How Many Calories to Lose Weight?

If you want to reduce weight then you are at right place. In this article, you will get to know some tips about how many calories to lose weight. A calorie is a unit that helps to measure energy. Calories are used to measure the energy content of beverages and foods. To lose weight, you should eat fewer calories than your body burns in a day. Your calorie intake in a day may vary depending on the amount of workout or activity you do. If you are doing more exercise in one day then you need to eat more to fuel that workout.

There are several factors that affect your weight gains such as junk food, sweet food, genetics, thyroid, pregnancy, alcohol and high calories food etc. Food and drinks are the only sources of calories to lose weight that you consume while exercise, physical activity, and other factors affect the rate that you burn calories.  You can lose weight by moving more throughout the day, drinking more water, eating smaller meals, adding spices into your meals and getting plenty of rest.

Best Ways to Lower Calories to Lose Weight:

1.) Eat More Protein to Reduce Appetite

Protein is the king of nutrients when you try to lower calories to lose weight. Adding protein to your meal is the simplest and effective way to lose weight. Protein will help to increase your metabolic rate and helps to curb your appetite. Protein needs the energy to metabolize, a high protein diet that will increase calories burned by up to 80 to 100 calories in a day. It is the most filling nutrient. People who ate 30% of calories as protein will automatically eat 441 fewer calories in a day. Protein will also help to fight cravings that are the dieter’s worst enemy. If you want to lose weight with minimal effort then make a permanent increase in your protein intake. It will also prevent weight regain. Include milk, yogurt, eggs, fish, seafood, soy, pork, pistachio nuts, chicken and turkey in your diet.

2.) Avoid Sugary Soft Drinks to Lose Weight Fast

Eliminating liquid sugar calories from your diet is the best way to reduce calories to lose weight. These drinks include chocolate milk, sodas, fruit juices and other beverages that contain sugar. These foods are the most fattening food. Sugary drinks are strongly linked with obesity. Consuming too much sugar can have disastrous effects on your metabolic health and raise the risk of all type of diseases. Small amounts of natural sugars from foods are fine, while the large amounts of added sugar and sugary drinks can be a disaster.

3.) Drink Lots of Water to Reduce Weight Fast

Drinking more water will help to reduce calories to lose weight. It will increase the number of calories you burn for up to 90 minutes. Consuming 2 liters of water in a day will make you burn about 96 calories each day. Drinking water is more important because having it before meals will help you to reduce hunger and make you eat fewer calories. Drinking a half liter of water in half hour before having the meal will help to lose more weight over a period of 12 weeks. Combining more water with a healthy diet will be helpful if you want to lose weight. Caffeinated beverages such as green tea and coffee are great for reducing weight. The caffeine will help to boost metabolism.

4.) Reduce Carbohydrate Intake to Lose Weight Fast

When it comes to lowering calories to lose weight, cutting carbs is the beneficial method. When people reduce carbs, their appetite will go down and they eat fewer calories. Eating a low carb diet until fullness will make you lose about 2 to 3 times as much weight as a calorie restricted low-fat diet. Low carb diets have also other benefits for health especially people with diabetes or metabolic syndrome. Eat quality and fiber- rich carbohydrate sources. Include meat, fish, fruits, vegetables and eggs in your diet.

5.) Cardio to Lose Weight Naturally

Incorporating exercise into your daily routine is the best way to burn more calories. Include cardiovascular exercises like running, biking, swimming and walking will help you to burn calories. You should do at least half an hour per day. Always remember, the longer you workout, the longer your body will burn calories after you have finished.

  • Adding strength training to burn calories is also effective. If you have more muscle on your body then you will burn more calories when your body is at rest. So you should add strength training into your daily routine.
  • Try to focus on strength training on large muscle groups for maximum burn such as the abdomen, chest, arms, and thighs.

6.) Green Tea and Ginger to Lose Weight Naturally and Fast

Green tea is the best for weight loss. Green tea contains 3 main components such as caffeine, Theanine, and catechins that will help in weight loss. Caffeine will speed up the number of bodily processes such as metabolism and an overall boost to your system. Catechins are antioxidants flavonoids and are effective in lowering the absorption of lipids. Theanine is an amino acid that will help to make you happy and relaxed. The ginger, when added to green tea will help to improve digestion.

Directions to Prepare Green Tea:

  • Boil 8 ounces of water and add 1 tsp of green tea and half-inch of ginger to it.
  • Steep it for too long but don’t exceed 3 to 4 minutes.
  • You can also add a little raw honey if you want to sweeten it.
  • Drink this tea 1 to 2 cups daily on an empty stomach.

7.) Apple Cider Vinegar to Reduce Weight Fast

Apple cider vinegar is one of the best home remedies for reducing weight. The unfiltered apple cider vinegar will help to protect against obesity. It helps to break down fat and prevents the accumulation of body fat.

Directions to Use Apple Cider Vinegar:

  • Add 2 tsp of raw, unfiltered apple cider vinegar in a glass of water and stir it properly.
  • Drink it daily in the morning before having a meal.
  • You can also have a glass of water mixed with 1 tsp of raw, unfiltered apple cider vinegar and lemon juice.
  • You can consume up to 2 tbsp of apple cider vinegar in a day. Don’t exceed this amount as it can reduce your blood potassium levels and lower your bone mineral density.

8.) Do Some Exercise and Lift Weights to Lose Weight Naturally

When you eat fewer calories, your body compensate by making you burn less. That is why long-term calorie restriction can reduce metabolism. It will also lead to loss of muscle loss. Your muscle is metabolically active, so it will reduce metabolism even further. It will prevent muscle loss and your metabolism from lowering during long-term calorie restriction. Do some body weight exercises like sit-ups, squats, push-ups etc.

  • Do some cardio like swimming, jogging, and walking which are also very important. Exercises will also help in longer life, lower risk of disease and give more energy and better feeling.
  • Lifting weight is also important because it prevents the metabolic rate from slowing down and inhibits muscle mass.

9.) Aloe Vera to Lose Weight Naturally

Aloe Vera is best in treating obesity because it will stimulate the metabolism, increases energy consumption and activate unused fat in the body. The natural collagen proteins in Aloe Vera will make the body work harder to absorb the proteins. It will help to remove toxins from the digestive system.

Directions to Use Aloe Vera:

  • Take 2 fresh Aloe Vera leaves, peel it and remove out the pulp.
  • In a blender, put Aloe Vera, 1 cup of citrus juice such as grapefruit juice or orange juice or simply water. Blend it for 2 to 3 minutes.
  • Drink it daily for a month.

10.) Cayenne Pepper for Weight Loss

Cayenne pepper will help to control obesity and aids in weight loss. The capsaicin in cayenne pepper will stimulate your body to burn fat and increase energy expenditure. It also helps in digestion and suppresses excess appetite which is caused by malabsorption of nutrients in the body.

Directions to Use Cayenne Pepper:

  • Prepare cayenne pepper tea by adding a glass of hot water over cayenne pepper. Also, add half tsp of lemon juice to it. Drink it regularly for a month.
  • Another method is to mix 2 tbsp of lemon juice and maple syrup in 1 glass of water. Add a dash of cayenne pepper to it and drink it.
  • You can use cayenne pepper and other spices such as black pepper, mustard seeds, and ginger in your meal.