Foods to Lower Blood Pressure

This article is about different foods to lower blood pressure. If one has gone through a diagnosis of blood pressure or hypertension, then he should have been advised by doctors to consume food to lower blood pressure, if the person has high blood pressure. The National Institute of Health suggests a nutrient rich diet which is low in sodium have resulted in lowering high blood pressure naturally. The good thing about a new diet is that in spite of being nutritious it’s rich in flavor.

Nowadays, one can try a food, products which lower blood pressure and start including these food products in one’s meals. Our heart and taste buds will be thankful to us for this. Food gives us energy, but maintaining the right diet in our day to day life can help to lower our blood pressure. One must practice a lot of physical exercise as the most physical exercise one performs the more energy is exerted from our body in the form of sweat thereby our blood circulation increases. We must keep a check on one’s  blood pressure as it should neither be very  high nor very low rather it should be a balanced on as it will help in maintaining our balance thereby lowering our blood pressure.

Foods to Lower Blood Pressure

1.) Cold Water Fish to Lower Blood Pressure 

It’s one of the best foods to lower blood pressure. Cold water fish contains omega 3 fatty acids, which is known for its anti-inflammatory and cardiovascular benefits. On mega 3 fatty foods are highly nutritious as our body cannot digest it. They lower many cardiac risks factors in a positive way, for example, blood triglycerides, heart rate, and atherosclerosis. Cold blood, fish is highly effective in lowering blood pressure and lowers the risks of stroke and heart attack.

  • The best sources that aid in lowering blood pressure are wild salmon, mackerel, tuna, trout, cod, halibut, herring, and sardines.
  • Consume 2 servings every week containing 6 ounces of cold water fish. It is safe in quantity for many people even pregnant and nursing women can consume it.

Note: If one has a bleeding disorder is bruised quite easily or consumes blood- thinning medicines then a doctor’s advice is a must.

2.) Whole Grain Oats to Lower Blood Pressureoods

The magnesium and fiber content in oats is highly effective for blood pressure. Oats aid in slowing atherosclerosis, which builds up plagues. This process takes place in the blood vessels. Try and get 1 serving each day, or a minimum of 5 servings  every week. For potassium and calcium, which is added, one could consume whole grain oatmeal and bananas  along with skimmed milk or else just put small amounts of oat bran onto salads and cereals.

Loose oats make an ideal thickener for soups and stews. It’s one of the best source of foods to lower blood pressure.

3.) Celery to Lower Blood Pressure

Celery contains phytochemicals which are also known phthalides. These help in relaxing the muscle tissues present in the artery walls as these increases more blood pressure and thereby lowering blood pressure. Celery is one of the main sources to lower blood pressure. Thus, this is one of the best foods to lower blood pressure.

  • Eat 4 stalks of celery every day helps in lowering blood pressure gradually.
  • Add 1 tablespoon of unsalted peanut or one could take some butter as a protein since booth is rich in monounsaturated fat.

4.) Low-Fat Dairy to Lower Blood

Low-fat dairy must be consumed as it is one of the main sources foods to lower blood pressure. As a small amount of fat in a low-fat dairy is good as it will increase the bioavailability of calcium. It becomes easy for one’s body to absorb the dairy content. As dairy and milk products provide potassium and magnesium,this assists in lowering blood pressure.

Studies have shown that people over three servings per day of low-fat dairy are known to have read a blood pressure reading of 2.6 points very less than anyone who consumed less than a half serving every day.

5.) Berries to Lower Blood Pressure

Berries like blueberries, raspberries and strawberries are nutritious and helps to lower blood pressure. All the food content is high in fiber and raspberries having the maximum. Pterostilbene found in blueberries aid in prohibiting plague build up in one’s As well as there are anti-inflammatory properties in berries. Berries are a great source to lower blood pressure.It’s one of the best foods to lower blood pressure.

  • A cup of berries provides more than 33%of the everyday value of fiber for just 60n calories which  is the best source of foods to lower blood pressure.
  • 8 ounces of strawberries provide one with 136 percent of everyday value in vitamins C.
  • Consume at least 1 serving of berries every day, be it frozen or fresh.

6.) Bananas to Lower Blood Pressure

Bananas are rich in potassium, making them one of the most popular food products to lower blood pressure. Potassium aids in managing the balance of the intake of salt in one’s body and it also helps in proper functioning of the kidney thereby lowering blood pressure.

Consuming banana every day is a food product which assists one to lower blood pressure. By approximately 10%.

7.) Egg Whites to Lower Blood Pressure

Egg whites are rich in protein, contains peptide which lowers blood pressure. It has been known to lower blood pressure and lower the dose of a prescribed drug. Thus, this is one of the best foods to lower blood pressure. Begin your day with a protein-rich food and what could be better than egg as a blood pressure ease breakfast. But it’s to be consumed easily with yolk to lower blood pressure.

8.) Watermelon to Lower Blood Pressure

Watermelon is the richest source of natural L-Citrulline that aids in regulating the blood pressure along with the blood flow. The natural source of amino acids has a positive effect which prevents pre-hypertension from covering it into complete hypertension. Watermelon is a rich vitamin source of food to lower blood pressure.

  • Add watermelon cubes in one’s salad or to drink watermelon juice could be a  good option to consume this fruit.
  • Note: Watermelon contains large quantities of sugar

9.) Dark Chocolate to Lower Blood Pressure

Cocoa increases nitric oxide that helps to lower blood pressure. Nitric oxide is a chemical which is present naturally in the bodies. It acts upon smaller receptors in the blood vessels and aids to dilate. This, in turn, will lower blood pressure. Studies have proven that consuming dark chocolate every day for 18 weeks helped in reducing pre-hypertension or hypertension by almost 20%. Thus, this is one of the best foods to lower blood pressure.

  • Having a sweet tooth is not a bad idea. Consume a small amount of dark chocolate every time is ok.
  • One should not indulge in chocolate craving whether one has high blood pressure or not.

10.) Buckwheat to Lower Blood Pressure

A diet which is rich in buckwheat is linked with a lesser risk increasing high blood pressure along with high cholesterol. It’s mostly due to the big supply of flavonoids particularly rotten. They are phytonutrients that protect us from disease by increasing vitamin and behaving as antioxidants. Therefore, we must consume those foods to lower blood pressure.

  • Rotten and other flavonoid compounds are essential in maintaining blood flow that aids in lowering the lipid activity of the buckwheat. These compounds aid in maintaining blood flow, which eases the blood vessels and increases the blood flow and delivers nutrients by lowering the blood pressure.
  • By taking buckwheat serving 6 times or more in a week or an intake of buckwheat in liquid form restrains platelets from clotting. Buckwheat contains magnesium, which eases blood vessels and improves blood flow and delivery of nutrients thereby lowering blood pressure.
  • Having a serving of buckwheat 6 times or more every week or having buckwheat tea every day is a good idea for postmenopausal women dealing with high blood pressure, high cholesterol or other signs of cardiovascular disease.

Other Ways to Lower Blood Pressure:

1.) Reduce Weight  to Lower Blood Pressure

Blood pressure is usually increased as one’s weight increases. Being overweight causes disrupted breathing while it keeps one asleep, which in the long run increases one’s blood pressure. Thus, this is one of the best foods to lower blood pressure.

  • Weight loss is the most effective lifestyle changes to control blood pressure. If one loses 10 pounds the one can aid in reducing one’s blood pressure.
  • Carrying too much weight around one’s waistline can put one to be at the risk of high blood pressure.
  • Men are at risk if more their waistline measurement is more than 40 inches (102 centimeters).
  • Women are at risk if their waist measurement is more than 35 inches (89 centimeters).

2.) Exercise Regularly to Lower  Blood Pressure

Regularly physical activity for at least 30 minutes for most of the day of the week can lower one’s blood pressure by 4 to 9 millimeters of mercury. It’s important to be consistent because if one starts exercising one’s blood pressure can rise again.

  • If one is suffering from high blood pressure exercise a must for him. If one stops exercising one’s blood pressure will increase.
  • Exercise can avoid increasing full-blown hypertension. If one is suffering from hypertension, then regular exercise is a must or any physical activity can lower your blood pressure to safer levels.
  • The best type of exercise for lowering blood pressure include walking,jogging, cycling, swimming, or dancing.
  • Strength training can help in reducing blood pressure to a great extent.
  • Consult with a doctor about developing an exercise program.

Apart from the above remedies to lower blood pressure, its is necessary to not stress yourself. Stress is one of the main cause of high blood pressure. To combat stress, try to take all the necessary steps.