How to Treat Bed Bug Bites?

Bed bug bites is a very common problem as anyone could end up getting bed bug bites. One should find ways to treat bed bug bites as soon as he /she experience the symptoms before the condition gets worse. Even the cleanest home could be found to infested with bed bug bites. Some people deal with bedbug bites without knowing that they are suffering from bedbug bites. There might have been times where people might get a rash and even suffer from excessive itching. This is  caused due to bed  bug bites.

Bed bug might be found in any area of the house and could even reside in small openings in the furniture on textiles and upholstered furniture so one must know and clean the area of the homes in order to treat bedbug bites. They are found most commonly in areas where one rests like beds, mattresses or mattress covers springs and even bed frames so these areas must be treated from bedbug bites. So these areas should be clean in order to treat bed bug bites. Although they do not infest in areas where one sleeps like on springs and bed frames so these areas must be cleaned properly in order to treat bedbug bites. They even do not infest in the areas where one sleeps. There are also other sites where these bed bites reside so one must find ways to treat bed bug bites naturally fast.

Symptoms to Treat Bed Bug Bites:

  • A bite with a red, swollen area and dark red center .
  • Bites in a line or grouped together in a small area.
  • Blisters or hives at the bite site.
  • Bites are often very itchy. There might be burning sensation on the skin many days after you have been bitten so one must very carefully treat these bed bug bites.
  • A bug bite releases a tiny amount of anesthesia into your body before they bite and these bedbug bites must be treated well in order to get rid of them.
  • It’s advisable not to scratch the bed bug bite as they might cause a secondary infection which could lead to swelling and bleeding so one must find the most suitable remedies to treat bedbug bites.

Areas Where Bed Bug Bites are Found

Bed bug bites are most commonly found in areas where there are a lot of people living together like a lot of turnovers, as well as close quarters. The bedbug bites could also reach one’s home if brought there. There is a list of places where bedbug could be found. They are:

  • Hospitals
  • Hotels
  • Homeless shelters
  • Military barracks
  • College dorms
  • Apartment complexes
  • Business offices

Most common sites for bed bug in one’s home.

  • Headboard
  • Bed frame
  • Mattress
  • Box springs
  • Pillows
  • Bedskirts
  • In the crevices and seams of furniture
  • Carpeting at baseboard or under furniture
  •  Curtains or on other fabrics

Remedies to Treat Bed Bug Bites:

1.) Inspect the Bites to Treat Bed Bug Bites

 Bed bug bites resemble other insect bites like mosquito bites. Bed bug bites usually appear as a blister so one must find the best way to treat bedbug bites. It is very difficult to distinguish bed bug bites from other insect bites. One would need to take the advice of a physician specifically a clinical physician as even he/she cannot diagnose bites just by looking at them.

  • Bed bugs have a unique pattern so it’s difficult to know their pattern and treat bedbug bites. Although there are some bites which appear singularly but most bites are seen in a row of three to five bites. It could be seen in a cluster of red bumps or a rash known a bed bug dermatitis. The bed bug is seen to appear in a zigzag pattern and it may also appear in a long line if these appear in the morning to treat these bedbug bites.
  • Bed bug bites tend to appear on exposed areas of the body, like on the hands ,arms, neck, face, feet so it’s important to treat bedbug bites immediately. Contrary to mosquito bites the bed bug bites occur very less in number as they tend to appear on the knees, or the skin folds.
  • Bumps or the rash get over in a span of two weeks.Even though an individual’s bite or a set of bites may recover the problem and eradicate it through pest infestation, then can continue to get bitten. They will continue to remain bedbug bites and go back to you so treat the bedbug bites carefully.

2.) Pay Attention On Its Occurrence to Treat Bed Bug Bites

Just imagine that you have just arisen and after waking up you see a bed bug bite which wasn’t there previously. It’s also difficult to decipher as each individual‘s reaction time varies .This would result in the bite to manifest at any point of time from a time period of two hours to a week once the bite has appeared. So one must treat bedbug bites carefully.


  • Bedbug bites have a long incubation period.
  • There could be visible signs that would appear after one has been bitten as it could be noticed for a time span of ten days after the initial bite.

3.) Check Your Bed For Signs to Cure Bed Bug Bites

One must start with where one sleeps. Bed Bug tend to appear where human beings reside so that they could get warm blood. The most visible results could be feeding on would be when one discovers red spots on the sheets. The red spots could come after being smashed from the bites left on oneself once the bug has finished feeding on oneself.

  • Thoroughly investigate the entire mattress, inclusive of the lining and the seams.
  • Be very keen of the bedbugs, carcasses , empty skins  and feces which appears like little spots or smudges.See that your bedsheets, pillow cases, and pillows do not have black spots or smudges left out.

4.) Wash the Bites with Soap and Water to Treat Bedbug Bites

Wash the surrounding with mild soap and water. Take a cake of soap and sufficient water to wet your hands. Create a lather onto the affected area until the entire surface is covered. Keep it and do not  wash. Let the soap lather and then apply it on the affected areas. By doing so One would be immediately relieved from constant itching.

  • Cleanse the area using a mild soap and sufficient water to wet the surface of your hands.
  • Work the thick soapy lather in your hands.
  • Apply the lather over the affected areas wisely, until the entire area is covered with water.
  • Leave it for some time and do not wash.
  • Let the soap to dry over the bitten areas. You would be immediately relieved from itching.
  • Note- wash away the bits using the soapy water as this will aggravate the itching avoid getting a skin infection.

5.) Apply a Steroidal Anti–Itch Cream to Get Rid of Bed Bug Bites

A cream containing hydrocortisone, or cortisone-like Cortaid helps in lessening inflammation. One could purchase 1% hydrocortisone cream the drug store or from a pharmacy as it would tell you which cream is most suitable at the same time, it will tell you as to which brand is best suited for you.

  • Read the package directions carefully in order to apply the cream rightly.It’s a mild cream and does not have any side effects when used for a short time period like a week or seven days .
  • Take the help of a doctor and purchase a stronger corticosteroid cream.

6.) Home Remedies to Relieve Itching and Cure Bed Bug Bites

There a number of remedies to get rid of itching caused due to bug bites. These are the ones which we know before hand.

  • Prepare a paste of baking soda and water. Gradually add a small amount of baking soda and mix it until a thick paste is prepared .Let the paste dry and stay on the rash before its wash off with warm water.
  • Dip cotton ball into lemon juice. There are natural astringents as well. Apply it on the affected skin area with the help of the cotton ball.
  • Apply Aloe Vera gel from the aloe plant to bedbug bites. It’s always better to use 100 5 pure Aloe Gel. As Aloe Vera, the gel contains anti-fungal and antibiotic properties which would help to stop a secondary infection caused by scratching.

7.) Take Oral Antihistamine to Treat Bed Bug Bites

An oral antihistamine like Benadryl  was also known as diphenhydramine which will help in controlling the allergic reaction associated with a bite as swelling and rash.

  • Follow the package instructions for adequate dosages.
  • Benadryl causes drowsiness and should not be consuming it while driving.
  • One could also try a OTC antihistamine cream that one would apply over the affected area.

8.) Get Pain Relief to Cure Bed Bug Bites

If bites are causing anti-inflammatory analgesic oral medication, like ibuprofen, naproxen or aspirin. Consult this option with one’s doctor if there’s any doubt about the medications provided are apt for oneself.

  • Ibuprofen is a nonsteroidal anti– inflammatory drug (NSAID).It  helps in reducing hormones which cause inflammation and pain in the  It  even reduce the hormone that instigates fever.
  • Aspirin is a drug that works best as an analgesic releasing the pain-reducing hormones instigating the pain signals in the brain.It’s an antipyretic  which drains away the fever . So keep it away from children.
  • Acetaminophen (Tylenol) is a safe aspirin for children and has the effects than aspirin. Not Being a NSAID it will not reduce inflammation/

9.) Apply Lacto Calamine Lotion to Cure Bed Bug Bites

Lacto Calamine provides the best relief from itching. It also helps in drying the rash as it recovers the wounds. Thus it is one of the best remedies to cure bed bug bites. Also, it will moisturize your dry skin.

10.) Visit a Doctor to Treat Bed Bug Bites

See a doctor for a diagnosis if one cannot find traces of bedbug bites or one cannot discover where could bedbug bites be found. There is an obvious reason that one’s physician can decipher whether one has been bitten by bedbug bites or any other insects as the symptoms are similar to other insects bites d skin conditions. In this case,  it is advisable to visit a doctor.