How to Stop Heartburn?

stop heartburn

Heartburn is extremely uncomfortable and very common, and its causes are always not clear. Some people experience heartburn due to certain foods or eating habits and sometimes it could be due to excess weight, tight clothing, or smoking. Heartburn is something that most adults experience. It is characterized by a burning sensation and pain in the stomach and chest. The burning sensation is caused by acidic stomach juices rising into the esophagus when the valve between the esophagus and stomach does not close properly. Heartburn often occurs after eating fatty, fried, or acidic foods. Other common symptoms of this problem are bloating, gas, nausea, difficulty in breathing, a sour taste in the throat and mouth. There are many natural treatments to stop heartburn. Some of them have been listed below.

stop heartburnstop heartburn

Ways to Stop Heartburn:

1.) Fennel Seeds to Get Rid to Heartburn

Fennel has a pH value of 6.9 which make it effective remedy to stop heartburn. This herb is not only good for heartburn but it is also very effective to treat many other diseases or conditions related to stomach problems such as constipation, indigestion, bloating and flatulence. Fennel has a volatile oil made up of such components as trans-anethole, fenchone, a-pinene and limonene. All these substances have a carminative effect which provides soothing relief to your stomach and prevents all kinds of digestive disorders including heartburn. The vegetables as well as the seeds of fennel, they both are very effective to stop heartburn.

  • Cut the bottom part of fennel into thin slices and add this with baby spinach and some arugula to make a salad.
  • Use the vegetable in various dishes.
  • Snack on the crunchy fennel.
  • Or you can chew some fennel seeds after your meals for better digestion.
  • Take one teaspoon of fennel tincture two to three times a day to stop heartburn.
  • Or you can also take half teaspoon of liquid fennel extract every day. Use either liquid extract or tincture but not both of them.

2.) Apple to Stop Heartburn

Apple is also very effective to get rid of heartburn. It can even reduce the symptoms of the chronic heartburn because apple helps in producing an alkaline environment in your stomach which treat to excessive acids get neutralized. Apple also helps in better digestion which helps to stop heartburn. It not only cure heartburn but also prevent it. Prefer eating sweet apples, preferably those that are organic. Tart apples will not work.

  • Keep on changing the varieties of apples to find out which is most soothing for your condition because some apples may give you instant and better relief from heartburn than others.
  • If you do not like apples or apple juice. So you can add a little honey with apple juice then take it.
  • You can also take black strap molasses and one teaspoon of raw organic honey with half piece of apple. They both are rich sources of potassium and help to create an alkaline environment in your stomach. This will not only increase the efficiency of apples but it will also prevent heartburn.
  • If you are suffering from night heartburn, try to eat half an apple before going to sleep.
  • Take half an apple after each of your meals.

3.) Melon to Stop Heartburn

Melon has a pH value of 6.1, therefore, it is considered as one of the good foods for heartburn. You can take melon pieces everyday or make a lemon smoothie mixing it with other ingredients that are also good to cure heartburn so that it will enhance the effect of melon. You can make a smoothie by mixing watermelon, almond milk, cantaloupe, banana, and ginger. Almond is also a great remedy for heartburn as it neutralizes the stomach acid. on the other hand, you can always snack on almonds. Adding a few almonds on smoothie will not only make it tasty but will increase its efficiency to stop heartburn.

  • Take one cup of almond milk, half cup of watermelon, half cup of muskmelon, one banana half cup of cantaloupe melon, one-inch piece of fresh ginger root.
  • Blend all the ingredient together.
  • Take this smoothie every morning empty stomach.

4.) Banana to Treat Heartburn

Bananas works as a natural antacid and lessen the effect of your acid reflux. It is an  effective remedy to stop heartburn. Banana is high in potassium which is an alkalizing mineral with a pH of 14. It helps in moderating the acidity of your stomach by increasing its pH. Higher the pH value lowers the acidity. You need to eat the ripe banana because green or not ripe banana contain potassium in the form of potassium nitrate and this can make your heartburn more painful. Potassium is not the only reason to make bananas such a good remedy for heartburn. It also has a chemical that stimulates your stomach lining and thus it produces more mucus to act as a buffer against acid.

  • Take an overripe banana with brown spots on it.
  • Eat one banana daily.
  • This will help to get rid of heartburn.

5.) Ginger to Cure Heartburn

If you are suffering from nausea accompanying your heartburn. You can eat raw ginger or drink it to get rid of it. Ginger also provides relief from heartburn in two ways. It absorbs acid in the stomach and helps to calm the nerves that lead to heartburn. You can also use ginger as a spice in cooking. This natural herb can be consumed regularly to prevent heartburn from recurring.

  • Take one or two pieces of fresh ginger.
  • Peel the ginger root and chop it into slices.
  • Then boil a cup of water and add slices in it.
  • Simmer it for about 10 to 15 minutes.
  • Strain the solution and have this tea 20 to 25 minutes before your meal.
  • Or you can chew a raw ginger.

6.) Marshmallow to Treat Heartburn

Marshmallow contains a mucilage property that helps to coat your esophagus and stomach lining. This property of Marshmallow creates a protective barrier against stomach acid and stop heartburn. It can even repair the damage done to your stomach lining and food pipe by excessive acid. Make Marshmallow Infusion for Heartburn.

  • Take one tablespoon of marshmallow root and place it in a jar.
  • Pour 2 cups of water in a jar.
  • Let it steep overnight.
  • Drink this herbal solution early in the morning to stop heartburn
  • If you taking some medicine so first consult your doctor before taking it.

7.) Pay Attention to the Foods that Cause Heartburn

While there are some common foods that can trigger heartburn, everyone has different trigger foods. Keep track of the foods that can cause heartburn for you and try to avoid or limit your intake of those foods.

  • Try keeping a food diary to track of the foods that can cause you heartburn.
  • Common heartburn trigger foods include caffeine, peppermint, chocolate, sodas, citrus fruits and juices, onions, tomatoes, and high-fat foods

8.) Vinegar to Get Rid of Heartburn

Vinegar has long been used to stop heartburn but there is no medical proof of vinegar being a remedy for heartburn. You too can use white or apple cider vinegar to get rid of heartburn. But first,  dilute it with water. It can give you relief from acid reflux.

  • Take one or two tablespoons of apple cider vinegar and dilute it with water.
  • Use this remedy two to three times a day.
  • Take this remedy after or before the meal before going to bed if you can’t sleep due to heartburn at night.

9.) Aloe Vera to Cure Heartburn

Aloe Vera plant is used to soothe burns, and people also used it to treat something like sunburn, but it can do more than that. It can also help to stop heartburn also because it reduces inflammation. Which means when your stomach will start to get irritated and inflamed, or your esophagus is getting eaten away at, you can take aloe vera juice to control it.

  • You can drink half cup of aloe vera juice about 20 minutes before eating a meal.
  • Be careful not to drink too much of it in one day as it can cause abdominal pain and diarrhea.

10.) Baking Soda to Stop Heartburn Naturally

Baking soda, also known as sodium bicarbonate. It can  provide quick and easy relief from heartburn. It is a base substance and it can help your reflux and in turn, help your heartburn. Baking soda neutralizes stomach acid because it has a pH value higher than 7.0. Neutralizing the stomach acid means that when your LES decides to be lazy and acid comes up your throat, you don’t get “burned.

  • Take one teaspoon of baking soda and mix it with a glass of water.
  • You will get instant relief after drinking it. You can also mix a few drops of lemon juice in this solution.