How to Stop Smoking Weed?

how to stop smoking weed

Marijuana is considered to be one of the most controversial, yet popular, drugs in modern history. The most popular way to intake this drug is by smoking it in the form of weed. And in some cases, it is argued that weed is better than being addicted to tobacco smoking or alcohol. But as with any drug, it is addictive and the disadvantages are too high – in fact, it’s illegal in many states. You may want to stop smoking weed for health reasons, or for work. Fortunately, this is possible. In this article, we shall look at ways to stop smoking weed.

Disadvantages of Smoking Weed:

Weed, in the form of medical marijuana, can help to relieve pains and treat various chronic ailments. But while this holds true, its overuse can lead to a number of problems. Many studies have been conducted to study and record the negative effects of marijuana use. Here are just some known problems caused by excessive weed smoking:

  • Infertility in men
  • Cancer (weed smoke contains almost the same level of toxins and carcinogens as tobacco smoke).
  • Increases the likelihood of respiratory ailments like acute or chronic bronchitis.
  • Laryngitis, coughing, and hoarseness.
  • Frequent use can also lead to heart complications in the long run, like heart murmurs, heart attacks or strokes.

One major concern revolving around the use of marijuana is the negative effects it has on young people. The higher percentage of weed smokers are teens and young adults. Studies have shown that there may be a connection between a decline in mental mobility and smoking weed. Some of the major concerns related to this are that smoking weed can lead to and impair,

  • Thinking and learning
  • Reading comprehension
  • Verbal and mathematical skills
  • Shortened attention span

Ways to Stop Smoking Weed:

1.) Fennel-Carom Treatment to Stop Smoking Weed

The carom-fennel seed mixture is a natural remedy to help quit smoking, whether it is simply marijuana or tobacco. In addition, this mixture is beneficial to solve gastric troubles and to improve the digestive system. It also aids in cleansing the blood. This remedy should help you get through the withdrawal period from when you stop smoking weed.

  • To prepare this de-addiction concoction, you will need 100gm carom seeds, 100gm fennel seeds (big size) and 60gm of black salt. You will also need an iron plate or a flat-iron pan (traditionally used to make flatbread).
  • In a grinder, grind these 3 ingredients together to form a coarse powder.
  • Squeeze the juice from 2 fresh lemons and add to this powder. Mix it well and set it aside for 12 hours or overnight.
  • In the morning, place the iron plate over a low flame. Spread the mixture over the hot plate ad let the moisture evaporate.
  • Now, store the dried mix in an airtight glass jar. Whenever the urge to smoke arises, chew on half a tablespoon of this mixture.

2.) Ginseng to Stop Smoking Weed

This herb is extremely useful to fight the cravings of a withdrawal. Korean Red Ginseng, in particular, is highly notable for its many health benefits. This largely due to the unmatched mineral content as well as the various vitamins, amino acids, and natural enzymes that make up its constitution. In addition, the antioxidant properties and acidic polysaccharides content in this herb make it a powerful detoxifying agent. The root of this herb is documented to yield the most benefits. But since Korean red ginseng is not as easily available, American ginseng is a close second best option. The best of this type is obtained from the state of Wisconsin.

  • Brew yourself some ginseng tea to fight cravings and restore balance to your body. You will need a fresh root of ginseng.
  • Peel, then shred a small part of the ginseng root with a sharp knife. Slice just enough to gather 1 tablespoon of these shavings.
  • Put these in your cup and pour in hot water. (The water should not be boiling).
  • Let it steep for 5 minutes. You can add a dash of honey to taste if you desire.
  • Alternatively, add a spoonful of ginseng root powder to your juices, cereals, or oatmeal.

Note: The best time for consumption is in the morning. This gives it ample time to fight your cravings.

3.) Ginger to Fight Weed Addiction

One withdrawal symptom when you stop smoking weed is nausea. Ginger is an excellent home remedy to combat nausea. This rhizome works to calm your stomach. In addition, it can keep you away from being tempted back into smoking for relief. You can take it in tablets, capsules, or as a tea. Naturally, the best way to harness the effects of ginger is to use the fresh root to make tea.

  • To prepare this brew, you will need a 2-inch piece of ginger root and 2 cups of water.
  • Peel the piece of ginger root and slice into as small pieces as possible. The smaller the slices, the faster the tea brews. You can even shred it in a grater.
  • Bring the water to a boil. Add the sliced or shredded ginger root to a teapot and pour in the hot water. Cover it and let it steep for 7 minutes.
  • Pour this into a mug and drink while warm. You may add a dash of honey to taste. The slices of ginger can be eaten along with the tea or simply strain it if you so desire.
  • Drink this tea whenever you feel nausea creeping in on you.

4.) Oats to Stop Smoking Weed

Oats are an age old home remedy to stop smoking weed. It has been shown to halt cravings for THC and also reduces the effects of its symptoms. Studies have shown that there are natural properties present in oats that help to stabilize nerves after one quits smoking. In addition, this natural remedy helps to flush out harmful toxins that may have accumulated from smoking weed. Also, this is probably the easiest, cheapest and most surefire way to help quit weed addiction.

  • To prepare this remedy, you will need 1 tablespoon of ground oats and 2 cups of hot water.
  • Mix the oats into the water and set it aside for 12 hours or overnight.
  • In the morning after, boil this mix for 10 minutes.
  • Drink one glass of this oat concoction after each meal.

5.) Water to Stop Smoking Weed Fast

Part of why smoking is so addictive is the fact that it contains a number of substances that permeate your body as a toxin. Once these toxins get into your system, they can be hard to get out. One way to work around this is to employ detoxifying methods. Water acts as a natural detoxifier. By consuming more water into your system, the toxins floating around in your bloodstream get flushed out. In addition, drinking water can help curb the urge to smoke. Drinking water also gives your immune system a boost and speeds up the healing process. This helps to fight addiction and the cravings better.

  • Drink at least 2 liters of water throughout the day. If you feel a craving for a smoke, then harness your willpower and instead drink a glass or two of water. Remember to  drink it slowly.
  • You can boost the detoxifying quality of regular water by adding some lime or lemon slices to it. Lemon water is an excellent and fun way to beat cravings and purge your body of toxins.

6.) Cayenne Peppers to Stop Smoking Weed 

Here is another natural remedy that can be used to stop smoking weed. Cayenne peppers contain various vitamins, and potassium and manganese. This herb works to soothe the respiratory system, as well as curb the urge to smoke. You can harness the benefits of the cayenne pepper in many ways. The best ways, however, are to include it in your diet.

  • Add a little twist to your juices by adding a dash of cayenne pepper for flavor. Or simply mix 1/4 teaspoon of cayenne pepper powder to some water and drink it.
  • For some people, cayenne pepper may be too spicy. In this case, cayenne pepper capsules are available at any natural health store.
  • One easy remedy is to combine the benefits of honey and cayenne peppers. Mix 1 tablespoon honey and 1/4 teaspoon of cayenne pepper powder together and eat it. Take this once every morning.

7.) Honey to Treat Weed Addiction

The sweetness of honey helps to curb the urge to smoke. The various types of vitamins and proteins in honey also aid to stop smoking weed. This natural remedy is excellent to use in order to stop smoking weed.  In addition, honey contains natural healing properties and can effectively flush out toxins that have built up in your system.

  • To prepare this remedy, you will need 1 tablespoon of organic honey and a glass of warm water.
  • Mix the honey into the water and sip on it till you finish.
  • Drink this solution twice every day, in the morning and evening.
  • Also, add honey into your diet by substituting it for sugar in your drinks. Honey is good with different desserts as well.

8.) St. John’s Wort to Quit Weed

The primary use of this herb is an herbal alternative to antidepressants. But it is also potent to help people stop smoking weed and other narcotic substances. Various studies have been conducted to this test this effect, and most have yielded positive results. With consuming this herb, it is possible to stop smoking weed in just 12 weeks. It is available in various forms like capsules and as a liquid. In addition to helping you stop smoking weed, it can fight off the various side-effects like tension, anxiety, and depression. But because of the nature of this remedy, it is advisable to consult your doctor before taking it as a cure to quit smoking. This is because while on its own this herb has hardly any side effects, it may interfere with any existing medication.

Note: This remedy is not recommended for individuals who are pregnant or nursing, or those diagnosed with bipolar disorder, kidney or liver disease.
