How to Remove Splinter Naturally?

How to Remove Splinter

In this article, we will discuss ways to remove splinter naturally. Walking bare feet on the green grass gives a quite soothing and relaxing feeling. It may give you an amazing feel but when a splinter hurt you into your foot, it seems like hell. The throbbing and irritation caused due to a splinter spiked in your foot can be unbearable sometimes.

A splinter which is also known as a sliver is a small wound caused in the body due to wood shavings, thorn, and other similar debris. It pierces the skin and penetrates to the lower layers of the skin. Splinters in the skin can be very painful. It is very important to deal with it quickly to get rid of the discomfort, pain, and bleeding. It is said that one should not press on the sliver as this can make the object penetrate deeper into the skin. In case the sliver spiked in your skin is made up of glass, this could cause it to shatter into tiny pieces which will be much harder to get rid off.

It is also very important that you remove splinters from your skin as soon as you can. This is because untreated splinter can result in other serious condition. Below we have mentioned ten simple and quick home remedies to remove splinters fast and safely. Try them out and next time be careful while strolling barefoot.

Home Remedies to Remove Splinter Naturally :

1.) Baking Soda to Get Rid of Splinters Fast and Naturally

Baking Soda is a fine home remedy which works effectively in case of small, invisible splinters which are deeply spiked in the skin. For this, you will need to make a paste of baking soda. The paste of baking soda when applied on the splinter, makes the skin swell which pushes the splinter out.


  • Simply apply the paste of baking soda mixed with water on the splinter.
  • You can either leave the surface or you can cover the area with a band-aid.
  • Let the paste settle into the affected part for a couple of hours.
  • After a few hours remove the band-aid
  • Now, wash the paste of the concerned area.
  • Then try to pull the silver which has been forced to the surface of the skin.
  • After removing the splinter, dab some antiseptic on the affected part.

2.) Hydrogen Peroxide to Remove Splinter Naturally

Hydrogen peroxide is another very excellent home remedy to get rid of a splinter from your hands and feet. For this method, follow the below-mentioned instruction.


  • Firstly, you will need to cover the area around the splinter with the help of hydrogen peroxide.
  • This will help in turning the area inflamed and swells which will make the splinter visible.
  • Once it is visible, you can then use tweezers to lift the splinter off your skin.

3.) Epsom Salt to Remove Splinter Easily at Home

Like other remedies, Epsom salt can also be very useful in removing splinter off the skin. This remedy is quite simple and easy to use. Here is the method.


  • Take a pinch of Epsom salt and sprinkle it on the adhesive side of a band-aid.
  • After that wrap the band-aid on the affected part of your skin.
  • The Epsom salt will cause the affected part to swell, which will, in turn, push the splinter till it breaks through the skin layer.
  • Now you can easily remove splinter using a sterilised tweezers.

4.) White Vinegar to Remove Splinter

White vinegar can also be used to remove splinter fast and easily at home. It is easily available and is very simple to use. Here is the method.


  • In this method you just need to dip the affected area of your body in white vinegar for around half an hour at least.
  • Like Epsom salt method, this home remedy also causes the splinter to get through the surface of the skin, thus making it easy to tweeze or scrape from the skin.

 5.) Hot Water to Remove the Splinter

 This is one of the best and easy way to get rid of the splinter. The steam of the hot water will draw out the splinter from skin easily. For this, you will need hot water and wide-mouthed glass. Even a plastic bottle will do.


  • Fill the bottle with hot water and use it to press the area.
  • Press it firmly to create a vacuum. Leave it on te same position for a few weeks.
  • After a few minutes, you will see the splinter will come on the surface from where you will be able to remove the splinter without any fuzz.

6.) Adhesive Tape to Get Rid of the Splinter

Adhesive tape is another excellent method to remove splinter fast and safely out of the skin. It will help you to get rid of the splinter naturally without hurting much. Here is the method to do it.


  • In this method, you will need to wash the skin around the splinter using some water and soap,
  • Now, dry the area well and stick an adhesive tape over the affected part of your skin.
  • Then, rub the area with your fingertip and press it down carefully and gently.
  • Now, wait for about half a minute.
  • After waiting for half-minute, pull the tape off in one quick motion.
  • This should pull the splinter out with it. Be careful while performing this method.

7.) Tweezing Method to Remove Splinter from the Skin

The tweezing method also works very well in case of the splinter in the skin. However, it might hurt a little but will definitely remove the splinter.  Here is the method to do it.


  • In case the sliver is visible, you just need to sterilise the tips of tweezers with the help of alcohol.
  • Now carefully hold the splinter between the tweezers and try to gently slide the sliver out of the skin.
  • Apply some antiseptic afterwards to prevent any infection.

8.) Needle to Get Rid of Splinter Fast

The needle is another effective home remedy to remove a splinter. This remedy works excellently in case there is a soft, transparent layer of skin over the silver. A thin layer of skin develops over the silver before it is removed from the body. In such case, follow the below-mentioned directions.


  • First, you will need to sterilise the tip of your needle using rubbing alcohol.
  • Now, you will need to press the needle close to the splinter and scrape it out of the skin.
  • This method works only in case of splinters which are under a thin layer of skin. In a case of splinters in the foot, covered with a thick layer of skin, this needle method is not an ideal solution as it may cause pain and more discomfort.

9.) Potato to Get Rid of Splinter Fast and Naturally at Home

Potato is another fine home remedy to remove a splinter from skin. It will help you to get rid of the thorn or a silver from the skin. Here is the method to do it.


  • Take a slice of raw potato and place it on the splinter affected skin such that the fleshy part of potato touches the splinter.
  • Now gently press the slice of potato downwards and then take it off carefully.
  • If the splinter pierces the potato slice, it can be easier to lift the splinter.

10.) Glue to Get Rid of Splinter Fast

Glue method is also a safe way to remove splinter of your skin easily at home. Here are the directions to perform this method.


  • Take some glue and drop a blob of glue on the affected part of your skin.
  • Now, allow the glue to get dry before peeling it off.
  • You will see that the splinter has stuck to the glue. This will help make the process of removing splinter easy and simple.

11.) Eggs to Remove Splinters

Eggs can also help in getting rid of splinters or silvers fast and easily. It is a natural remedy to remove a sliver from the skin. Here is the method to use eggs for removing splinters.


  • Take an egg, crack and empty the contents of it into a container.
  • Now, keep the shell of the egg on the splinter with the moist part inside facing the sliver.
  • The egg shell will help in making the sliver to come out of the skin easily.

12.) Honey to Get Rid of Splinter

Another household remedy that can help you to remove a splinter from the skin is honey. It will help to draw out the splinter. In addition to it, it can also be used to treat the skin after removing the splinter since it has therapeutic and antiseptic properties.


  • Sanitise the affected area or rinse it warm water.
  • Apply some honey onto the splinter and the skin around.
  • Leave it for a few minutes, then with a help of the tweezer remove the splinter.

13.) Milk and Bread to Remove Splinter

Another way to remove a splinter is using milk and bread. The splinter will stick to the bread and later you can remove it without any problem.


  • Sanitise you’re clean the area.
  • Dip a piece of bread in the milk.
  • Place the same piece of the bread on the splinter.
  • Cover it with the bandage and leave it on for a night.
  • Next morning remove the bandage.

14.) Tomato or Onion to Remove Splinter Naturally

You might not believe, but trust us this will definitely work in your favour. Both of the vegetables will draw out the splinter and thus you remove it easily.


  • Rinse the area with warm water and sanitise it.
  • Apply the juice of the onion or tomato on the splinter.
  • Cover it with a bandage.
  • Leave it on for few minutes. After some time the splinter will come on the surface you can remove it with the tweezer.

15.) Essential Oil to Remove Splinter

Essential oil helps to draw the splinter out. Moreover, it prevents any further infection, since they have anti-inflammatory property. In addition, if there is already any infection, it will help to speed the recovery. For this, you will need lavender and thieves oil.


  • Mix both the oils and apply them on the surface of the affected skin.
  • Leave it on for a while.
  • After a few minutes, see whether the sliver or shard has come on the surface or not.
  • If it has remove it with a tweezer and if it hasn’t come wait for a few more minutes.

What Happens if Splinters are Left Untreated?

Leaving your splinter untreated is generally not advised as an infection can develop in the skin area. Sometimes, the body closes off the cut in the skin with the splinter still inside it. This can either result in no pain or it can be a constant irritant in your affected skin part. It can lead to infections depending upon how severe the splinter was. It is always suggested that you remove the foreign particle from the body in order to prevent infections.


Here, whichever method you use for removing a splinter, it is important to remember that you first clean the wound caused due to the splinter using some antiseptic soap and water. Once it is cleaned, take a small amount of hydrogen peroxide and dab it on the affected area of your skin to clear out debris and encourage the healing process.

The remedies mentioned above are easy to find. Hopefully, the next time you take a walk barefoot, try to be cautious. And, in the case again you get a splinter in your skin, you will be aware of these home remedies to get rid of it.
