Home Remedies for Constipation

Constipation is an annoying problem that can not be discussed in general. During this situation, you are not able to able concentrate on your work or any other task since your main focus is on how to relieve the condition as soon as possible. Constipation is a digestive disorder that is common among all ages. This problem is quite frustrating and the person feels irritated all the time as his digestive system does not work effectively and thus, there is no movement in the bowel. There are many treatments that will help you to enhance the functionality of the digestive system and treat constipation. There are plenty of home remedies for constipation as well that will help you to ease your discomfort.

Constipation is characterized as a condition where you find difficulty with irregular bowel movements or passing dry and hard stool. Every person has different bowel patterns. The symptoms associated with constipation are sluggishness, uncomfortable and bloating. There are several factors, such as insufficient water intake, lack of physical activity, pregnancy, stress, etc  that leads constipation.

Symptoms of Constipation:

  • Bloating
  • Abdominal pain
  • Sluggishness
  • Uncomfortable

Causes of Constipation:

  • Stress
  • Insufficient fluid intake
  • Inactivity
  • Surgery
  • Low-fiber diet
  • Overuse of laxatives
  • Some medications

Best Home Remedies for Constipation:

1.) Lemon Water to Treat Constipation Fast

Lemon water is one of the best home remedies for constipation. The scent of a fresh lemon will ease your stomach problem. Lemon juice contains citric acid and it acts as a stimulant for your digestive tract. It will help to remove out undigested material and toxins that can build up along the walls of the colon.

Directions to Use Lemon Water:

  • Extract the juice from 1 lemon and add it to a cup of warm water.
  • Drink it slowly on an empty stomach as it will help you to get relief from constipation.

2.) Flaxseed to Get Rid of Constipation Fast

Flaxseed has several medicinal properties along with tons of omega- 3 fatty acids and fiber. The laxative property in flaxseed is very helpful in curing constipation.

Directions to Use Flaxseed:

  • Mix 1 tbsp of flaxseed in a glass of water and let it sit for 2 to 3 hours.
  • Drinking this water before bedtime will give you relief in your bowel movement.
  • You can also eat 2 to 3 tbsp of ground flaxseed with a glass of water.

3.) Honey to Cure Constipation Naturally and Fast

Honey is highly effective in treating constipation as it works as a mild laxative. You can consume it daily to prevent and treat constipation.

Directions to Use Honey:

  • Eat 2 tsp of honey 3 times in a day.
  • You can also prepare a solution by mixing 1 tbsp of honey and lemon juice in a glass of warm water.
  • Drink this solution on an empty stomach.

4.) Castor Oil to Get Rid of Constipation Fast and Naturally

Castor oil will help to stimulate the small and large intestines and improve the bowel movement. Thus, this oil is one of the best and effective home remedies for constipation treatment.

Directions to Use Castor Oil:

  • Simply consume 1 to 2 tsp of castor oil in the morning on an empty stomach.
  • You can also have it with a glass of fruit juice.
  • After few hours, you will notice an improvement in your condition. Don’t repeat this remedy for a prolonged period because it may cause side effects.

5.) Figs to Prevent Constipation Fast

Figs are very rich in fiber and act as a natural laxative. People suffering from constipation should include figs in their diet. To treat constipation, you can use both fresh and dried figs. Always eat figs with their skin because their skin contains lots of fiber and calcium.

Directions to Use Figs:

  • Take 2 to 3 dried figs and almonds.
  • Soak them in a bowl of water for a few hours.
  • Peel the almonds and grind all the ingredients.
  • Consume this paste with 1 tbsp of honey at night.

6.) Fennel to Treat Constipation Naturally and Fast

Fennel seeds are useful in treating issues like constipation, bloating, indigestion and irritable bowel syndrome as it will encourage smooth muscle movement in the digestive system.

Directions to Use Fennel Seeds:

  • Take 1 cup of fennel seeds and then roast them.
  • Grind them into a powder form.
  • Store this digestive powder in a jar.
  • Consume half a tsp of this powder daily with warm water.

7.) Spinach to Prevent Constipation Fast

Spinach is best for the digestive system, especially when you suffer from constipation. Using raw spinach is very beneficial for your health as it contains various components that can cleanse, regenerate and reconstruct the intestinal tract.

Directions to Use Spinach:

  • To treat constipation, you should include spinach in your diet. Eat it either raw or cooked depending on how would you like to eat it.
  • If you have severe constipation then prepare a mixture of a one-half glass of raw spinach juice and a one-half glass of water 2 times daily. After few days, you will get relief.

8.) Grapes to Get Rid of Constipation Fast

Grapes are one of the best home remedies for constipation treatment. It contain insoluble fiber that will help to produce regular bowel movements.

Directions to Use Grapes:

  • You can either eat a small bowl of grapes or can have a glass of fresh grape juice daily.
  • Another method is, put 10 to 12 dry grapes in milk and boil it for a few minutes. Drink this solution in the evening. This remedy will do a great job for young children.
  • If fresh grapes are not available, then you can eat soaked raisins in water a day or two. You should eat the soaked raisins along with water in the morning.

9.) Molasses to Avoid Constipation

Molasses are one of the best home remedies for constipation treatment. It acts as a natural laxative to move your bowel and you will get relief from constipation.

Directions to Use Molasses:

  • Consume 1 tsp of blackstrap molasses before bedtime. If you don’t like the taste then you can mix it with prune juice, milk or fruit juice. If you have a severe problem then you can increase the dosage to 1 to 2 tbsp.
  • Another remedy is to mix 2 to 3 tbsp of molasses with an equal amount of peanut butter and consume it in the morning.
  • Don’t use this remedy on a regular basis because molasses contain high calories.

10.) Water and Fiber to Treat Constipation Fast

Lack of fiber in the diet is also the cause of constipation. Fiber is a kind of material that will bind water in the intestine. It adds volume to the stool and softens the stool that makes it easy to pass.

Directions to Use Water and Fiber:

  • It is important to eat high-fiber food like potatoes, brown rice, beans, wheat germ, fresh fruits, carrots, green leafy vegetables, sunflower seeds, broccoli, peas, pumpkin seeds and so on.
  • Drinking lots of fluids is also important to treat constipation. Drink at least 8 to 10 glasses of water daily.
  • For effective and best results, put a copper vessel filled with water overnight and drink it in the morning. This will help to stimulate bowel movements and will give you best results within a few days.
  • Drinking fresh fruit juice and vegetable juice is also beneficial. Avoid caffeine and alcoholic beverages as both can cause dehydration.