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Tag: Dry cough

unclog nose

How to Unclog Nose?

When your nose drips, you sound funny to talk with. But when it comes, you want to blow your nose and finally breathe again, but nothing comes out, so it can be very annoying....
treat bronchitis

How to Treat Bronchitis?

Bronchitis is a swelling, inflammation or infection of the bronchitis tubes between the nose and the lungs, which are the main passageways in her lungs. It is usually caused by bacteria, virus, allergies or...
home remedies for cough

Home Remedies for Cough Treatment

Coughing is one of the most common health problems. When there is a blockage or irritation in your throat, your brain thinks that a foreign element is present and tells your body to a...
how to get rid of a runny nose

How to Get Rid of a Runny Nose?

This article explains about, how to get rid of a runny nose. A runny nose can be described as a discharge of fluid from the nasal chambers. This discharge may range from a clear...
how to stop coughing

How to Stop Coughing?

Generally coughing is not a very serious problem. A cough can help to keep your throat clear from phlegm, but you don’t want to be that person, who makes people fling themselves over their...