How to Stop Nausea?

Nausea, which may occur alone or with vomiting, it is a symptom of an underlying condition. A person feels uneasiness or queasiness centered around the stomach or abdomen. Nausea can be caused by a number of conditions, including pregnancy, gastroenteritis, chemotherapy,etc. A lot of time you don’t need to go to the doctor to treat nausea. There are many things you can do to stop nausea naturally, including taking herbal remedies and trying other methods.

Ways to Stop Nausea:

1.) Ginger to Stop Nausea

Ginger is actually very effective to treat nausea and its tracks. It promotes the secretion of various digestive enzymes and juice that help to neutralize stomach acid. Phenol present in ginger help to relax stomach muscles and act similar to a sedative or irritated stomach tissue. Phenol also helps your intestine to move digested food and toxins through your system fast and getting out the bad stuff that can make you feel ill. You can take ginger in a capsule form but first, consult your doctor. Ginger is the best remedy to calm an upset stomach.

  • Take 2 inches of one ginger root, then wash your gingerroot well and then peel.
  • Slice it into the small pieces
  • Boil two to three cup of water and add the slices of ginger in it. And let it boil or five minutes
  • Ad one teaspoon of honey if you want.
  • Strain it using wax paper.
  • Take this ginger tea 2 to three times a day until you get relief.

2.)  Rest to Treat Nausea

Anxiety is also responsible for making nausea worse, so try to stop thinking about how your sickness is interfering with your plans. Don’t think about anything and make sure to get enough sleep, and also take naps to rest during the day. At least you won’t experience nausea for the time when you’re asleep, but there is no guarantee that you will get cure after getting rest. Deep breathing is also helpful to treat a light upset stomach. It creates a different rhythm pattern in the stomach.

  • Find a peacefull place to sit.
  • Breathe in slowly through your nose and allow your chest and lower belly to rise as you fill your lungs with fresh air when you inhale.
  • Let your abdomen expand fully. Then breathe out slowly through your mouth.

3.) Distract Yourself to Stop Nausea

Sometimes just getting some fresh air and taking a walk will help your body to feel better. The sooner you will do it, the easier it will be to stop nausea. However, make sure not to do activities that will worsen nausea. If any activity makes you feel worse, stop that activity immediately.

  • Try to have some fun and forget about nausea, it will help you to feel better.
  • Talk to a friend or watch a movie to distract yourself from nausea.
  • Or you can play a video game or listen to your favorite music.
  • Vomit can actually give you  relief. Some people intentionally do vomiting to try to get retching done quickly in more convenient location and time.

4.) Make Milk and Toast to Cure Nausea

Bread and milk can work as an effective remedy if you’re suffering from nausea. Milk coats your stomach while bread absorbs excess acid, that’s they are recommended when you take medication like aspirin, which can hurt an empty stomach. However, do not take milk straight because it can also upset your stomach, so make a toast for a happy medium. If you have gastroenteritis, so don’t take it because it poorly reacts with the diary. Milk toast works most effective when the stomach is irritated from over the counter pain medicine.

  • Heat up a cup of milk but don’t boil them, then pour it into a cereal bowl.
  • Toast a piece of bread and spread little-unsalted butter on it.
  • Dip a toast into the milk and eat slowly.

5.) Peppermint to Stop Nausea

Peppermint has a remarkable ability to calm and upset stomach. You can take it in several forms such as oil or tea. It is also used to treat Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease and functional Dyspepsia. You can easily make peppermint tea by adding water to one teaspoon of dried peppermint leaves to a cup of boil water. It is also considered safe for the children and pregnant women too. But make sure to limit the tea to one to two cups of a day. You can also mix caraway seeds to the tea.

  • You can also use peppermint oil.
  • Dip a cotton ball in peppermint oil.
  • Gently apply it to your gums and reapply if necessary.
  • If you don’t have the cotton ball you can apply it from your finger.

6.) Follow the BRAT Diet

BRAT diet is very effective to stop Nausea. It stands for Bananas, Rice, Applesauce, and toast. This diet is recommended to people suffering from upset stomach because this diet is easy to digest and keep calm your stomach. It will not cure nausea but it will shorten the duration of your symptoms and prevent reactions from bad food choices.

  • BRAT diet is not a long-term diet.
  • You would be able to slowly switch to a more regular diet within one or two days.
  • You can also add other food which you can digest easily like crackers, clear soup, etc.
  • If you are vomiting very frequently then you need to stick to drinking clear liquids only.
  • Brat diet is only recommended after six hours without vomiting.

7.) Suck on Frozen Food to Get Rid of Nausea

Take a few slices of lemon keep it in a plastic bag in the freezer, and use it when you feel getting nauseous. the smell of lemon can help you feel better and stop nausea. It also helps to take your mind off of nausea. Lemon can create of saliva in your mouth, it will transform it into an experience which will be better than the wet mouth you get right before you are sick to your stomach.

  • At a time you don’t feel ill, cut a few slices of lemon or lime.
  • Put them in a plastic bad keep it in the freezer. When you feel nauseous suck on the slice.
  • If you don’t have frozen you can also use fresh lemon.

8.) Use Acupressure to Cure Nausea

Acupressure can work effectively because it is the manipulation of pressure points on your body in order to relieve pain and stop nausea. Wrists are the main body which many acupressurists tend to target when nausea and vomiting occur.

  • Face your palm up. Then, gently place your thumb in the middle of your wrist and begin push and gently massaging the area.
  • Slowly pushing on this pressure point will help relieve nausea.
  • You need to put the inner parts of wrists together and press them into one another.
  • You should press on the be activating pressure point.

9.) Surround Yourself with Pleasant Aromas

Studies suggest that inhaling the vapor from essential oils like ginger oil and peppermint can help to ease nausea. Many people do feel better when surrounded by pleasant smells, whether from vaporized essential oils or a scented candle.

  • Ask someone to take out the trash or clean the litter box, and avoid sitting in hot rooms and remove bad odors from your environment.
  • Take the air by opening windows or directing a fan over your face or body.

10.) Use a Cold Compress to Cure Nausea

Heat can be very effective  to stop nausea, especially if your body starts to overheat. You can try a cold compress to cool your forehead. Try to avoid heat and humidity if possible.

Heat exhaustion can cause nausea, and it is usually accompanied by other symptoms, such as dizziness, profuse sweating, headache, fatigue, etc. Get out of the heat and come into a cool room.

11.) Flat Soda to Ease your Stomach

Flat soda is high in sugar and can be useful to a queasy stomach. To make a soda flat, put it in a Tupperware-like container, shake well to let out the air, seal, and shake until no more carbonation is left.

  • Cola has been used as an anti-nausea to cure for a long time, even before the use of it in soft drinks.
  • Ginger ale containing real ginger, it works as an anti-nausea.

12.) Counter Medicine to Stop Nausea

Go to a store or supermarket and pick up a nonprescription treatment which is use against nausea.

  • There are many popular brands over the counter drug used to treat many forms of stomach related problem including nausea. You will get instant relief on after taking that medicine.
  • Or you can take generic anti-nausea liquid which you can easily get from the supermarket and many drug store. These medicines are usually more than a combination of fructose, phosphoric acid, and dextrose.