How to Stop a Bloody Nose?

A Bloody nose is very scary and uncomfortable but not dangerous. Children get nose bleed more often than adults. The medical term used for nosebleed is known as epistaxis and it occurs spontaneously. Bloody nose occurs when the inner lining of your nose gets dry or hurt. In this way, the damage to small blood vessels in your nose induces bleeding. Bleeding of the nose will irritate the nasal membrane. Most nosebleeds occur in front of your nose and involve one nostril. Here are some remedies to stop a bloody nose.

The nose bleeding can be heavy or light and may last from a few seconds to more than ten minutes. There are some symptoms like confusion, dizziness, weakness and fainting may accompany a nosebleed. It can occur due to several causes. Dry air, will dry out the nasal membranes is the most common cause and other causes include allergic reactions, nose blowing, an injury to the nose, exposure to chemical irritants, high altitudes, alcohol abuse, hard scratching and excessive smoking.

Symptoms of Bloody Nose:

  • Weakness
  • Confusion
  • Dizziness
  • Light- headedness
  • Bleeding from the nose

Causes of Bloody Nose:

  • Dry air
  • Allergic reactions
  • Nose blowing
  • An injury to the nose
  • Exposure to chemical irritants
  • Alcohol abuse
  • Excessive smoking

Best Remedies to Stop a Bloody Nose:

1. Apple Cider Vinegar to Get Rid of a Bloody Nose

Apple cider vinegar is one of the best home remedies in stopping a nosebleed quickly. It will protect the body from the excessive blood loss and helps to seal up the broken blood vessel wall.

Directions to Use Apple Cider Vinegar:

  • Soak a cotton ball in ACV and place it lightly into the nostril. Keep it in place for at least ten minutes and the nose bleeding will stop. Distilled white vinegar can also be used for nose bleeding.
  • Apple cider vinegar can be used to prevent frequent nosebleeds. So simply add 2 tsp of raw, unfiltered ACV in a glass of warm water and drink it three times in a day.

2. Cold Compress to Stop a Bleeding Nose Fast

A cold compress using ice is the most effective way to stop nosebleeds. The extremely cold temperature of the ice will constrict the blood vessels of the nose and slow down the blood flow and bleeding within a few minutes. It will also help in reducing inflammation in the nose. Never apply ice directly to your nose.

Directions to Use Cold Compress:

  • Take a few ice cubes and wrap them in a towel.
  • Apply this cold compress on the nose for ten minutes and sit in an upright position and tilt your head back.
  • Repeat this method as much as needed.

3. Saline Water to Cure a Bloody Nose Fast

A saline solution is best and effective for nasal irritation to clear a blocked nose which is caused by sinusitis or allergy caused by pollen, gunk, and dust. The saline solution helps to moisturize and soothes the inner linings of the nasal passage and will reduce the irritation of the nasal membranes. This remedy is effective if your nosebleed is caused by dry climate and excessive cold.

Directions to Use Saline Water:

  • Take a pinch of salt and add it to half cup of water and mix it well.
  • Pour a few drops of this saline solution into the nostrils.
  • You can also use over the counter nasal spray.
  • Repeat it two to three times daily till the irritation is cured.

4. Cayenne Pepper to Prevent a Bloody Nose Naturally and Fast

Cayenne pepper is hot and fiery spice which is not only used for spicing up dishes but also used for addressing health issues. A drink which is made up of cayenne is one of the most effective herbal remedies for weight loss. It is also useful for treating nosebleed which helps to adjust blood flow to the vessels and promote the faster coagulation. Cayenne contains vitamin C that helps to strengthen the blood capillaries and prevent nosebleed in the future.

Directions to Use Cayenne Pepper:

  • Mix 1 tsp of cayenne in a glass of warm water and consume it daily.
  • You can also add cayenne to your daily foods to get positive results.

5. Steam to Stop a Bloody Nose Fast

Steam is one of the most effective home remedies for the bloody nose. When a person suffers from chronic nose bleeds which are caused by low humidity levels, steam will show more effectiveness. So inhaling steam is important for curing nosebleed because it will help you to keep the delicate nasal membranes moist at all times. You can take steam from your cup of morning tea or you can take a mini steam bath.

Directions to Use Steam:

  • To have a steam bath, boil a liter if the water in a large bowl and put your face above the boiling water to take the steam.
  • Use a large towel to cover your head so that the steam doesn’t escape from the sides.
  • Inhale the steam for 5 to 10 minutes. But don’t lean too much towards this boiling water.

6. Nettle to Stop a Bloody Nose Naturally and Fast

Nettle is the most popular medicinal herb that is used to treat several health conditions. The strong astringent properties of this herb are very useful to prevent bleeding from wounds by slowing down blood flow. It is also used as a preventive treatment for the bloody nose because it helps to cure allergies which act as a trigger for nose bleeds.

Directions to Use Nettle:

  • Inhaling dry powdered nettle leaves is helpful to stop nose bleeds.
  • Apply a few drops of nettle leaf juice in your nostril.
  • You can also take 1 to 2 cups of nettle leaf tea each day. Drink it when you suffer from chronic nosebleeds during dry months.

7. Onions to Treat Nosebleed Fast

They are very healthy vegetables which are loaded with essential nutrients and are included in hair loss. Onions are strong homemade nosebleed treatment because they contain a blood clotting agent that is useful in treating nose bleeding. The vitamin C and bioflavonoids in onions help in strengthening the capillaries and make them less susceptible to bleeding. The natural fumes of an onion are strong enough to clot the blood.

Directions to Use Onions:

  • Take an onion and cut it into thick slices.
  • Press 1 slice under your nostrils and inhale the fumes to stop the bleeding immediately.
  • You can also put 2 to 3 drops of fresh onion juice in each of your nostrils.

8. Coriander to Stop a Bloody Nose Fast

Coriander is one of the popular herbs which are used in many dishes for aroma. The medicinal properties of coriander leaves are loaded with vitamins and minerals which help in treating nose bleeds. The soothing and cooling properties of coriander will stop bleeding within a short period of time. In addition, it also contains antihistamine properties that help in preventing allergies and nosebleeds.

Directions to Use Coriander:

  • Coat the inner linings of your nose with a few drops of coriander oil or juice to stop nose bleeding.
  • You can also apply a paste of fresh coriander leaves on the forehead to cure nosebleeds.

9. Holy Basil to Stop a Bloody Nose Naturally and Fast

Holy basil is ayurvedic because of its strong medicinal properties. It is one of the most effective home remedies for treating sore throat and cold. Holy basil serves as a nerve tonic and removes phlegm from the bronchial tube. It will also soothe the stressed nerves and blood vessels in your nose and stop bleeding.

Directions to Use Holy Basil:

  • Chew a fresh basil leaves to calm the damaged blood vessels.
  • You can also consume basil leaves juice and can put a few drops of the juice in your nostrils.

10. Petroleum Jelly to Get Rid of Nosebleed

Petroleum jelly is used for dry skin during winter and it is best for dry lips. Nose bleeding is very common in dry months when the inner linings of your nose become dry. It is important to keep the inner linings of your nostril well moisturized. The highly moisturizing and viscous nature of petroleum jelly will make it one of the best home remedies to soothe the irritated nasal passages.

Directions to Use Petroleum Jelly:

  • Smear the petroleum jelly in both the nostrils with the help of your index finger.
  • But don’t smear it too much.
  • Repeat it several times in a day to cure the nosebleed.