How to Stop Snoring?

In this article, we will discuss the best ways to stop snoring. Today, about 50% of the adult population is suffering from the chronic snoring problem. It can be the cause of a host of physical and emotional problems. If you too are struggling with this issue then by taking preventative measures you will be able to get a good night sleep. Snoring is basically snorting and rattling sound which is made by the vibration of the airway tissue, back of the mouth, throat, and nose during sleep. It results in mild or partial blockage in the airways due to the moderation of the muscles holding them open. Snoring is quite a common problem. 45% of adults are being affected by this problem. The problem is twice as common in men, as in women and it increases with age.

Snoring not only causes sleep disturbance for the snorer but also to those around them. Its major symptoms include excessive daytime sleepiness, emotional upset, reduced mental function, and relationship issues. If snoring acquires serious mood then it will lead to obstructive sleep apnoea, whereby people occasionally struggle or stop breathing during the night. In that condition, you need to take expert advice as it may lead to an increased risk of traffic accidents and cardiovascular disease.

Some Common Types of Snoring:

Mouth Snoring:

This happens when you breathe through the mouth during sleep, rather using your nose. You can perform a simple task to know that what type of snoring you have. Try to notice snoring when your mouth is closed, if there is no snoring until the mouth is closed then it is mouth snoring. Next time you go to bed make sure you keep your mouth close at night as it could help you reduce the snoring.

Tongue Based Snorer:

This type of snoring problem arises when the tongue falls into the back of throat result in the blockage of the airway. Perform a simple test by sticking your tongue out as far as it will go. Now, grab it between your teeth. If this stop snoring in this position then you probably have a tongue based snoring problem. To stop tongue based snoring use a Device to move your jaw and tongue forward. This will help get rid of this type of snoring.

Nose Snoring:

Nose snoring is the most common problem. It is caused due to nostrils congestion causing the airway to be blocked. You can perform a simple experiment by pressing one side of the nose closed with a finger and try to breathe in the mouth closed. If your nostril collapses then use some form of the nasal dilator. If you are not able to breathe due to congestion then it could be a great idea to check for allergies.

Throat Snoring:

If none of the above tests are working for you then the snoring could be caused by the vibration of soft tissue in the throat. In that case following some of the advice below or seeking professional would be a great idea.

Best Ways to Stop Snoring:

1.) Immature Bitter Orange to Stop Snoring

An immature bitter orange is a Chinese herb which is widely used to stop snoring problem quickly. It is also known as sour orange or marmalade orange. This herb is a great source of vitamin C and builds up the immunity. It contains ‘Synephrine’ which acts as a natural catalyst and reduces nasal congestion. Bitter orange also acts as a shield in fighting against inflammation, swelling, and bacterial organisms. It is capable of breaking up the build up mucus and ensures the maximum flow of air through the nasal passage. You just need to take a piece of bitter orange, and then chew it three times a day. Alternatively, you can take three pieces of bitter orange and grind it well. Boil a full glass of water and add some ground pieces of bitter orange in it. Allow it to boil for ten minutes and then leave it to get cool down. Finally, drink this water daily to stop snoring fast and naturally.

Note: Bitter orange contains Synephrine which is a great stimulating agent and thus people suffering from the gastrointestinal or spleen ailment should avoid the intake. It is strictly not recommended for a pregnant lady as it may lead to complications.

2.) Avoid Things That Make Snoring Worse

The lifestyle of a person highly influences the snoring problem. You need to avoid alcohol, coffee, sleeping pills, and fatty foods before bedtime as they increase snoring by making the throat muscles relax and narrowing the airway. If you have large meals and fatty foods then this will also restrict your airflow by pushing up on the diaphragm. Smoking is a major factor that can lead to frequent snoring problem and everyone know, it is a health hazard in general. If you are a smoker and has snoring problem then quitting smoking is the best solution to stop snoring naturally. The fatty tissue in the back of your throat is often the cause of snoring. So, losing even about a small amount of weight can be greatly beneficial to stop snoring. Regular medication may also be responsible for snoring so you should ask your doctor about alternatives.

3.) Clarified Butter to Treat Snoring

Clarified butter is one of the top home remedies to stop snoring naturally. It will help you open up the blocked nasal passages which contribute to less snoring. You just need to pour three drops of lukewarm clarified butter in each nostril. Repeat the process three times a day for fast result. Alternatively, you can use a Bacopa monnieri (Brahmi) oil in place of clarified butter which is a quite common medicinal herb.

4.) Peppermint to Cure Snoring

Peppermint has numerous medicinal properties as it is an anti-inflammatory agent. It can help you reduce swelling of the membranes of throat and nostrils. This will further make it easier to breathe. It is one of the wonderful remedies out there to stop snoring. The best advantage of peppermint is that it also provides relief from temporary snoring caused due to cold, and allergies. In a glass of lukewarm water, add three drops of peppermint essential oil. Then, use this water to gargle before going to bed. Make sure you do not swallow this water. You should gargle with this water every day to treat snoring naturally.

5.) Nasal Strips to Stop Snoring

Nasal strips are really effective commercial products found in most of the pharmacies. You just need to look for instruction before using it. Simply, tape one of the strips to the outside of your nose. They usually work by lifting and opening up your nostrils to increase airflow. You can also try expiratory positive airway pressure (EPAP) devices. They cover the nostrils and use the power of your own breathing to create a mild pressure that helps keep the airway open.

6.) Thyme Oil to Get Rid of Snoring

Thyme is one of the most effective treatments for snoring. It works well to clear the lungs passage and purifies the airway passage as well. Just take a few drops of thyme oil and massage gently on both the feet. You need to massage this oil daily before going to sleep, it will give you sound sleep. Those who are suffering from dry air or nose congestion they can add two drops of thyme oil in the room humidifier twenty minutes prior to sleep. Run the humidifier throughout the night and it will easily open up the nose passage, and allows you to breathe freely without any difficulty. Thyme is particularly effective in treating snoring due to nasal congestion.

Note: This remedy (thyme oil) is strictly prohibited for pregnant ladies.

7.) Fenugreek to Stop Snoring

Fenugreek has a brilliant property to flush out the accumulation of mucus, which provides a great relief from irritation and congestion. So, it will help you breathe normally without snoring at the night. To make a fenugreek tea, add two teaspoons of fenugreek seeds in a cup of water. Then, bring the mixture to boil for about ten minutes. Strain the tea and then add a teaspoon of honey as fenugreek is bitter in taste. Consider drinking this tea three times a day regularly to stop snoring.

8.) Ginger to Stop Snoring

Consuming ginger can be really effective to stop snoring naturally. It also helps reduce nasal stiffness caused by the flu or cold. Just take a small amount of fresh ginger root, and crush it completely. Now add the crushed ginger in a cup of hot water. Let it simmer for ten minutes, and then strain it. Now, add one teaspoon of honey as per your taste. Drink this tea regularly three times a day to stop snoring.