How to Remove Tonsil Stones?

A severe pain while swallowing, bad breath or a frequent sore throat, are a few causes of tonsil stones, also known as tonsillitis. You might have not heard anything about tonsil stones since it is an embarrassing issue. This is not the common topic to discuss with acquaintances and colleagues. The treatment for tonsil stones depends on the size of the stones and the  intensity of the pain caused by the stones. Read this article, to know some remedies to remove tonsil stones.

Tonsil stones are white colored hard stone like structures that are found in the tonsils. Tonsil stones are the lumps of calcified material that are the accumulation of calcium. It forms in the fleshy pad at the back of your throat. Tonsil stones are composed of calcium. Other minerals like magnesium, ammonia, carbonate and phosphorus may also present but in very small deposits.

Symptoms of Tonsil Stones:

  • Bad breath
  • Difficulty while swallowing
  • Coughing fits
  • Metallic taste in mouth
  • Swollen tonsils
  • Earache
  • White spots on tonsils
  • The sensation that something is lodged or stuck in the back of the throat.

Causes of Tonsil Stones:

  • Bad dental hygiene
  • Chronic sinus issues
  • Large tonsils

Best Remedies to Remove Tonsil Stones:

1.) Gargle to Remove Tonsil Stones Fast

After eating, gargle with mouthwash because tonsil stones often form when leftover food gets stuck in tonsil craters. It is good to gargle with mouthwash after having food. It will not only improve the health of your teeth but will also help to remove tiny bits of food before the bacteria create tonsil stones.

  • Gargling with salt and warm water is also the good idea. Add 1 tsp of salt into 6 ounces of water. Tilt your head back and gargle with this salt water. Salt water can remove bits of food from the crater while helping to soothe discomfort which is caused by tonsil stones.
  • Gargling with oxygenation mouthwash will help to treat tonsil stones. The natural zinc compounds and chlorine dioxide in this mouthwash are helpful in treating tonsil stones. Oxygen itself will prevent bacterial growth and make oxygenating mouthwashes essential in preventing and treating tonsil stones. This mouthwash is very strong and should be used once or 2 times a week to avoid overuse.

2.) Raw Onion and Garlic to Get Rid of Tonsil Stones

Being an anti-bacterial, onion is helpful in maintaining oral health and prevents oral infections. Tonsil stones are a bacterial infection and onion will work great with this condition.

The anti-bacterial properties of garlic will help to remove any form of bacteria. Garlic will work great for treating tonsil stones.

Directions to Use Onion:

  • Eat 3 onions daily to help uproot the tonsil stones. It will help to remove the microscopic organisms that may bring out the tonsil stones.
  • Chew garlic cloves many times in a day as it will help to remove the bacteria which causes the tonsil stones.

3.) Drink Plenty of Water to Treat Tonsil Stones Fast

Drinking lots of water is very helpful, simple and effective remedy for many health ailments. Water will keep the body hydrated and make a situation which doesn’t have the essential conditions for the microorganisms. Drinking water regularly will help to clean the debris and other materials along the cavity. It will prevent the substances from accumulation at the tonsils which result in the formation of tonsil stones. Tonsils are an essential part of the immune system and the foreign objects passing through the lymphatic system will tend to be trapped inside it.

4.) Oral Irrigator to Treat Tonsil Stones Fast

Water picks are used to clean the lacerations which are caused by the removal of wisdom teeth that works great. Regular water picks or oral irrigators can be used with caution. If you feel the water stream is painful on the tonsils, then avoid this method or you can find an irrigation system that doesn’t cause pain.

Directions to Use Oral Irrigator:

  • It is possible to puncture or rupture your tonsil if the setting on the irrigation system is too strong.
  • Open your mouth first, place the irrigator inside your mouth but not touching the stone and keep the oral irrigator on the lowest setting.
  • Try to direct the stream of water onto 1 visible tonsil stone and keep it steady until the stone has been removed.
  • If the irrigator doesn’t help to remove the stones then try to use sterilized bobby pin or Q-tip and gently hook or scrape the stones from the craters.

5.) Use Toothbrush to Remove Tonsil Stones Fast

You can use either standard toothbrush or an electric toothbrush. Using toothbrush is very helpful for getting rid of tonsil stones.

  • When you use the ordinary soft bristle toothbrush then you should have a flashlight to see the position of the tonsil stones.
  • With the help of toothbrush bristles, apply pressure on the tonsil until they loosen.
  • Try to push them off and use a mouthwash to remove the leftover small stones.
  • If you use the electric toothbrush then switch it on and apply pressure on the areas where you can locate the stones.
  • With the help of back side of the vibrating toothbrush, scrub the tonsil stones gently to break them.
  • After doing this, use a mouthwash to clean the mouth and remove the remaining particles.

6.) Cotton Swab to Remove Tonsil Stones Overnight

Cotton swabs are the best solution for pushing off the tonsils from the walls of the tonsils. Before using cotton swabs, you need to wet both ends to make it gentle on the tonsils. Do this in front of a mirror and use a flashlight to see the stones. Use these wet cotton swabs to loosen the stones and then you can remove them gently from the tonsil stones. After doing this, gargle with salt water or use mouthwash to remove remaining particles and other debris.

7.) Lemon Juice to Get Rid of Tonsil Stones

Lemon juice is one of the best home remedies for treating tonsil stones. The vitamin C in lemon juice will help in removing tonsil stones. It contains many medicinal properties that will be helpful in tonsil stones treatment.

Directions to Use Lemon Juice:

  • Extract the juice from a lemon and use 3 tbsp of lemon and mix it with warm water.
  • Drink it and gargle around the tonsils to remove the stones and clean the affected area.

8.) Unsweetened Yogurt to Cure Tonsil Stones

Eating natural yogurt is such a good home remedy for tonsil stones treatment. The probiotic compound in this yogurt is very beneficial bacteria to remove the harmful bacteria. This will work by removing the bacteria which is formed at the tonsils. The bacteria will prevent future growth of tonsil stones and remove the harmful bacteria from the tonsils and other body parts.

9.) Essential Oil to Remove Tonsil Stones Naturally

There are certain essential oils that have anti-inflammatory and anti-bacterial properties which are beneficial for tonsil stones. Some of the essential oils are thieves oil, lemongrass, and myrrh.

Directions to Use Essential Oils:

  • Take a toothbrush and add a few drops of the essential oil on it as you brush your teeth and tongue.
  • You can get these essential oils in a spray bottle and apply it to the affected area.

10.) Apple Cider Vinegar to Get Rid of Tonsil Stones Fast

Apple cider vinegar is really helpful in removing tonsil stones because it contains acid. The acid will help to break down the stones until they are all broken down.

Directions to Use Apple Cider Vinegar:

  • You can use apple cider vinegar or white vinegar.
  • Dilute the vinegar with a little amount of water and then gargle with it.

Best Tips to Prevent Tonsil Stones:

  • Maintain your oral hygiene by brushing your teeth frequently. To keep a clean and bacteria free environment in your mouth, brush your teeth every morning.
  • Washing your mouth with salt water regularly will remove the microscopic organisms.
  • By flossing daily, you can prevent the growth of bacteria.
  • Replace your brush with the new one frequently. Use new toothbrushes that can help in cleaning your teeth, gums and tongue. A new toothbrush will help to remove food debris and microbes that can cause the stones to create.
  • Drinking lots of water will help in refreshing your mouth. Water hydrates the body and removes tonsil stones.
  • Probiotics can also help to prevent the growth of microorganisms in the body. Taking probiotic will promote good health and keep the abundance of undesirable bacteria.