How to Trim your Own Hair?

Trimming split ends off regularly every 8 to 12 weeks is recommended. Allow your hair to grow with less thinning and breakage. You want a haircut and do not feel like making a visit to a salon because sometimes your hair demand for a little trim. For this going again and again to salon or parlor could be very expensive to you. Going occasionally is fine. You will feel nervous for the first couple of times when you will trim your own hair but after some time you will be glad to knowing that you have learned it. There is a quote that practice makes men perfect. So if in case you did some mistake so you can go to the parlor to fix it. By reading this article you will know how to trim your own hair.

Steps to Trim your Own Hair:

1.) Check Yourself in the Mirror

If you are trying to trim your own hair. You need to take extra time to examine in the mirror and then decide where you want the layers to be. You can take a picture of your face and print to out, mark out from where the layers should be. Take the following factors into consideration

  • Your Hair Texture- Layering tends to add body to hair, especially when some of the layers are short in length. If your hair is already full-bodied and curly, you should go for longer layers that don’t give much differ to frame your face.
  • Your Face Shape- Think about which layer length is right for the shape of your face. If you have rounded face longer layer will look good in your face, while if you have ovate or heart-shaped face shorter layers will look good.
  • Your Style Preferences- If you are trying to get a look like a certain celebrity or popular hairstyle, figure out how to make it work with your hair. You have to decide where the layers should fall and how your hair should be parted and you will style in the end.

2.) Buy a Sharp Pair of Scissors to Trim your own Hair

The first step in cutting your own hair at home is to first invest in the right tools. You will need a sharp pair of hair cutting scissor. Your old scissor around at you home will not work. You also need to buy a fine toothed comb.

  • You can easily buy hair cutting scissor from the beauty supply stores. That is pretty cheap.  If you don’t want to buy a hair cutting scissor a fabric scissor will also work. You have to make sure that it should be really sharp.
  • Using a dull scissor would be a bad idea because you will find it harder to cut your hair and may end up giving yourself split ends which will defeat the purpose of giving yourself a haircut.

3.) Wash your Hair for Trimming

Wet hair is much easier to cut than dry hair. So make sure to first shampoo and condition your hair before you start to trim your own hair.

  • When you will get out of the shower, the first thing you will do is to fully comb your hair. Your hair should be as sleek and tangle free as possible. Use a leave in conditioner if your hair is frizzy or fly away.
  • If your hair is quite thick and long, there is a chance that sections of your hair might get start to dry before you get around to cutting them. You can easily tackle this problem, you only need to fill a spray bottle with water and a little conditioner. Then you can get wet your hair whenever you need to.

4.) Clip up the Top Portions of your Hair

Work in the several sections as you trim your own hair. It depends on the thickness of your hair, start with the bottom most layer and then work up.

  • Use a crocodile clip or elastic hair ties to divide hair into sections. Make sure to left the section to hang too loose. In that situation, your hair could get in the way of your scissors.
  • Once you will finish with the bottom layer of the hair then you can start releasing the other section as you go.

5.) Find Split Ends to Trim

If you want to give your hair a small time to get rid of your splits ends and damaged ends. Then you will need to inspect your hair to find out how much hair you need to be cut.

  • You need to take a look at the end of your hair to trim your own hair if they seem unruly or scraggly, or you can see the split ends, they need to cut.
  • Cut about 0.25 inch above where the damage stop. This method will keep your hair in a good condition.

6.) Measure Where you Wish to Cut

Grab a section of hair between the index and middle fingers of your non-dominated hand to trim your own hair. This will help to get you an accurate haircut.

  • Then drag your fingers down your hair until you reach the point slightly above from where you want to cut your hair. You have to make sure that it should not be knotted or twisted between your fingers. It should lie perfectly flat.
  • Your hair will look slightly shorter when they will dry, so be conservative when you are measuring how much you have to cut. This thing is particularly important for those who have curly hair.
  • Always keep in mind that, you can always go back and cut it shorter afterwards if you have left it long, but you.

7.) Trim the Ends

If you are ready to start to trim your own hair hold the scissor just below your fingers, in a parallel position. Try to keep an enough tension on the hair and between your fingers to trim your own hair.

  • Trim slowly, letting the cut hair fall away and keep your fingers stable and in the same position. If you want a blunt end to your hair just cut straight across and leave it at that.
  • But if you want a softer finish then hold the scissor perpendicular to your finger and cut directly into the hair, until the no sharp angles remain. This will give the ends of your hair a more smooth look.

8.) Make Sure your Ends Match Up

When you will finish trimming one layer of your hair, make sure that the ends should match up. You need to grab a section on each side of your face with your hands, using your forefinger and thumbs.

  • Pull your fingers down the hair at exactly the same pace. Whichever hand runs out of the hair was holding the shorter strand.
  • Trim according to match up, then recheck the length until you are satisfied then move on to the next layer of hair.

9.) Trim your Layers

If you have thick or curly hair then work with layers. Trimming will help to remove the dead ends and the split ends and give you a neat look.

  • Grab as much of the ends of each layer of hair between your fingers as possible, then trim as little hair as possible. Hold the scissor at slightly downward angle.
  • Use this technique to even out the ends of the hair, then match the layers on each side of your face to make sure that they are in the same length.

10.) Double-Check your Hair When it’s Dry

When your hair will get dry, cut your hair for any glaring inconsistencies. Check your haircut after the cut to check whether it is the same haircut you wanted.

  • You can use a handheld mirror to check you the hair at your back, or you can ask someone to check it for you.
  • If you find any unevenness, then take your scissor one more time and carefully even out it. Cut as little hair as possible.


  • You will get better at cutting your own hair after 4 to 5 attempts.
  • If you have thicker hair or curly hair so will face difficult to cut them, so if you have done some mistake. Go the professional, don’t try to fix it own.
  • If you are trying to trim your own hair first time, then don’t go too short. That way if you will cut your hair wrong so you can fix it going to professional.
  • Next time when you go to salon watch how the stylist cuts your hair. then use this that technique to trim your own hair.
  • If you have thick hair, then buy a pair of thinning scissors