How to Remove a Hickey?

Hickey is also known as love bite or kiss mark, it is actually a kind of bruise. It is created by sucking or biting the skin too hard until the blood vessels below the skin breaks that turns the skin red or purple. It can be embarrassing if your parents see that mark. You can hide hickeys with clothing or makeup. Like most bruises, hickey can last more than a week to heal, but if you will treat the wound quickly, it may speed up the healing process. You can follow a number of remedies to remove a hickey.

Ways to Remove a Hickey:

1.) Apply Ice to Remove Hickey

Applying an ice pack can help to reduce swelling and make the mark less noticeable. Ice has the added bonus of the reducing pain to the area. However, do not apply a ice cubes directly on the skin.

  • Wrap the ice pack in a clean cloth to manage the temp and reduce the risk of frostbite. Icepack will help to prevent swelling around the hickey and reduce pain.
  • Or you can put a spoon in a freezer and place a cool spoon on the hickey but don’t rub it into your skin.
  • You can also use a frozen bag of vegetables, or freeze a Styrofoam cup of water if you don’t have an ice pack.
  • Gently hold it to the skin for 2o minutes.
  • Wait for one or two hours before reapplying.
  • Use this remedy four to five times times to see the positive result.

2.) Scraping to Get Rid of Hickey

This is the painful method to remove a hickey, but it can give you a great result. Stretch the skin around your hickey until it is flat. Pull the skin away from the hickey on opposite end. Once you will done that, scrape the skin using the large coin.

  • Scrap the skin and spread it outward motion similar to that of applying butter to bread.
  • This method will allow you to scrap  the skin as hard as you can but don’t do so much as to break the skin or hurt yourself.
  • This method pushes the clotted blood out of the surface of the skin.
  • Your skin may be a little tender and reddened after applying this method, but the redness fades away.
  • It is very effective method to remove a hickey.
  • Be careful while doing this, since it can hurt you a lot.

3.) Aloe Vera to Remove a Hickey

Aloe vera is very effective for skin. It is a natural moisturizer known for its rejuvenating and healing properties. It will help to reduce the sensitivity of the affected area. Aloe Vera also has anti-inflammatory and soothing properties which will help you to heal the burst capillaries under your skin faster.

  • Take a piece of aloe vera and cut it into two pieces to extract the gel.
  • Apply the gel on the affected area and massage from it.
  • Use this remedy two to three times a day to remove hickey.
  • If you do not aloe vera plant at your home, so you can also use aloe vera based cream or lotion.
  • Apply it on the affected skin three to four times a day for two to three days.

4.) Heat to Remove a Hickey

After applying ice on your hickey you can switch to heat. Heat will help to open up your blood vessel and increase the blood circulation, which will promote healing.However, do this after a few hours of hickey mark formation.

  • You can use a heating pad or cloth soaked in water for heat compress.
  • Apply heat not more than 20 minutes.
  • Don’t use this therapy if you have diabetes or poor circulation.
  • Make sure to give your skin a chance to come to its normal temperature after applying each application because you could burn your skin.
  • Ice is only effective for the first two days, then after icing the hickey you will have to switch to warm compress to remove hickey.

5.) Peppermint to Treat a Hickey

Peppermint can help to improve the blood circulation which is very useful to remove a hickey. It can even heal your capillary vessel. It will have cooling and soothing effect on the skin.

  • Gently apply peppermint oil on the affected skin area. Initially you will feel a tingling sensation but within a few minutes, it will go away.
  • Use this remedy one or twice or day. Moreover, use can irritate your skin.
  • You can also use peppermint based toothpaste on the affected area for a few minutes. You will feel some tingling at the beginning.
  • Wipe it off with a clean cloth.
  • Don’t use this remedy more than twice a day.
  • Try to use this remedy as soon as possible after getting a hickey.

6.) Rubbing Alcohol to Remove a Hickey Naturally

Rubbing alcohol works on the hickey if it has only been around for two to three hours. It has a cooling soothing and disinfectant properties that help to remove a hickey. It is the fastest way to get rid of a hickey. Rubbing alcohol should be done a few times a day for one or two days.

  • Take a cotton ball and dip it into the rubbing alcohol.
  • Massage the area for several minutes to reduce discomfort.
  • It can dry your skin, so make sure to apply some moisturizing lotion on the area after rubbing alcohol.
  • Use this remedy several times a day for one or two days.

7.) Cocoa Butter to Get Rid of Hickey

Cocoa butter is very effective to heal hickey. It is an excellent moisturizer and promotes new skin tissues. Since it is oily in nature so people with oily skin should apply it accordingly.

  • First, apply the warm compress on the hickey.
  • Once the area is warm then apply some cocoa butter.
  • Gently massage the area for a few minutes.
  • This will break up the blood clot and stimulate blood circulation.
  • Use this remedy several times a day to remove a hickey.
  • If you don’t have cocoa butter you can also use almond oil or olive oil.

8.) Toothbrush to Remove a Hickey

You must have needed a new toothbrush to use this method. Brush the affected area and the area around it using stiff bristled toothbrush. It helps to stimulate the blood circulation in the affected area.

  • Gently brush the hickey because too hard might make the hickey much worse.
  • After 10 to 15 minutes the swelling and redness will spread but it will become a lot less.
  • Apply a cold compress to the area.
  • Repeat the process, if your find it necessary, but this method may work at the first attempt cause the discoloration spreads a little.

9.) Massage to Get Rid of Hickey

A gentle massage on the affected area is very effective method to remove a hickey because hickey scatters the clotted blood and reduces its color.

  • Massage the hickey using your two fingers over the affected area and rub them in a circular motion in one direction. You can use any oil to massage.
  • After a minute change the direction of rubbing and continue it.
  • Make sure to gently rub the hickey.
  • You will notice a few outline after massaging the hickey, but this is rare.
  • The effectiveness of massage on a hickey depends on its severity.

10.) Vitamin K to Cure Hickey

Vitamin K prevents coagulation and can be used to treat bruises. This helps your body to reabsorb pooled blood and speed up the healing process.

  • Use a lotion or cream rich in vitamin K to treat hickey two to three times a day.
  • Take food rich in vitamin k such as broccoli, soyabean oil, fish oil and spinach for a couple of days.
  • You can also take vitamin k supplement to remove a hickey.

11.) Oranges to Treat Hickey Naturally

Vitamin C is a special nutrient to repair your skin. You can use orange because orange has a high amount of vitamin C. It also has healing properties that will help to heal a hickey quickly. Drink fresh orange juice instead of packaged orange juice. If the juice is not available you can take 500 mg of vitamin C tablet three times a day for a week to rebuild your collagen.

12.) Banana Peel to Remove a Hickey

Banana peel has soothing as well as cooling properties that help to remove a hickey fast.Cut a fresh piece of banana to the size of your hickey. Place the inside of the pee banana  and leave it for 30 minutes. Use this remedy three to four times a day to reduce the appearance of the bruise.