How to Treat a Boil?

how to treat a boil

A boil is a skin infection. It is also known as an abscess. In this article, we shall see how to treat a boil. But first, let us see how a boil forms. It begins with a tenderness and redness on the skin. Then slowly pus forms in the center of the boil. This is largely due to the rush of white blood cells, protein, and bacteria that fill in the center of the boil. These boils are usually painful and tender to the touch.

Causes of a Boil:

A boil forms due to the presence of a bacteria called Staphylococcus aureus. These bacteria enter the bloodstream through open hair follicles or small cuts on the skin. A boil can also occur when sweat glands are blocked. Other causes for a boil to form are:

  • Weak immune system
  • Conditions that cause poor blood flow, like diabetes.
  • Excessive or regular intake of alcohol.
  • Ill-fitted, tight clothing
  • Poor nutrition intake, or even poor hygiene.
  • Harsh procedures, such as chemotherapy.

Symptoms of a Boil

  • Red and tender lumps
  • Formation of pus in the pimples, giving a whitish appearance.
  • Lumps/pimples get bigger with time
  • Skin around boil is hard and painful
  • Itchiness of infected skin

Remedies to Treat a Boil:

Boils are generally painful and tender to touch. They can appear almost anywhere on our body, such as the back, face, underarms, thighs, buttocks, groin and the like. It is important to keep in mind not to burst a boil. They are highly contagious and this can encourage the appearance of more boils in the surrounding area. Fortunately, there are ways to treat a boil without needing to burst it open.

1.) Cure a Boil with Hot Compress

Applying a hot compress on the area of the boil helps to speed up the healing process. The results are best if you apply the hot compress as soon as the boil begins to form. The hot compress treatment works by first increasing the circulation to the area. This helps to draw antibodies and white blood cells to the infection. In addition, the hot compress helps to relieve pain.

  • You can make your own hot compress to treat a boil. You will need a clean cloth, like a washcloth or handkerchief, and hot water.
  • Soak the cloth in the hot water. Now, squeeze out excess moisture and place it gently over the boil.
  • Press it in place for 5-10 minutes, allowing the heat to be absorbed. Repeat this method thrice a day.
  • Alternatively, soak in hot water for boils that appear on the lower half of the body. Fill a bath halfway with hot water. Soak in this for 15-20 minutes. The boil should heal in a week or two.

2.) Castor Oil to Treat a Boil

This remedy is a good way to treat a boil naturally. Castor oil contains anti-inflammatory properties that reduce the tenderness and swelling of a boil. This property of castor oil makes it highly used in a number of natural remedies. In addition, it is an easy and inexpensive way to treat a boil.

  • To apply this remedy you will need, organic castor oil, some cotton balls, and gauze or bandage.
  • Soak a cotton ball in castor oil. Place this directly over the boil.
  • Secure it in place with a strip of gauze or bandage. This will allow the boil to soak in the castor oil and speed up healing.
  • Change the dressing every 4-5 hours, using a fresh, castor oil-soaked cotton ball each time.

3.) Turmeric to Cure a Boil

Turmeric is an excellent natural remedy to treat a boil. This rhizome is packed with minerals and other essential compounds that are useful to fight off and cure numerous ailments. The anti-inflammatory and blood-purifying properties of turmeric are especially relevant to treat a boil.

  • Prepare a paste to apply to the boil. Take 1/2 teaspoon of turmeric powder and add a few drops of water to make a thick paste.
  • Apply a thick layer with a cotton swab to the boil. Now cover this with gauze to prevent the turmeric from staining. Redress this every day for 3 days.
  • Additionally, add 1 teaspoon of powdered turmeric to a glass (8oz) of warm water. Stir well, and drink. Or simply take it in capsule form.

4.) Treat a Boil Fast with Tea Tree Oil

Tea tree oil has been used widely for centuries as an antiseptic, antibacterial, and antifungal agent. It is a popular natural remedy to treat a boil, as well as numerous other skin conditions. This remedy speeds up the healing process. In addition, it helps to relieve any pain and discomfort caused by the boil.

  • For this remedy, you will need some tea tree oil and a few cotton swabs.
  • Dip 1 cotton swab into the tea tree oil. Gently dab the oil directly onto the boil. Be careful not to wipe at any uninfected skin. Dispose of the used swab immediately.
  • Repeat this several times in a day, every day till you see the boil drain and subside.

5.) Onion to Treat a Boil Naturally

This vegetable has essential antiseptic and antimicrobial properties to cure a boil before it becomes infected. Onions work to “heat” the boil, and so draws blood to the infected area. By the increasing the blood flow, it effectively flushes out the infection.

  • Simply cut a thick slice of onion. Place it directly over the boil and secure it in place with some gauze.
  • Change the onion slice and redress the boil every 3-4 hours.
  • Repeat this till the boil drains and is cured.

6.) Garlic to Treat a Boil Fast

Garlic is known for its antifungal and antimicrobial properties. It can effectively be used to treat and cure a boil. In addition, garlic is a heat producing food. Applying this topically on the boil will heat up the infecting area. Therefore this will increase the blood flow, allowing the toxins to be flushed out.

  • To prepare this remedy, you will need 3-4 peeled and fresh cloves of garlic.
  • Using a garlic masher, or the flat side of a knife, make a coarse paste from the garlic cloves. Apply this directly over the boil.
  • Leave it on for 15-20 minutes. Repeat this several times in a day till the boil disappears.

7.) Apple Cider Vinegar to Treat a Boil

Use apple cider vinegar to treat a boil naturally. It contains properties that make it a natural disinfectant. It can Apple cider vinegar can be ingested to cleanse the body from within as well. This remedy works especially well for boils that are already open or draining.

  • For this remedy, you will need some organic apple cider vinegar and sterile cotton balls.
  • Soak the cotton balls well in the vinegar. Place one over the boil and press gently. It may sting a little as the acid in the vinegar works to clear the infection.
  • If it stings too much, then simply dilute the vinegar with water by adding 1 part water to 1 part vinegar.

8.) Epsom Salt to Cure a Boil

Our skin is a highly porous membrane, and this natural salt can be used to trigger the process of reverse osmosis. This will help to pull the salts and toxins from the body. In addition, Epsom salt can be used as a natural drying agent. This will help to drain and dry the boil.

  • To prepare this remedy, you will need 2 teaspoons of Epsom salt, and 1/2 cup of warm water.
  • Dissolve the Epsom salt in the water. Using a clean cloth or sterile cotton balls, soak it in the solution to make a warm compress.
  • Place this over the boil and press gently. Repeat this thrice a day till the boil begins to drain.

9.) Cure a Boil with Indian Lilac

Indian Lilac (also known as Neem) is a medicinal herb that is effective to drain and heal boils. It is known for it’s powerful antibacterial and antimicrobial properties. In addition, this herb can be used to relieve pain and discomfort caused by the boil.

  • For this remedy, you will need two handfuls of Indian Lilac leaves.
  • First, grind one handful of leaves to make a thick, green paste. Apply a thick layer directly onto the boil. Leave it on till it dries.
  • Now boil the other handful in some water, till the water evaporates to 1/3rd. Use this water to rinse the boil.

10.) Get Rid of a Boil with Milk

Milk and milk cream is known to be an effective home remedy to treat a boil. A combination of milk and bread is also used for treatment to cure a boil. This poultice can effectively draw out pus from a boil. In addition, it is good to soothe the pain and discomfort caused by a boil.

  • To prepare this treatment you will need, 1 cup of milk, salt, and bread.
  • Heat the milk till it is hot, but not boiling. Now dissolve 3 teaspoons of salt.
  • Tear some bread into crumbles and add this into the milk to make it thick.
  • Apply this directly over the boil. Repeat several times in a day.