How to Treat Sunburn?

This article is about remedies to treat sunburn. Sunburn is a form of radiation burns, which affects the living tissue, such as skin. It results from the overexposure to ultraviolet radiations commonly known as UV radiations. The common source of the UV radiation is the sun. Exposure of the skin for more time causes sunburn and when the skin is exposed to lesser time is causes suntan which is an initial stage of sunburn.

Sunburn is basically the term for red or swollen and painful skin. It can vary from mild to severe. The extent depends on the  type of skin and the amount of exposure to the sun. It can happen at any time of the year, the cause of skin cancer is sunburn which damages the skin. Therefore, it is important to treat sunburn. How to treat sunburn is a major question. Well! One can apply certain measures like covering up the body with cloth use sunscreens, avoid going out in bright sunlight. By keeping some care you can easily treat sunburn.

Causes of Sunburn:

  • It is not the heat that causes sunburn. Excessive exposure to UV rays from the sun decreases the production of melanin, which is a substance present in your body that gives your skin a natural color to the skin. Due to a decrease in a level of melanin,the body absorbs more UV radiations and result in tan.
  • UV radiations from some artificial sources, such as tanning lamps, welding arcs and so on.
  • Sunburn is also caused pharmaceutical products that sensitize users to UV radiations. For example, certain antibiotics, oral contraceptives, and tranquilizers cause sunburn.

Symptoms to Sunburn:

  • Redness of the skin.
  • Varying degrees of pain
  • Itching
  • Peeling skin
  • Nausea
  • Fever

Remedies  to Treat Sunburn:

Suffering from sunburn? What should be done? There are various methods to treat sunburn. You can apply various precautions and remedies to treat sunburn.

1.) Take a Bath to Treat Sunburn

Water is the first and the foremost remedy for immediate relief from red skin, which is due to the sunburn. You should take an instant bath if your skin burns or redness appears. Cool, your sunburnt skin by taking a cool shower or bath in a bathtub. This natural bath therapy will soothe the sunburn and promote healing. You can also soak yourself in a bathtub. After having a bath or shower, gently pat yourself dry, also leave a little water on your skin. This will give a cooling effect and prevent itching of the sunburnt skin.

2.) Potato Paste to Cure Sunburn

Potatoes consist of starch and it has been known as a pain reliever. Work particularly well on minor skin irritations, scratches, burns, and it reduces inflammation. If you have found yourself with red, painful skin, take up few potatoes. Slice up the potatoes and take a piece of it. Now gently rub it or keep  on the damaged skin for 10-15 minutes. You can also use the juice of potatoes. Blend in some potatoes and whirl them until becoming a liquid mixture. If it is dry, put some water in it. Now pour liquid on a cotton ball and apply to sunburn. This method will help to treat sunburn.

3.) Aloe Vera to Treat Sunburn

Aloe Vera is a natural herb which can be easily grown or found in lawns or gardens. It has excellent anti-inflammatory properties that help deal with various symptoms of sunburn. You can extract the gel from the leaf of Aloe Vera. Apply a thin coating of Aloe Vera gel on the sunburned skin. Allow the skin to dry on its own. Repeat this process for 4-5 times daily for several days to treat sunburn.

4.) Yogurt to Cure Sunburn

Yogurt contains a number of probiotics and enzymes that help in the healing Sunburn. Treatment with yogurt may help you to heal faster and lasts longer. When you find yourself red and sunburned, yogurt can help you to recover faster. Take a half bowl of yogurt. Wash your hands and directly apply yogurt to the burn. Leave it for 5- 10 minutes. It will give the cooling effect to the affected area. Now rinse it with cold water.Yogurt will heal the skin and help to cure sunburn.

5.) Baking Soda to Heal Sunburn

Baking soda has antiseptic properties. Due to its alkaline nature, it proves very soothing on the sunburned skin. Take one cup of baking soda and put it in a bathtub with cold water. Stir it well. Take a bath in that water and allow your body to dry in air. Alternatively, you can also mix 3 tablespoons of baking soda to make an enough paste. Apply this paste with the help of cotton ball on the sunburn. Do it regularly until you get positive results.

6.) Cold Milk Compress to Heal Sunburn

Cool milk is one of the quickest, easiest and simplest ways to treat sunburn. It is also cost-friendly and is easily available. Just pour a bowl of milk and cool it in a refrigerator. Cool milk will ease the heat and creates a layer of protein. It helps to protect your skin and helps it to comfort and  heal. Take a piece of cloth and soak it in a bowl of milk. Squeeze away the extra milk from the cloth and drape that cloth on sunburn skin. Repeat this process and it will help you to heal sunburn.

7.) Oatmeal to treat Sunburn

Oatmeal can also help to treat sunburned skin. It has soothing properties. It reduces irritation and helps the skin to retain its natural moisture. Take a bathtub with cold water and add a cup of oatmeal in it. Now mix it thoroughly. Soak yourself in the bathtub for about half an hour. Then get out of the bathtub and dry yourself. You can also use oatmeal by an alternative method. Cook the oatmeal with enough water until a running consistency. Cool the solution and apply this paste on the affected area. You can repeat this process for 3-4 times and it will help to treat sunburn.

8.) Mint and Tea to Treat Sunburn

Mint is a natural cooling agent and soothes whatever it touches, and sunburns are no exception. Along with mint,tea also heals the damaged skin. The tannic acid and theobromine found in green tea helps to cure the sunburn and helps in relieving pain. Take 3 cups of mint and around 5 tea bags. Put these in a boiling water and cover it with a lid. Gently stir it and letting it sit for approximately an hour. Refrigerate the mixture and apply it on the sunburn with the help of cotton ball. You can also pour it over the burn if you wish. You can also substitute green tea with black tea.

9.) Apple Cider Vinegar to Heal Sunburn

An apple cider vinegar can also help to soothe the sunburn. It consists of acetic acid, which helps to ease itching and inflammation on the skin. It is a great astringent and cure sunburns. Mix equal amount of apple cider vinegar and water. Take a cloth and soak it in the liquid. Now drape that cloth on the affected skin area. You can also add a cup of apple cider vinegar in a bathtub with lukewarm water. Soak yourself in this water for about 20 minutes. This will balance the pH level of sunburned skin and promote healing. Using apple cider vinegar will help to cure the sunburn.

10.) Lettuce to Treat Sunburn

Lettuce is a natural anti-inflammatory and has healing properties that are especially beneficial for sunburn. It relieves pain caused due to sunburn. Take some lettuce leaves and boil them in water. Now allow the liquid to cool. You can also keep it in the refrigerator. With the help of a cotton ball apply the lettuce juice over the affected area. You can also make a paste of lettuce leaves and apply on the sunburned skin. This will soothe the skin and will give a cooling effect. Repeat this process for some days for best results. It will help in relieving pain and will treat the sunburn very fast.

11.) Cucumber to Help Sunburn

Cucumber has an intensive cooling effect and due to this effect, it cures the sun burns. Take a cucumber and cut it into slices. No need to peel the cucumber. Take some slices of cucumber and apply it to the affected area, it provides an instant cooling effect. You can also make a paste of cucumber and directly apply it on your skin. Keep this paste for 10-15 minutes and it will provide the soothing effects. Using cucumber to treat sunburn can give fruitful results.

12.) Honey to Treat Sunburn

The ancient Egyptians were known to use honey as a topical salve for skin burns. Honey contains antibiotic agents and can cure the sunburn as well. It is a natural method to get rid of sunburn. You can take some honey and directly apply on the affected area. This can help you to treat sunburn.

Things to Remember:

  • Avoid going out in bright sunlight.
  • Wear a cap and full sleeve cloth to protect yourself from sunburn.
  • Keep your body moist by drinking plenty of water.
  • Use good quality sun screens and moisturizer.