Remedies for Canker Sore on Tongue

In this article, we will discuss some of the top home remedies for canker sore on tongue. Most of the canker sores are found in small size. They can cause extreme pain. Canker sores are tiny red bumps with white and yellow color in the center, which usually occurs in the throat, lips, cheeks, tongue and inside the mouth.

Feeling Scratchy or burning sensations close to the affected part, swollen lymph glands, sluggishness, and fever are very common symptoms of canker sores. The main cause of the canker sores could be an unhealthy diet,changes in hormones, a weak immune system, over stress, deficiency of vitamins in diet or an allergy caused by food.

Usually, Canker sores are not infectious and take about two weeks to disappear naturally without providing any treatment. To get relief from those burning sensations or irritation, you can use a small piece of an ice-cube, place the ice cube directly on the surface of the affected area and  let the ice cube melt slowly. This will not only cure the problem, but it will also be helpful in making you feel relaxed for some time.

There are also so many other simple and effective home remedies which decrease the pain caused by canker sores and helps to heal them faster. Some of the tested and trusted home remedies to treat canker sores are as mentioned below.

Home Remedies for Canker Sore on Tongue

1.) Honey for Canker Sore on Tongue Treatment

Use of honey to treat canker sores is a very popular home remedy as it is known to have excellent soothing properties and when combined with turmeric, which also has many antiseptic and medicinal qualities works as the best home treatment. It helps you to get rid of burning sensations, pain, and irritation caused by canker sores instantly. Turmeric is optional, you can also use honey if you don’t want to use turmeric.


  • Take one teaspoon full of honey and mix with one-quarter teaspoon turmeric powder to make a paste of it.
  • Apply the paste gently on the affected part and leave the same untouched for the next fifteen to twenty minutes to get best results.
  • To decrease the pain and inflammation caused by canker sores, you can also use one tablespoon full of honey directly on the surface of the affected area.

2.) Coriander for Canker Sore on Tongue Treatment

To get relief from the inflammation and pain you can use coriander as it is rich in antiseptic, antifungal and anti-inflammation qualities. It helps you to heal and decrease the symptoms caused by canker sores quickly.


  • Take a cup of water, boil it and add a teaspoon full of coriander leaves or seeds in boiling water.
  • Strain this solution gently into a container and use this solution to rinse your mouth thoroughly, repeat the process three to four times in a day to get quick relief.
  • The juice of fresh coriander leaves is also very effective in the treatment of canker sores.
  • Drink the juice of fresh coriander leaves and before you swallow it, allow it to keep in your mouth for some time.
  • Let the affected area absorb the coriander juice nicely.

3.) Licorice Root for Canker Sore on Tongue Treatment

It is known to have medicinal qualities which are very effective in the treatment of canker sores. Licorice contains an active ingredient called glycyrrhizin which has soothing and anti-inflammatory qualities. These qualities help in decreasing the burning sensations and pain caused by canker sores.


  • Take two cups of water in a container and add one teaspoon full of licorice crushed roots into it.
  • Leave the same for at least two to three hours.use this solution to rinse your mouth.
  • You also can apply the licorice root extract directly to the canker sores.
  • It will shrink the size of the affected area and will help you to heal the canker sore problem.

4.) Moist Tea Bag to Get Rid of Canker Sores on Tongue

The use of  the tea bag  is also an effective  home remedy for treating canker sores. A used tea bag holds tannic acid, which is a type of astringent which boost healing process and reduce inflammation and pain caused by canker sores.


  • Place a wet and used tea bag after making your tea in the refrigerator for a few minutes. You can use a green or black tea bag, or any other tea bag.
  • Place the chilled wet tea bag on canker sores and press it gently at least for fifteen to twenty minutes.
  • Repeat the same process twice or thrice a day until the problem is solved.

5.) Aloe Vera for Canker Sore on Tongue Treatment

Aloe Vera contains several medicinal properties and used for many treatments as a natural home remedy. It has fine healing, anti-inflammatory and antibacterial properties which makes it much effective in decreasing the pain and inflammation caused by canker sores.


  • Take a leaf of Aloe Vera, extract the fresh juice from the leaf and apply gently over the surface of a canker sore.
  • Repeat the same process a few times a day.
  • You also can use Aloe Vera juice to rinse your mouth three to four times in a day. If it is not possible for you to find a fresh Aloe Vera leaf, you can also use packaged, ready to use Aloe Vera juice extracts for the treatment which is easily available in the market.

6.) Tea Tree Oil for Canker Sore Treatment

Tea tree oil consists of antibacterial compounds and antiseptic properties which are very efficient in various skin treatments and helps to heal canker sores quickly. The use of this tea tree oil also helps in preventing the growth of canker sores further.


  • Take five to ten percent of tea tree oil with water in a glass  and make a solution of it.
  • Rinse your mouth with this solution.
  • Repeat the same twice to thrice a day until you get rid of the sore problem.

7.) Baking Soda to Get Rid of Canker Sore

Baking soda is also known for having antibacterial and anti-inflammatory qualities and therefore, it can be used to treat canker sores. It is also helpful in restoring the pH balance in your mouth.


  • Take some water and mix some baking soda to make a thick paste of it.
  • Apply directly on the affected part to get instant relief.
  • You can also try rinsing your mouth with a solution of warm water and baking soda to cure canker sores few times a day.
  • Alternatively, you can make a mouth rinse using hydrogen peroxide, baking soda and salt.
  • Rinse with this solution to get relief from pain and other symptoms caused by canker sores.

8.) Sage for Canker Sore on Tongue

Sage has excellent astringent and soothing qualities which give you an instant relief from the pain caused by sores. It helps to heal and drying up the canker sores.


  • Take around three tablespoons full of sage leaves and add it to two cups of boiling water to make a solution.
  • Let it steep for the next fifteen minutes.
  • Leave the solution to become cold and then rinse your mouth with the same solution few times a day.
  • One more alternative solution is to directly apply the powder of sage leaves on the canker sore.
  • Repeat the same process a few times a day. You will get rid of sores in a few days.

9.) Onion to Get Rid of Canker Sores

Onion contains the sulfur compounds which destroys bacteria and helps in healing the canker sores


  • Take a small piece of raw onion and press it gently over the affected part.
  • Clutch it for around five to six minutes and let the canker sore absorb the onion juice.
  • Repeat the same process three to four times in a day. Use of organic onion is best for the treatment.
  • You can also apply the juice of organic onion directly to the sores. It will also help you to get rid of the canker sore problem.

10.) Cayenne Pepper to Treat Canker Sore

Cayenne pepper contains capsaicin, which freezes the nerves temporarily and decreases the pain caused by canker sores instantly. It is a very effective and helpful home remedy to treat symptoms caused by canker sores.


  • You can apply a little bit of cayenne pepper directly on the surface of the canker sore.
  • Initially, it can cause a little bit of irritation, but it is a very effective solution to get instant relief from pain and inflammation.
  • Alternatively, you can also go for sucking or chewing a candy which contains cayenne pepper.

These simple and effective home remedies for the treatment of canker sores helps you to get rid of pain, inflammation and other symptoms of canker sores instantly. If these home remedies are not effective and don’t change the condition of  your canker sores, you should visit your doctor as it could be a sign of any serious oral diseases.