Biotin Rich Foods

Biotin is a very important nutrient for our body which is found inside one of the eight vitamins of vitamin B-complex. This nutrient is very important in promoting the health of nerves, skin, eyes, liver, hair and mouth. You may find this vitamin in various foods. This article will guide you regarding various biotin rich foods.

Why is Biotin Important for our Body?

Biotin is very important for our body. It provides various health benefits to our body. However, one should consume it the correct quantity. The excess of this vitamin could lead to health problems. Few benefits are given below:

  • Biotin is really important in energy production and metabolism of our body. It also helps in the metabolism of carbohydrates, proteins, and fats.
  • It helps in maintaining the blood sugar levels of our body. The high level of biotin inside our body lowers the blood sugar levels. The low level of biotin may result, high blood sugar levels. Hence, biotin supplementation is one of the best treatments for the people suffering from diabetes.
  • The proper quantities of biotin help in maintaining the health of our skin and hair. You may suffer from the symptoms like fungus, hair loss, skin irritation, eczema due to biotin deficiency in the body.

Symptoms of Biotin Deficiency:

Biotin deficiency is quite uncommon in adults as this vitamin is available in different types of foods. This vitamin is also produced by our body by its own. But if you are consuming packaged food, then you may miss out biotin in your body. There are various different symptoms caused due to biotin deficiency, few are as follows:

  • The infants may suffer from the condition like cradle cap and seborrheic dermatitis due to biotin deficiency.
  • The biotin deficiency is also associated with depression and lethargy.
  • It may cause anemia, high blood sugar, muscular pain, inflammation of the mucous membrane and skin, insomnia and much more.
  • It can also result in loss of appetite, tongue sores, and muscular pain.

List of Biotin Rich Foods:

It is really important to maintain a proper healthy diet to keep your body nourished with important nutrients. Here is the list of biotin rich foods, it is as follows:

1.) Almonds Packed with Biotin

Almond is jam-packed with biotin and other important nutrients like protein and vitamin E. It is an essential nut that helps in enhancing and improving the texture of your skin, hair, and nails. You may add almonds in your dishes. This crunchy nut is delicious in taste. This dry fruit also contains high levels of calcium and healthy fats in it. Just taking a small portion of almonds can provide a lot of calories to your body. Just 100 grams of almonds provide 576 calories that are equivalent to 72% RDA of calcium. It is one of the best biotin rich foods.

2.) Mushrooms Rich Source of Biotin

This is a healthy food that is high in biotin nutrient. It is really important to include mushrooms in different dishes if you are suffering from biotin deficiency. This food also brings a good amount of other nutrients and minerals that are important for healthy growth of our body. So, include mushrooms in your diet. Just 100 grams of mushrooms provide 38 calories to your body that is equivalent to 19% RDA of iron. It is one of the most amazing biotin rich foods.

3.) Tuna for Healthy Body

Tuna is high in biotin vitamin. It also provides various health benefits to our body. So it is really important to add this food in your diet. Though you need not consume it at frequent intervals as the mercury it contains may cause a big problem to your health. It is also a great source of omega-3s and protein for our body. Just 100 grams of tuna provide 184 calories which are equivalent to the full day supply of vitamin B12 in our body. It is one of the most nutritious biotin rich foods.

4.) Turkey High in Biotin

Though, turkey is high in calories unless and until you are sticking to the skinless boneless turkey breast which is low in fat and good for health. Turkey is high in biotin nutrient and it is very helpful food for building lean muscle in our body. Just 100 grams of turkey provide 104 calories to your body that is equivalent to 18 gram of protein. It is one of the most delicious biotin rich foods.

5.) Eggs Good for Overall Health

Eggs are not only high in calcium, but it also contains a good amount of biotin content in it. If you want to get the good amount of biotin in your body, then you should eat egg yolk and egg white in the breakfast. The egg is high in cholesterol and protein so it is important to consume it in a limit. Just 100 grams of eggs provide 155 calories that are equivalent to 13 grams of protein. It is one of the best biotin rich foods.

6.) Salmon Packed with Nutrients

Salmon is not only high in biotin, but it also contains a good amount of protein and omega-3 content. You can find salmon in sushi rolls, this seafood can be served with broccoli and asparagus as well. Salmon also contains anti-inflammatory properties that make it an amazing food that is good in taste as well as for your health. Just 100 grams of salmon provide 208 calories that are equivalent to 20 grams of protein.

7.) Peanut Butter Tasty and Healthy

This butter will help you a lot in fulfilling the biotin needs of your body. Not only this butter is good in taste, but it can provide a great amount of biotin to your body. You can add this butter in various dishes especially while preparing the nutritious smoothies. Just 100 grams of peanut butter provide 589 calories to your body that is equivalent to 24 grams of protein.

8.) Whole Wheat Bread Rich in Biotin

Whole wheat is a healthy substitute that is high in biotin vitamin. It is also a great source of iron and protein. You can add this food in your diet by consuming it as your morning meal. Just 100 grams of whole wheat bread provide 270 calories to your body that is equivalent to 10 grams of protein.

9.) Berries Prevent Cancer and Heart Diseases

Berries are always considered to be a great source of biotin. The berries like blueberries, blackberries, and strawberries are high in antioxidants that can be used in treating cancer and heart diseases by protecting your body from free radical damage. Just 100 grams of berries is considered to be a great source of vitamins.

10.) Banana Good for Digestion

Though banana is considered to be a great source of potassium, but this fruit also contains a great content of biotin vitamin in it. This fruit is also rich in fiber therefore, it is considered to be a great food for digestion. You may prepare a banana shake and drink it. You may also add this fruit in a number of different recipes. It can also be used as a sweetening agent while preparing smoothies. Just 100 grams of bananas provide 89 calories to your body that is equivalent to 358mg of potassium. It is one of the healthiest biotin rich foods.

11.) Soybeans Healthy Substitute of Meat

Soybeans are considered to be a great source of biotin. It also contains protein and fiber in it. This food can be used as a substitute for meat. It is one of the great biotin rich foods that provide immense health benefits. So, if veggies want to fulfill the biotin needs of their body, then should go for soybeans. Just 100 grams of Soybeans provide 173 calories to your body that is equivalent to 17 grams of protein.

12.) Carrot for Healthy Eyes

Carrot provides a good supply of biotin to your body. It also contains high levels of beta-carotene that is considered to be a great nutrient for general eye health. It is one of the best biotin rich foods for hair growth. This juicy vegetable offers a lot of health benefits to your body.

13.) Cold Water Fish Rich in Biotin

Cold water fish is considered to be a great source of biotin. This fish contains a great level of vitamins H. To get a good amount of biotin for your body, just start consuming cold water fishes like salmon, tuna, sardines, herring and much more. It provides various health benefits as it also contains a great amount of omega-3 fatty acids. So, add this food to your diet as it is the best biotin rich foods.

14.) Cauliflower the Versatile Food

Cauliflower is a versatile food that can be added in various recipes. It is a cruciferous vegetable that is not only a good source of biotin, but it can be eaten to fight the diseases like cancer and heart diseases. Just 100 grams of cauliflower provides 25 calories that are equivalent to 80% RDA of vitamin C.

15.) Sunflower Seeds

Sunflower seed is a great source of biotin vitamin. It is an also a rich source of minerals like magnesium. If you don’t have the problem with the taste of sunflower seeds, then try to eat this raw. Try to go for organic sunflower seeds as they provide various health benefits. Just 100 grams of sunflower seeds serves 584 calories to your diet which is equivalent to 81% RDA of magnesium.