How to Sleep Better?

Healthy sleep habits are good for your quality of life. Healthy sleep habits are referred to as having good sleep hygiene. If you feel crabby lately then a better sleep is good for you. Think about the factors that may interfere with the night’s sleep like from family responsibilities and pressure at work to unexpected challenges such as illnesses, layoffs or relationship issues. Adequate sleep will give your body energy and time to recover from the previous day’s stress and help you to stay alerted and focused throughout the coming day. Some people take over the counter sleep medication which is not good. You can try some home remedies that will help you to sleep better. Read this article and you will get to know about some tips to sleep better.

Some people have no trouble with falling asleep at night while some have the problem going to sleep every night. Many people sleep an average of only about 6 hours. Even, more than 50 million Americans do not get enough sleep. Enjoying a healthy good night sleep is important for your health. It will help you to keep your brain sharp, keep your waistline trim, you will be happier, make your skin glow, strengthen your immune system and lower your risk of heart disease and high blood pressure.

Best Remedies to Sleep Better:

1. Milk to Fall Asleep Fast

Drinking a glass of warm milk before going to bet will help you to sleep better. Milk contains the amino acid tryptophan which is a precursor to the brain chemical serotonin. Serotonin and tryptophan will help you to drift off easily at night.

Milk is also a good source of calcium which helps to regulate melatonin production. Calcium is very effective in stress reduction and stabilizes the nerve fibers including those in the brain. You can also eat other dairy products like cheese and yogurt along with milk.

2. Exercise to Fall Asleep Naturally

Exercise is one of the best ways for falling asleep fast. It will not only help you to sleep better but also give you more energy when you are awake. Exercise will help you to go to sleep and give you more energy. Lack of physical exertion may reduce the quality of sleep.

  • Physical exertion such as swim, a run or exercising daily can help for deeper and more restful sleep. Use always stairs instead of the elevator. Walk daily for getting better sleep.
  • Don’t exercise less than two hours before going to bed. Exercise will help to enhance and promote sleep. You can also do yoga for better sleep.

3. Develop a Sleep Routine to Get Better Sleep

Try to do the same steps each night before bedtime, to ready yourself for sleep.

  • Light several candles instead of incandescent lights in your living room and in your bedroom and put on some ambient music.
  • Daily practice breathing exercises or meditation and focus on relaxing your body.
  • Light the candles as you make a way to your bedroom. Your home will get darker until the last candle is extinguished.
  • Your environment should be relaxed. Calm music, not much light and space where you know you won’t be interrupted are ideal.
  • Close your eyes and imagine all of your problems that you keep in your mind daily. So you should clear your mind before going to sleep.
  • Inhale positive images that will make you happy. You need to focus on your breath and feel the oxygen within your body.

4. Moderate Your Diet to Sleep Better at Night

A full stomach may disturb your sleep. If you have a heavier meal then your stomach will take a longer time to settle down.

  • Don’t eat greasy foods because it will not good for you and tend to inhibit sleep.
  • Don’t eat spicy foods. Some people have more spiced foods but too much spicy food will give you a stomach ache at night.
  • An empty stomach will interfere with your sleeping patterns. So go to bed with a full stomach.
  • So always have a light snack about an hour before bedtime.
  • Don’t eat foods that are high in sugar or carbohydrates.
  • Include high protein foods like soybeans, turkey, tuna, yogurt and peanuts contain tryptophan that will help the body produce serotonin in order to relax.
  • Caffeine will keep you awake if you drink it earlier in the day as it can last up to 12 hours. So don’t include caffeine in the afternoon and evening.
  • Try to drink a relaxing warm beverage before bedtime.

5. Chamomile Tea to Fall Asleep Fast and Naturally

Chamomile is a good remedy for helping people to doze off. It will help to relax your muscles which affect your central nervous system and sleepiness. It is good in taste and will make you tired. Buy it from the store.

Directions to Use Chamomile Tea:

  • Try to use fresh flowers and you can also use dried flowers.
  • Place some flowers in a pot and in a separate pot. Now bring four cups of water to boil.
  • Pour the water over the flowers in the teapot.
  • Let it steep for 5 minutes and drink hot.
  • Add a little bit milk and honey to taste. You can also add a little amount of juice to taste.

6. Bananas to Get Rid of Insomnia

Bananas contain natural muscle relaxants, potassium, and magnesium that help to promote sleep. This fruit is a source of vitamin B6 and body needs this vitamin to make the sleep-inducing hormone melatonin. Bananas  also contain carbohydrate that helps to make you sleepy as well.

Directions to Use Bananas:

  • Add 1 ripe banana to 1 cup milk and mix it well.
  • Blend it properly to make a tasty bedtime smoothie.
  • Consume it at least 1 hour before your regular bedtime.

7. Almonds to Fall Asleep Quickly

Almonds are high in magnesium which promotes both muscle relaxation and sleep. Researchers found that when your body’s magnesium levels are too low, it is difficult to stay asleep. Almonds, also supply enough protein to stabilize your blood sugar level during sleeping. They help your body to switch from your alert adrenaline cycle to your digest and rest cycle. So, eat a handful of dry roasted almonds or 1 tbsp of almond butter at least 1 hour before bedtime to fall asleep faster.

8. Put Your Light off an Hour or Two before Bedtime

Bright light before going to bed can interrupt your body’s internal clock. It is one of the main clues to the body that it is either sleeps time or waking time.

  • If your home is brightly lit late at night then turn off your lights that you don’t need.
  • Stop using your tablet or phone or watching tv at least 2 hours before bedtime.
  • Remove all sources of light in your bedroom. It includes LED clocks, windows, cable boxes, computer lights and other devices with lights. Cover them with cloth covers, heavy paper, masking tape or just unplug them.
  • If light wakes you in the morning or still disturbs you then wear an eye mask. You can also use lavender eye pillows can be more relaxing.

9. Lettuce to Sleep Better Naturally and Fast

Lettuce contains lactucarium, which contains sedative properties and it works the same way as the opium poppy. This green leafy lettuce is also high in calcium that helps to bring on sleep as well as potassium that is the primary nutrient for the nervous system. It also helps to treat headaches, anxiety, and joint or muscle pain that can cause restlessness throughout the night. Drinking a cup of lettuce tea before bedtime is good for sleep.

Directions to Use Lettuce:

  • Boil 1 or 2 lettuce leaves for 5 minutes in 2 cups of water.
  • Let the tea cool, strain it and sweeten the mixture by adding a bit of honey to it.
  • Drink a cup of this lettuce tea at least half an hour before bedtime.

10. Cherry Juice to Sleep Better Fast

A cup of tart cherry juice is the effective way to get better sleep and it is a natural sleep aid that will really help you. This tart cherry juice is full of tryptophan, an essential amino acid that converts serotonin to melatonin. Melatonin helps to maintain your sleep-wake cycle by causing lower body temperature and drowsiness. It works with the central nervous system. Its production is controlled by light but released in low darkness/low light.