How to Stop Bleeding?

How to Stop Bleeding

In this article, we will discuss the top methods to stop bleeding. It basically refers to the loss of blood from blood vessels anywhere in the body. Bleeding is a serious problem as if someone has been wounded and is bleeding then is quite important to work quickly to control blood loss. You do not need to be panic if you are bleeding due to any cut and wound. The blood automatically gets stopped in most cases without much difficulty. However, if the condition is quite severe and bleeding is not stopping then it can lead to shock, circulatory disruption, or more serious health issues like damage to the tissues and major organs. Non- stop bleeding for several minutes may even lead to death. We are discussing some great methods by using them you will able to stop bleeding naturally.

How to Stop BleedingHow to Stop Bleeding

Methods to Stop Bleeding from Small Cuts

1.) Use water to Stop Bleeding 

If you are bleeding due to any wound then place your wound against running water. This will not only clean the wound but also help to stop the bleeding. You need to run cold water over the wound to constrict the blood vessels and stop bleeding quickly. If you do the same process with warm water then will cauterize the cut, allowing the blood to clot fast. Makes sure you do not use both hot and cold water instead uses just one or the other should do the trick. Using an ice-cube instead of cold water help to close off the arteries. You need to hold the ice until the blood stops coming out.

2.) Apply Vaseline to Treat Bleeding

Application of Vaseline can be really effective to stop the bleeding if the cut is small. It is one of the most effective treatments to prevent bleeding for minor cuts as it blocks off the blood flow outside the skin. You can also use chapstick if you don’t have any plain Vaseline.

3.) Apply White Vinegar to Cure Bleeding

For minor cuts and wounds, you can prefer using white vinegar. It has astringent properties which will help to disinfect and clot small cuts. You just need to dab a bit of vinegar onto the cut with a cotton ball.

4.) Try Witch Hazel to Heal Bleeding

The witch hazel also works same as the white vinegar. It is also a natural astringent great for clotting small cuts. Either you can pour a little over your cut or simply dab it on with a cotton ball or swab for the same effect.

5.) Put on Some Cornstarch

Just by sprinkling a small amount of cornstarch is enough to stop bleeding. You should make sure to not rub it or cause any further abrasions. You just need to gently press the powder onto the cut to stop bleeding. Place your cut under running water when the cut has stopped bleeding.

6.) Try a Styptic Pencil

These are waxy pencils originally made for shaving nicks and razor burn. However, it also works great for any small cut. The process of using a styptic pencil is quite easy, you just need to rub the pencil over the skin and let the mineral astringents work naturally.

7.) Rub on Some Antiperspirant

The antiperspirant works similar to a styptic pencil and helps stop blood flow naturally. Put some antiperspirant on your finger before applying it over the cut.

8.) Dab on Listerine to Treat Bleeding

Listerine was originally created as an aftershave but it can be really effective in stopping blood flow. You need to pour some Listerine directly over the cut or simply dip a cotton ball into the Listerine and dab it on. After one minute of application, you will notice a decrease in blood flow.

9.) Use an Alum Block

Alum is a soap-like bar created from minerals which can help you to stop bleeding. You just need to rub the alum gently over the cut. Make sure you do not apply any pressure while rubbing the alum block.

10.) Take the membrane from an Egg

You might have notice that when you crack an egg, the filmy membrane left inside its shell. Well, the membrane will actually work to seal off cuts and give the body time to clot the blood. You just need to peel off the membrane from an egg and place it over the cut. It is so effective method that bleeding stops after few moments of application.

Once the blood is stopped apply an antiseptic bandage or dressing to the cut or wound will help keep out any dirt and stop further bleeding. You just need to use a simple Band-Aid or a piece of clean gauze.

 Treating Serious Wounds to Stop Bleeding

1.) Lie down to Cure the Wound

It very important that you should lie down as it will help to lessen the likelihood of shock and organ damage. You must check the subjected person is properly breathing and circulation before proceeding.

2.) Elevate a Wounded Limb

It is important that you raise the wounded limb above heart as it will help to reduce the severe bleeding. In case you suspect a broken bone then you should not attempt to move the limb as it can make the situation more critical.

3.) Remove any Debris

Cleaning up any visible foreign body, dirt, and debris is a great idea but does not clean the wound thoroughly as it can aggravate the wound. Your first and immediate priority are to stop severe bleeding. Do whatever is necessary to stop bleeding as cleaning the wound can wait. If you find the large foreign objects like a piece of glass, knife, or anything similar then do not remove it.  If you remove the pierced object then there will be a chance that stopping bleeding would be impossible. Keeps the object in place as it prevents blood coming out of the body.

4.) Apply Firm Pressure to the Wound 

The thing is to stop bleeding you have to do whatever you can. Once you allow a large amount of blood to flow then it will result in severe health damage. So, use a pad of clean gauze, or clothing. You can even use your hands if nothing is available. You just need to place your hand over the pad and apply pressure with fingers.

5.) Look for Escape from the Wound

You may need to use additional bandages if the original soaks through. But, make sure you do not over-wrap it. You should keep in mind that the pressure on the wound will not decrease as it will allow blood to come out. If the bandage is not working then remove it and put a pad and reassess the application. When the bleeding appears controlled then maintains that pressure on the pad until you are sure the bleeding has completely stopped or medical help has arrived.

6.) Use Pressure Points if Necessary

You might come with the situation where the blood able to find the escape. This situation usually results in when more than one blood vessel are cut down. In that case applying pressure alone can’t help you. So, combine using direct pressure to the wound with one of these pressure points. Use the fingers to press the vessel against the bone.

7.) Monitor the Breathing

While working on the ways to stop bleeding you also need to check the patient is properly breathing or not. Make sure the bandage you applied is not too tight. If the victim feels cold, pale skin, or fingers that do not restore to normal color after compression then the bandaging is too tight.

8.) Keep the Stress at the Bay

During bleeding don’t think too much. Instead look for the remedies to stop remedies. Overthinking will give you unnecessarily pain. So it is better to not think about the wound and try the remedies to stop bleeding instead.

Treatment for Internal Bleeding:

1.) Call an Ambulance Immediately

You can’t do anything to stop internal bleeding so in that case call the hospital as quickly as possible. Do not try anything to stop the internal bleeding as it will make the situation more critical. Please note that the internal bleeding cannot be treated at home and can only be dealt with by a doctor.

2.) Relax in a Comfortable Position

Internal bleeding definitely make the patient more anxious and his heart beat will certainly tend to increase. This will make the situation quite severe so you need to keep the victim calm, resting comfortably, and prevent further injury. Do not allow him to stand or move until ambulance reaches your door steps.

3.) Check for Breathing

Check for proper air circulation around the patient and keep checking the patient is properly breathing without any difficulty.

4.) Maintain Normal Body Temperature

There is a possibility that patient body temperature abruptly changes but you should not allow the temperature to get too hot or too cold by applying rags dipped in normal water and placed over the forehead.

5.) Do not Panic

Look for the remedies and help to deal with the any type of the bleeding. Do not think about the negative effects of it these might worsen the condition. So remain calm and do the necessary deeds.
