Home Remedies for Heartburn

Heartburn is something that many adults experience in their lifetime. It is characterized by a burning sensation and pain in the chest and stomach. If you experience heartburn or acid reflux more than twice a week, you may have GERD disease. Heartburn is caused by acid reflux which occurs when the ring of the muscle allows food into your stomach. Due to this, acid from your stomach goes back to your esophagus, which then causes the heartburn sensation. Heartburn may occur due to certain foods or eating habits, excess weight, tight clothing, and smoking. You should take immediate steps to eliminate heartburn and long-term steps to reduce the symptoms of heartburn. Read this article carefully, you will get some home remedies for heartburn treatment.

Symptoms of Heartburn:

  • GERD
  • Shortness of breathe
  • A sour taste
  • Dizziness

Causes of Heartburn:

  • Caffeine
  • Alcohol
  • Acidic juice like orange, pineapple, grapefruit etc.
  • Acidic foods like tomatoes and chocolate
  • Smoking
  • Obesity
  • Pregnancy

home remedies for heartburnBest Home Remedies for Heartburn:

1.) Vinegar to Treat Heartburn Fast

Vinegar is one of the best home remedies for heartburn treatment. You can use either apple cider vinegar or white vinegar. To treat your heartburn, use diluted vinegar with water. If you use undiluted vinegar then it may damage your esophagus and also your tooth enamel.

Directions to Use Vinegar:

  • Take 1 to 2 tbsp of vinegar and add it to the 1 glass of water and mix it well.
  • Now consume this water.
  • You can drink it 2 to 3 times in a day.
  • Drink it before bedtime or before meals if you are not able to sleep due to heartburn at night.

2.) Slippery Elm to Get Rid of Heartburn Naturally

Slippery elm has been used for treating various conditions like boils, burns, wounds, ulcers, skin inflammation, diarrhea, coughs, sore throat and stomach problems as well. This herb helps to coat the layer of mucous that lines your stomach and creates a barrier against acid.

Directions to Use Slippery Elm:

  • Take 1-2 tsp of slippery elm powder and add it to water or milk whatever you want.
  • Mix it well completely into the water or milk.
  • Consume this 1-3 times in a day, depending on the severity of your heartburn.
  • Consume this herbal drink after having meals or at bedtime.

3.) Ginger Tea to Relieve Heartburn Naturally and Fast

Having a cup of fresh ginger root tea will help you to soothe your stomach. Ginger acts as an acid buffer and helps your stomach in settling down.

Directions to Use Ginger Tea:

  • Take fresh ginger root, peel it and cut it into slices.
  • Put the ginger slices in a glass and pour 1 to a half cup of water over it.
  • Boil this water and simmer it for 10 to 15 minutes.
  • Strain it and have it about half an hour before your meal.
  • You can also chew ginger root with your tea.

4.) Bananas to Get Rid of Heartburn Fast

Bananas are natural antacids, they reduce the effect of acid reflux. This is the best reason to have the banana for getting relief from heartburn. Bananas are high in potassium with a pH of 14. Bananas help to moderate the acidity of your stomach by increasing its pH. Try to eat ripe banana but don’t eat over ripe banana because it will make your heartburn more painful. Bananas also have some chemicals that will stimulate your stomach lining and it will produce more mucus to act as a buffer against acid.

Directions to Use Banana:

  • Eat one ripe banana daily.
  • It will help to keep your heartburn away.

5.) Apples to Reduce Heartburn Fast

Apples are also one of the best remedies for heartburn. The nutritious and tasty apples will help to get rid of heartburn. Apples can also reduce the symptoms of GERD. This fruit will help in producing an alkaline environment in your stomach so that the excessive acids get removed. Apples also help in digestion which results in no heartburn. You should eat sweet apples which are organic. Don’t eat tart apples.

Directions to Use Apples:

  • Eat half an apple after having each meal.
  • If you have night heartburn then have an apple before bedtime.
  • If you don’t like apples then you can have the juice of the apple.
  • You can also eat 1 tsp of blackstrap molasses or raw organic honey with half of your apple.

6.) Melon to Get Rid of Heartburn Fast

Melon has a good pH and it is counted as one of the best home remedies for heartburn. You can eat some melon pieces daily or make a smoothie with melon to cure heartburn. Or can look for a nice recipe that includes melon. You can add almond milk, watermelon, banana, ginger, and cantaloupe to treat heartburn. Almonds are a great remedy for treating heartburn as they neutralize stomach acid. It will not only make it tasty but is one of the good remedies for heartburn.

Directions to Use Heartburn:

  • Take 1 cup of almond milk, half cup of muskmelon, 1 banana, 1-inch fresh ginger root and half cup cantaloupe melon.
  • Blend all the ingredients together.
  • Have it in the morning if you have a problem of heartburn.

7.) Fennel and its Seeds to Cure Heartburn

Fennel also has a good pH and it is thus one of the effective foods for heartburn treatment. This herb is not good for only heartburn but also for many other diseases which are related to stomach problems such as flatulence, indigestion, constipation and bloating. Fennel has those components which gives carminative effect and provides soothing relief to your stomach and prevents all types of digestive disorders including heartburn. The seeds of fennel and crunchy vegetables both are effective remedies for heartburn.

Directions to Use Fennel Seeds:

  • Chew some fennel seeds after having a meal for better digestion with will prevent heartburn.
  • Having a tbsp of fennel tincture 3 times a day is very effective.
  • You can also have half a tbsp of liquid fennel extract every day.

8.) Have Proper Diet to Prevent Heartburn

The problem of acidity in your stomach starts with the foods you have. It is better to include such foods in your diet that will not give heartburn. You should find what suits your stomach and what doesn’t.

List of Foods to Avoid Heartburn:

  • Vegetables preferably greens and roots like broccoli, beans, cauliflower, and asparagus.
  • Fruits with low acid content like peaches, bananas, apricots, mangoes, berries, cherries and plums.
  • Cereals like rice, bulgur wheat, and brown rice.
  • Fish and lean meat
  • Non-fat and low-fat dairy products
  • Avoid spicy and high-fat foods.

9.) Chew Gum to Get Rid of Heartburn Fast

Chew gum is one of the helpful remedies for heartburn. When you chew a gum, it stimulates the salivary glands to increase the flow of saliva. The saliva neutralizes your stomach acid and will give you instant relief from heartburn.

Directions to Use Chew Gum:

  • After finishing your meal, chew sugar-free gum for about half an hour.
  • Do this regularly until you notice a visible difference.

10.) Change Lifestyle to Treat Heartburn

Bad eating habits and certain other habits will make it difficult to digest your food properly. There are also other lifestyle habits that will lead to heartburn and you need to change it.

Lifestyle Changes:

  • Drink plenty of water for proper digestion.
  • Always eat small meals so that you don’t put pressure on your lower esophageal.
  • Eat slowly and have small bites to digest your food.
  • After having your meal, don’t go to sleep.
  • Don’t drink and smoke.
  • Lose your weight.
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