and under your mattress. You can also put them in the closet you store your linens, and in the shoe rack.

4. Treat Bed Bugs with Diatomaceous Earth

Diatomaceous Earth (DE) is highly potent in killing bed bugs. This is one of the best amongst non-toxic and inexpensive home remedies for bed bugs. DE works like shattered glass on bed bugs, effectively making its way into the cuticle of the exoskeleton and killing them. It is made out of 100% organic powder of water plants. This powder is easily available in any gardening store.

  • Get pesticide grade DE and sprinkle it lightly under your mattress, and in all the places that bed bugs hide and gather.
  • Sprinkle some DE gently in the doorway to your bedroom and on the window sills. Make sure to get behind and underneath furniture too.

Note: Make sure to get the pesticide grade DE, as the food and pool grade ones will be too fine to work on bed bugs.

5. Lavender Oil to Cure Bed Bugs

Lavender oil is one of the best home remedies for bed bugs. The strong and pungent smell of this oil helps to keep them away from your bed and your house. Lavender oil is a natural insecticide.

  • Spray this oil around your bed to keep bed bugs from attacking you in your sleep.
  • Place some dried lavender in a small, clean cloth pouch and seal it. Secure these around the perimeter of your bed.
  • You can also rub concentrated lavender oil onto your bed frame and floor to prevent and kill these insects.

6. Heat to Get Rid of Bed Bugs

One way to kill any bed bugs that get in your house is to use heat treatment. Bed bugs cannot withstand high temperatures. A consistent exposure to heat at 113°F will kill bed bugs in 90 minutes. But you can kill them in 20 minutes at a heat of 118°F. Removing these parasites from all household items on which you cannot use insecticides are a challenge.

  • Place your bedding, linens, and clothes in a dryer. Make sure the dryer is loosely filled for maximum impact. You will need to divide the laundry into batches.
  • Set the dryer on your highest setting and tumble for 30 minutes. Keep the finished batches separate and far away from the rest.
  • Put things that cannot be washed, like shoes, handbags, and stuffed toys in the dryer as well. You may need to set it at a lower temperature for some types of items, but then you will need to increase the drying time.

7. Get Rid of Bed Bugs with Essential Oils

Using essential oils is amongst proven home remedies for bed bugs. Some of the best essential oils that work on bed bugs are – citronella, eucalyptus, rosemary and tea tree oil. This way to get rid of bed bugs are easily available and fairly inexpensive. (Do note that if you own a pet, tea tree oil can be toxic to animals.)

  • Rub some drops of your chosen essential oil onto your bed frame. You can use a diluted solution to wipe the floor. This will disinfect as well as keep the bed bugs away.
  • Add 5-8 drops of your chosen essential oil into your laundry when you wash the bedding. Remember to wash the laundry on high temperature.
  • You can also make a spray with the essential oils. Mix ½ cup water and 6-10 drops of essential oil. Pour into a spray bottle and use it to spray your bedding, carpet, and linens.

8. Kill Bed Bugs with Mint

One of the effective home remedies for bed bugs is Mint. If you just leave mint around your house, it is potent enough to act as a natural bug repellant to most pests. The use of mint as a natural insecticide dates back to the Native Americans. Follow these steps to utilize the benefits of this herb.

  • Crush some fresh mint leaves and spread it around the sleeping areas to prevent bed bugs.
  • Fold some of these crushed leaves under the bedding and mattress. Also, place these strategically in your linen closet and clothes drawers.
  • You can even use this to fold under the bedding in your infant’s cradle and under the bedding for your pet.

9. Peppermint to Treat Bed Bugs

Peppermint oil gives off an odor that acts as a powerful repellent to not only bed bugs, but also other household bugs. This odor is intolerable to bed bugs and they die easily. Hence it is one of the good home remedies for bed bugs.

  • Place a few drops of peppermint oil on your mattress and the underside of your pillows.
  • On a clean piece of cotton cloth, like a handkerchief put a few drops of peppermint oil. Leave it in your closet and allow the oil to diffuse.
  • You can dilute the oil with a little water and spread this in the doorway to obstruct entry for bed bugs. Do this on your windowsill as well.

10. Treat Bed Bugs with Vinegar

Vinegar works as a contact killer on bed bugs. This means that spraying vinegar on the bed bugs directly kills them instantly. The acidic content present in vinegar disrupts the nervous system of the bugs. However, vinegar seems like it only provides short-term relief as it works on the nymphs and adults. It does not work on the bed bug eggs. Still, it is a very safe method and does not expose anyone to toxic chemicals. It is best used in conjunction with other home remedies for bed bugs. Follow these steps to utilize vinegar.

  • Prepare a diluted solution of 1 part vinegar and one part water. Pour this into a spray bottle and set aside for easy access.
  • First of all, isolate the item you want to debug, like your couch for example. Surround it with a concentrate of vinegar on the floor.
  • Once you are ready, you can spray the item with the prepared vinegar solution and chase the bed bugs out. Spray directly on the ones you can. Other bed bugs will run out and come in contact with the vinegar you previously applied around the item.