Home Remedies for UTI (Urinary Tract Infection)

In this article, we will discuss top home remedies for UTI. The Urinary tract infections (UTIs) are very common health problem these days. According to several studies it has been found that there is no gender discrimination when it comes to UTI. Both men and women can get UTI but women are more prone to this problem. A Urinary Tract Infection (UTI) usually occurs when the bladder and its tubes are infected by unwanted bacteria. The major contributors of UTI are sexual intercourse, pregnancy, waiting too long to urinate, menopause, and diabetes.

The common symptoms related to UTI are frequent urge to urinate, a burning sensation when urinating, passing small quantities of urine, change in urine color, nausea, abdominal pain, fever, and vomiting. This problem can’t be taken lightly as any delay in treatment can cause damage to the kidneys. It is not necessary that only medical treatment is useful in getting rid of UTI but there are several effective home remedies that can help prevent and treat UTI’s fast and naturally.

Top Home Remedies for UTI Treatment:

1.) Drink Lots of Water to Treat UTI Naturally

Drinking water might not seem any outstanding home remedy. However, drinking lots of water throughout the day will help you get rid of UTI fast. We all know the importance of water in our body   and it should not be avoided when it comes to UTI problem. Water helps flush out harmful bacteria, and more importantly, it will give you something to actually push out when you pee.

If you search on the web then you will get to know that most of the home remedies for UTI include water as a significant ingredient. Water acts as a helping hand for other home remedies for UTI. It works effectively as it keeps on flushing fluid through the system to get rid of the nasty bacteria. Do not hesitate to drink water as it will only give benefits. It is recommended that you should drink at least eight glasses of water every day to treat UTI naturally.

2.) Hot Water Compresses to Treat UTI Fast and Naturally

Hot water compresses are one of the most effective treatments to get rid of UTI naturally. The warm compress basically helps minimize the bladder pressure and give instant relief from the aggravating pain caused by the infection. A hot water compress also decreases the inflammation and helps to prevent the growth of the bacteria that causes the infection. The process of using hot compress is quite easy you just need to put some hot water in a flexible water bottle. You can also purchase a bag specially made for warm compress from the local store. Now, place the hot water pack or bottle on your lower abdomen for five minutes. This will really give you an instant relief from the pain and cure UTI.

3.) Pineapple to Get Rid of UTI Fast

Pineapple is one of the most effective home remedies for UTI as it contains an enzyme called Bromelain. The Bromelain has a brilliant anti-inflammatory property that can help to reduce painful UTI symptoms naturally. If you take it along with antibiotics prescribed by your doctor The effectiveness of pineapple will increase. Taking pineapple with antibiotics can help you to get rid of this kind of infection fast. You should eat a cup of pineapple daily to prevent UTIs naturally. Alternatively, you can also drink pineapple juice on the regular basis to treat UTI. Do not drink packet pineapple juice as they may contain preservatives.

4.) Uva Ursi to Get Rid of UTI Fast

Uva ursi is a great herb that has several medicinal properties that can help you treat UTI naturally. It contains a number of substances that can effectively fight infections, including UTIs. Uva Ursi contains several useful chemicals with antiseptic properties. You can purchase this herb from any drugstore in supplement forms. When you take this supplement, the antiseptic quality of the herb will kill the nasty bacteria causing UTI and also gently stimulates urination.

NOTE: Those who have kidney or liver disease, children, and pregnant or nursing women should not take uva ursi.

5.) Apple Cider Vinegar to Treat UTI Fast and Naturally

Apple cider vinegar is one of the useful home remedies to get rid of UTI fast and naturally. It is a rich source of enzymes, potassium and other minerals that can help prevent the bacteria that cause UTIs. It not only prevents UTI but also inhibits the growth of bacteria and prevents them from multiplying or spreading. Those suffering from UTIs can use vinegar as a natural antibiotic to effectively treat the infection. To use ACV (apple cider vinegar) as a treatment you need to add two tablespoons of vinegar into a glass of water. To make it more refreshing and healthy, add lemon juice and sweetened with honey. Mix it well and drink this two times a day for a couple of weeks.

6.) Indian Gooseberry (Amla) to Prevent UTI Naturally

Indian Gooseberry is one of the best home remedies for UTI. It contains the highest amount of vitamin C compared to any other fruit or vegetable on the earth. Vitamin C is necessary to inhibit the growth of bacteria so gooseberry can be a really effective remedy to treat the problem naturally. You need to add one teaspoon of Indian gooseberry powder and a teaspoon of turmeric powder in a cup of water. Now, simply boil the solution until half of the water evaporates. Then, simply drink the solution three times a day for one week. You can also eat more fruits like bananas, guava, kiwi, melon, lemons, oranges, raspberries, tomatoes, and papaya that contain a high amount of vitamin C.

7.) Cranberry Juice to Cure Urinary Tract Infection

Cranberry juice is yet another effective remedy to treat Urinary Tract Infection (UTI). It contains compounds like proanthocyanidins which help prevent bacteria from getting the walls of the urethra and causing this infection, UTIs. Its also has a very mild antibiotic effect which can help you eliminate the infection. To prevent UTI you should drink half a glass of cranberry juice daily. Those who are suffering from a UTI should take cranberry juice four glasses to prevent the further infection and damage to your kidneys. You should not drink sweetened cranberry juice just drink plain juice without adding anything fancy. Instead, you can mix it with apple juice to enhance the taste and effectiveness.

Warning: Those who have a history of kidney stones should not take cranberry juice.

8). Baking Soda to Prevent UTI Naturally

Baking soda is one of the most effective home remedies for UTI. It has property to raise the acid-base balance of acidic urine that will give you instant relief from the pain. It is very important that the acid in your urine neutralize as it will help speed up recovery. To use baking soda as UTI treatment, you need to add one teaspoon of baking soda to a glass of normal water and then drink it once or twice a day. Repeat this process for a few days to get rid of UTI.

9.) Tea Tree Oil to Get Rid of UTI Fast

Tea tree oil has some great antibacterial properties that can help fight the bacteria that mainly cause bladder infections like UTIs. Mix ten drops of tea tree oil in your bath water and wash the urethra opening using this water. You can also mix tea tree oil with equal amounts of sandalwood oil and juniper oil and then simply rub this mixture on the abdominal region. This is very effective in reducing annoying pain associated with UTIs. You need to repeat this remedy once in a day for a week.

10.) Blueberries to Treat UTI Naturally

Blueberries are one of the most useful home remedies for UTI. They have bacteria-inhibiting properties that can effectively help in the treatment of UTIs. Blueberries contain antioxidants which are good for your immune system and digestion. The antioxidants also prevent the growth of bacteria that causes UTIs. You need to simply add some fresh blueberries to your favorite cereal and have it for breakfast on a regular basis. You can also drink a fresh blueberry juice on the regular basis in the morning for a quick result.