How to Get Rid of Belly Fat?

Overweight doesn’t mean you are unhealthy, there are many overweight people who have excellent health. Many people have the metabolic problem associated with obesity. Fat under the skin is actually is not a big problem at least from the point of view of health, it is more a cosmetic problem. It is the fat in your abdomen that leads overweight. If you have excess fat around your waistline and you are even not heavy, then you need to take some step to get rid of them. Belly fat actually measures the circumference around your waist. If waist is above 40 inches in men and 35 inches in women then they are suffering from abdominal obesity. There are many ways to get rid of belly fat, but the main remedy is to stick to your diet plan which is necessary.

Ways to Get Rid of Belly Fat:

1.) Avoid Sugar to Reduce Belly Fat

Sugar has harmful effects on metabolic health. It is half glucose and fructose. When you take a high amount of refined sugar, your liver gets overloaded with fructose and forced it to turn into fat. Studies have also found that excess of sugar, mostly due to the huge amount of fructose lead to increase fat in the belly. Sugar increases belly fat and liver fat. Avoiding sugar will help you to get rid of belly fat.

Liquid sugar is even worse than solid sugar because calories don’t get recorded by the brain in the same way as solid calories, so when you take liquid sugar like cold drinks and energy drinks, you end up eating more  calories. Make a decision to completely eliminate sugar drinks. These drinks include high-sugar sports drink, fruit juice, and sugar-sweetened beverages, but this is not applied to whole fruit because whole fruits are healthy and have plenty of fiber that reduces the bad effects of fructose. The total amount of fructose you get from fruits is negligible if you will compare it with refined sugar.

2.) Protein to Reduce Belly Fat

Protein is a micronutrients that is very beneficial to get rid of belly fat. Researchers have found that protein reduces craving by 60% and boost your metabolism by 90 to 100 calories per day. It will help you to eat up to 440 fewer calories per day. Adding protein to your diet is the most effective change in your diet you can do. It will not only help you to lose but also help you to avoid gain weight again. If you will ever decide to abandon your weight loss efforts. People who eat more protein has much less belly fat.

Try to increase protein intake in your diet. Egg white, chicken breast are the lean source of protein. You can also add fish, legumes, nuts and some whole grain. If you are not able to take enough protein from your diet so you can also take whey protein supplements

3.) Cut Carbs for Fat Loss

Restricting carbs is a very effective way to get rid of belly fat. When people cut carbs from their diet than their appetite goes down and they lose weight. Studies found that low carb diet leads to 2 to 3 times more weight loss than the low-fat diet. Low carb diet also leads a quick reduction in water weight, which gives people instant result, sometimes within a few weeks. It directly targets the fat stored in your belly, around the liver and other organs that help to lose fat and reduce diseases promoting abdominal fat.

Avoid refined carbs, it is easily digested by your body and lead to hunger and easily converts into fat. White bread, white rice, pasta, are the sources of refined carbs. If you need to lose weight  fast, consider dropping your carbs up to 50gm per day with a high protein diet. This will put your body into ketosis, kill your appetite and start burning your fat as a fuel. You cannot follow this diet for long because your body will start to crave for carbs.

4.) Fiber for Fat Loss

Dietary fiber is an indigestible portion of food derived from plants. Eating plenty of fiber can help lose weight. However, they are different types of fiber like soluble and viscous fiber. Dietary fiber binds the water and forms a thick gel. It sits into your guts and the gel slows down the movement of food through your stomach and bowel. It also slows down the digestion and absorption of nutrients. The final result gives the prolonged feeling of fullness and reduces the appetite.

A study found that 14 gm of fiber per day decreases 10% calorie intake and helps to lose weight upto 2 kg in 4 months. And eating 10 gm of soluble fiber leads reduction of 3.7% of fat in the abdominal cavity, but it has no effect on the amount of fat under the skin. It implies that soluble fiber is effective reducing harmful belly fat. Legumes, Vegetables, and fruits are the good sources of fiber. You can also take supplements like glucomannan.

5.) Cardio to Get rid of Belly Fat

Cardio is really going to help you if you want to get rid of belly fat. It increases the pump rate of heart for a limited set of time. Running, jogging and cycling directly hit your fat and your body uses fat as a fuel. If you can get up early in the morning, perform cardio before the first meal of the day so that your body needs to use fat as an energy source. This is because your glycogen stores are depleted. If you are concerned about your muscle loss, you can take whey protein supplement before cardio to prevent muscle loss.

Instead of slow and building up speed, go for the intense cardio and finish with the slow speed to burn significant fat. Perform 5 to 10 minutes of cardio before lifting weights. It will help you to get your muscle warm before a workout.

 6.) Sports to Reduce Weight

Sport is very effective and fastest way to get rid of belly fat because it is very competitive and you give your full efforts to win the match. It also requires the high amount of energy, the harder you will work more calories you will burn. If you are playing sports so you don’t need to do any cardio exercise because it is itself a cardio. You will get mentally and physically get strong.

Swimming is also one of the best exercises to shed weight. It comes on the top list when we talk about losing calories from sports because swimmer uses every muscle of his body from head to toe. An average swimmer shed more calories than the bodybuilder. 100 to 500 calories easily get burnt in half an hour session of swimming. It is also very beneficial because players need to run all the time in the ground. It also requires a huge amount of energy. You can burn up to 250 to 450 calories in half your session.

For that matter, soccer is also effective. This game is very beneficial because players need to run all the time in the ground. It also requires a huge amount of energy. You can burn up to 250 to 450 calories in half your session. Another game that helps to reduce belly fat is sprinting. It increases the amount of blood flow in your body and makes you breathe harder. It boosts your metabolism rate and directly hit fat in your body.

7.) Reduce Stress to Lose Fat

Stress increases cortisol in your body. This hormone is responsible for storing fat in your body, mainly in the mid part of the body. Stress cold also causes emotional eating rather than out of hunger. Try to eliminate stress from your body by watching comedy movies and serials, spend time with people who makes you happy. You can also reduce stress by managing your time so that you will not constantly meet your deadlines. You can also reduce your stress by doing yoga and meditation.

8.) Watermelon to Reduce Belly Fat

Watermelon is a perfect food to reduce belly fat because it contains 91 percent water. It fills you up without adding extra calories. It keeps you feel full longer and also helps to combat water retention. Watermelon is also rich in vitamins B1, B6, and C, also contain potassium and magnesium. It is a great low-fat and a low-calorie diet.

Studies have found that drinking two glasses of watermelon juice every day reduce body weight and fat, especially around your belly without disturbing muscle mass. It also reduces the risk of disease associated with coronary artery plaque and heart.

9.) Almonds to Burn Calories

Almonds are a rich source of polyunsaturated and monounsaturated fats. It is a considered as a good fat for your body. Both fats help to prevent you from overeating. The Study found that eating almonds suppresses hunger. Almonds also help to fight against heart disease.

Almonds are high in magnesium and key component for muscle-building. The high fiber content of almond keeps you full for a prolonged time. Almonds contain low calories, it is negligible to contribute belly fat. Almonds can help to get rid of belly fat.

10.) Track your Food to Burn Calories

People who want to lose weight, tracking things for a while is essential for them. It doesn’t mean you have to track it for the rest of your life. But doing this for a few days will really help you to realize where you need to make changes. If you want to increase your protein intake up to 25 to 30% of calories, just eating more protein rich food will not help you. You need to track down the protein according to your goal and adjust it.